To your much injured peace and name, She that to age her charms resigns, ROBERT HEATH. STANZAS On Clarastella saying she would commit herself to a Nunnery. STAY, Clarastella, prithee stay! Recal those frantic vows again! Thy harmless body, 'cause thy powerful eyes If but the cause you could remove Did make you lovely to be lov'd again, And, when such beauty tempts, can love refrain? When Heaven was prodigal to you, Why should the gold then fear to see that sun Thyself a holy temple art, Where love shall teach us both to pray; And incense on thy lips I'll lay. Thy mouth shall be my oracle, and then For beads we'll tell our kisses o'er again, Till they, breath'd from our souls, shall cry, amen. SONG. ANACREONTIC. INVEST my head with fragrant rose, "Tis wine and love, and love in wine, "Tis wine and love, and love in wine, Inspires our youth with flames divine. Life's short and winged pleasures fly; Who mourning live, do living die. On down and floods then, swan-like, I Will stretch my limbs, and singing die. 'Tis wine and love, and love in wine, Inspires our youth with flames divine. Goo ROBERT HERRICK. THE MAD MAID's SONG. OOD-morrow to the day so fair; Good-morrow to mine own torn hair, Bedabbled with the dew. Good-morrow to this primrose too; That will with flow'rs the tomb bestrew I'll seek him there! I know, ere this, The cold, cold earth doth shake him ; But I will go, or send a kiss By you, Sir, to awake him. Pray, hurt him not; though he be dead. He's soft and tender-pray, take heed- AS Julia once a slumbering lay It chanc'd a Bee did fly that way, After a dew, or dew-like shower, For some rich flower, he took the lip Of Julia, and began to sip; But when he felt he suck'd from thence Honey, and in the quintessence, He drank so much he scarce could stir, So Julia took the Pilferer. And thus surpris'd, as filchers use, And told her, as some tears did fall, |