Lapas attēli


The effort has been made to place in the form of annotations, of sufficient clearness to serve as a digest, a full, complete and at the same time concise statement of the points ruled upon in formal adjudications affecting the Public Service Commission law of this State. The mere cumulation of lists of cases 'stating fundamental and axiomatic principles are shown only where the application of such principles to the facts have been made. The general rule, its limitations, exceptions, qualifications and extensions, wherever possible, are set forth that their applications to the various facts may appear.

With regard to ready reference, the law, taking up as it does the different classes of public service utilities under separate articles, does not lend itself to the statement of all like principles under any one given section, and for this reason sections treating of closely related matters and similar sections, applying to the different classes of public service utilities, under the different articles have been noted. Therefore, for any exhaustive search of a point, the sections thus noted, especially sections designated as similar, should be consulted on account of the close relation and the application in general of like principles to the various classes of public service utilities.

For brevity, the volume, the report, and the page only, are cited in connection with the note. At the close of the work is to be found a table of cases, arranged according to reports, volumes and pages, from which the case title of any decision shown may be readily obtained.


MAR 6 1918 Commission


(Laws 1913, pp. 556-651, as amended by Laws, 1917, pp. 432-441).

ΑΝΝΟΤΑΤED: Missouri Public Service Commission Reports (Mo. P. S. C.), Vols. 1-4; Public Utility Reports-Annotated (P. U. R. 1915-), Vols. P. U. R. 1915 AP. U. R. 1917 D; Missouri Supreme Court Reports (Mo.), Vols. 253-270; Southwestern Reporter (S. W.), Vols. 161-196; Federal Reports (Fed.), Vols. 210-242; Conference Rulings (C. R.), Nos. 1-16; General Orders (G. O.), Nos. 1-22.


I-Public service commission; general provisions (§§ 1-25).
II-Provisions relating to railroads, street railroads and common car-

riers (§§ 26-42).

III-Provisions relating to the powers of the commission in respect to
common carriers, railroads and street railroads (§§ 43-66).
IV-Provisions relating to gas corporations, electrical corporations and
water corporations; regulation of price of gas, electricity and
water (§§ 67-85).

V-Provisions relating to telegraph and telephone lines and to tele-
phone and telegraph corporations (§§ 86-105); heating com-
panies (§ 105a).

VI-Procedure before commission and courts (§§ 106-115).
VII-Additional powers of the commission; saving clause, and statutes

[blocks in formation]

4. Commissioners, appointment; qualifications; terms of office.


Commissioners, removal of.

6. Counsel to the commission.

7. Counsel to commission; duties.

8. Secretary to the commission; duties.

9. Additional officers and employees.

10. Oath of office; eligibility of commissioner and officers.

11. Office of commission; meetings; official seal; stationery, et cetera.

12. Organization of commission; quorum; powers of a commissioner.

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19. Decisions to be published.

20. Certified copies of papers filed to be evidence.

21. Fees to be charged and collected by the commission.


Attendance of witnesses and their fees.

23. Witnesses refusing to attend or refusing to produce books or

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