That Bowzybeus who with finger's speed Cic❜ly, brisk maid, steps forth before the rout, The sneering swains with stammering speech bespoke; Of Nature's laws his carols first begun, Where swallows in the winter's season keep, And how the drowsy bat and dormouse sleep: How Nature does the puppy's eyelid close, Till the bright sun has nine times set and rose: For huntsmen by their long experience find, That puppies still nine rolling suns are blind. Now he goes on, and sings of fairs and shows, For still new fairs before his eyes arose: How pedlars' stalls with glittering toys are laid, The various fairings of the country-maid: Long silken laces hang upon the twine, And rows of pins and amber bracelets shine: How the tight lass knives, combs, and scissors spies, And looks on thimbles with desiring eyes. Of lotteries next with tuneful note he told, Where silver spoons are won, and rings of gold: The lads and lasses trudge the street along, And all the fair is crowded in his song: The mountebank now treads the stage, and sells His pills, his balsams, and his ague-spells; Now o'er and o'er the nimble tumbler springs, And on the rope the venturous maiden swings; Jack Pudding in his party-colour'd jacket Tosses the glove, and jokes at every packet: Of rareeshows he sung, and Punch's feats, Of pockets pick'd in crowds, and various cheats. Then sad he sung The Children in the Wood; Ah! barbarous uncle, stain'd with infant blood! How blackberries they pluck'd in deserts wild, And fearless at the glittering fauchion smil'd: Their little corpse the robin-red-breasts found, And strow'd with pious bill the leaves around. Ah! gentle birds! if this verse lasts so long, Your names shall live for ever in my song. For buxom Joan he sung the doubtful strife, How the sly sailor made the maid a wife. To louder strains he rais'd his voice, to tell What woful wars in Chevy-chace befell, Vol. I. R When Percy drove the deer with hound and horn; Ah! Witherington! more years thy life had crown'd, Then he was seiz'd with a religious qualm, Why should I tell of Bateman or of Shore, And how the grass now grows where Troy town stood? His carols ceas'd; the listening maids and swains Seem still to hear some soft imperfect strains. Sudden he rose; and as he reels along, Swears kisses sweet should well reward his song. The damsels laughing fly; the giddy clown Again upon a wheat-sheaf drops adown; The Pow'r that guards the drunk his sleep attends, Till ruddy like his face the sun descends. BALLAD. Sweet William's Farewell to Black-ey'd Susan, Oh! where shall I my true love find! Soon as her well-known voice he heard, The cord slides swiftly through his glowing hands, Shuts close his pinions to his breast, My vows shall ever true remain; We only part to meet again. Change as ye list, ye winds! my heart shall be Believe not what the landmen say, Who tempt with doubts thy constant mind; They'll tell thee sailors, when away, In every port a mistress find: Yes, yes, believe them when they tell thee so, If to far India's coast we sail, Thy eyes are seen in diamonds bright, Thy breath is Afric's spicy gale, Thy skin is ivory, so white: Thus every beauteous object that I view, Though battle call me from thy arms, Let not my pretty Susan mourn; Love turns aside the balls that round me fly, They kiss'd; she sigh'd; he hung his head: BALLAD. WAS when the seas were roaring A damsel lay deploring, All on a rock reclin'd: Wide o'er the foaming billows She cast a wishful look, Her head was crown'd with willows, Twelve months are gone and over, Ah! what's thy troubled motion The merchant, robb'd of treasure, But what's the loss of treasure Should you some coast be laid on You'll find a richer maiden, But none that loves you so. |