Federal Reclamation Laws Annotated: A Chronological Compilation of the Public Statutes of the United States Relating to the Federal Irrigation of Arid Lands : with Notes of Decisions of the Courts, the Comptroller, the Comptroller General, the Attorney General, the Department of the Interior and the Bureau of Reclamation

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U.S. Government Printing Office, 1937 - 700 lappuses

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Size of farm units on desert and entries
Compensation to Marijune Cron
Special provisions of second deficiency act fiscal year 1930
Suspension for two years of annual payments from reclamation fund
Sale of surplus power developed under Grand Valley project
Five million dollar advance to reclamation fund
Moratorium on construction charges for 1931 and 1932
Special provisions of the Interior Department Appropriation Act for 1933
Reclassification of lands within Klamath irrigation districtamendment
Special provisions of the Second Deficiency Act fiscal year 1932
Conveyance to Fallon Nev of lands for use as dumping ground____
Special provisions of Interior Department Appropriation Act of 1934
Special provisions of Interior Appropriation Act for 1935
Relief of Wallace Ordway___
Yellowstone National Park waters and landMontana and Wyoming
Special provisions of Legislative Branch Appropriation Act for 1936
Performance and payment bonds on United States contracts
Rehabilitation of the Bitter Root irrigation district_
Rate of wages for laborers and mechanics on public buildings
Sick leave regulations for Government employees
Special provisions of Agricultural Department Appropriation Act fiscal
Special provisions of the First Deficiency Appropriation Act fiscal year
Survey of surplus waters of San Juan River___
Applicability of State workmens compensation laws
Dates of due and delinquent taxes in the Western States
Assignment of desertland entries_
Patents and waterright certificates for desertland entrymen on reclama
Settlement of water rights of Yakima Indians

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652. lappuse - Columbia, within the jurisdiction of which the inquiry is carried on or within the jurisdiction of which said person guilty of contumacy or refusal to obey is found or resides or transacts business...
108. lappuse - as used in this act shall be understood to mean that certain act of the Congress of the United States approved June 17, 1902, entitled ' An act appropriating the receipts from the sale and disposal of public lands in •certain States and Territories to the construction of irrigation works for the reclamation of arid lands,' and the acts amendatory thereof and supplemental thereto.
529. lappuse - It is hereby declared to be the policy of Congress to remove obstructions to the free flow of interstate and foreign commerce which tend to diminish the amount thereof: and to provide for the general welfare by promoting the organization of industry for the purpose of cooperative action among trade groups, to induce and maintain united action of labor and management under adequate governmental sanctions and supervision...
555. lappuse - The claim that any such testimony or evidence may tend to criminate the person giving such evidence shall not excuse such witness from testifying ; but such evidence or testimony shall not be used against such person on the trial of any criminal proceeding.
60. lappuse - ... the laws of any State or Territory relating to the control, appropriation, use, or distribution of water used in irrigation, or any vested right acquired thereunder, and the Secretary of the Interior, in carrying out the provisions of this act, shall proceed in conformity with such laws, and nothing herein shall in any way affect any right of any State or of the Federal Government or of any landowner, appropriator, or user of water in, to, or from any interstate stream or the waters thereof...
46. lappuse - No right to the use of water for land in private ownership shall be sold for a tract exceeding one hundred and sixty acres to any one landowner, and no such sale shall be made to any landowner unless he be an actual bona fide resident on such land, or occupant thereof residing in the neighborhood of said land, and no such right shall permanently attach until all payments therefor are made.
52. lappuse - ... then the management and operation of such irrigation works shall pass to the owners of the lands irrigated thereby, to be maintained at their expense under such form of organization and under such rules and regulations as may be acceptable to the Secretary of the Interior...
116. lappuse - ... necessary, and to prepare and issue therefor coupon or registered bonds of the United States in such form as he may prescribe, and in denominations of...
402. lappuse - Basin" means those parts of the States of Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, Utah and Wyoming within and from which waters naturally drain into the Colorado River System above Lee Ferry, and also all parts of said States located without the drainage area of the Colorado River System which are now or shall hereafter be beneficially served by waters diverted from the System above Lee Ferry. (g) The term "Lower Basin...
3. lappuse - ... and the right of way for the construction of ditches and canals for the purposes herein specified is acknowledged and confirmed ; but whenever any person, in the construction of any ditch or canal, injures or damages the possession of any settler on the public domain, the party committing such injury or damage shall be liable to the party injured for such injury or damage.

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