NOTE. The number of titles indicates the number of separate or individual works. The number of volumes or records indicates the totals of the editions distributed. The sizes of the editions of particular works varied from 35 to 100 copies in accordance with the anticipated demand for each. PRESSES AND RECORDING STUDIOS FROM WHICH BOOKS FOR THE BLIND ARE PURCHASED The following institutions for the blind furnish the Library of Congress with braille and moon books and talking book records: Braille books: American Printing House for the Blind, 1839 Frankfort Avenue, Louisville, Ky. Braille Institute of America, Inc., 741 North Vermont Avenue, Los Angeles, Clovernook Printing House for the Blind, Mount Healthy, Ohio. National Institute for the Blind, 224 Great Portland Street, London, England. Moon books: Braille Institute of America, Inc., 741 North Vermont Avenue, Los Angeles, Calif. Moon Society, 224 Great Portland Street, London, England. Talking books: American Foundation for the Blind, Inc., 15 West Sixteenth Street, New York City.1 American Printing House for the Blind, 1839 Frankfort Avenue, Louisville, Ky. National Institute for the Blind, 224 Great Portland Street, London, England. Books for the adult blind distributed to the regional libraries, 1931-44 1,060 253 352 343 349 344 197 3,412 Volumes, is sues, and containers 97, 895 205, 706 52,059 65, 691 75, 611 76, 946 70, 360 32, 470 676,738 1 Does not include single copies distributed. 2 Does not include talking-book replacements. 3 Decrease in number of records due to decrease in number of copies distributed. REGIONAL LIBRARIES, SHOWING AREA SERVED California, Sacramento: Georgia, Atlanta: California State Library: (a) California. (b) Nevada. California, Los Angeles: Braille Institute Library: (a) California. (b) Arizona. Colorado, Denver: Denver Public Library: (a) Colorado. (b) New Mexico. (c) Nebraska. District of Columbia, Washington: The Library of Congress: (a) District of Columbia. (b) Virginia. (c) Maryland. (d) South Carolina. National Library for the Blind, Inc.: (a) District of Columbia. (b) Virginia. (c) Maryland. (d) North Carolina. Carnegie Library of, Atlanta: Kriegshaber Library for the Blind: (a) Georgia. (b) Alabama. (c) Florida. Hawaii, Honolulu : Library of Hawaii: All of Hawaiian Islands. Illinois, Chicago: Chicago Public Library: (a) Northern half of Illinois from a line north of Springfield. (b) Wisconsin. Illinois, Jacksonville: Illinois Free Circulating Library for the Blind. Illinois School for the Blind: (a) Southern half of Illinois from a line including Springfield. (b) Iowa. Indiana, Indianapolis: Indiana State Library. 1 The American Foundation for the Blind has also been awarded the contract for keep ing the talking-book machines in repair during the current fiscal year. Louisiana, New Orleans: Public Library of New Orleans. Library for the Blind: (b) Mississippi. Massachusetts, Watertown: Perkins Institution Library: (a) Massachusetts. (b) New Hampshire. (c) Maine. (d) Rhode Island. Michigan, Detroit: Wayne County Library. Michigan, Saginaw : State Library for the Blind: All of Michigan outside of Wayne Minnesota, Faribault: Minnesota Braille and Sight Sav- (a) Minnesota. Missouri, St. Louis: St. Louis Public Library. Wolfner Memorial Library for the The New York Public Library. Library for the Blind: (b) Wyoming. (a) Greater New York City Washington, Seattle: and Long Island. (b) Connecticut. (c) Puerto Rico. (d) Virgin Islands. Seattle Public Library: (a) Washington State. (b) Montana. (c) Alaska. Regional libraries-Statistics I. READERS BY TYPE OF BOOK, CALENDAR YEAR 1943 1. Albany: New York State Library. 2. Atlanta: Kriegshaber Library for the Blind. 3. Austin: Texas State Library. 4. Chicago: Chicago Public Library 5. Cincinnati: Cincinnati Public Library. 6. Cleveland: Cleveland Public Library. 7. Denver: Denver Public Library. 8. Detroit: Wayne County Library. 9. Faribault: Minnesota Braille and Sight Saving School. 10. Honolulu: Library of Hawaii. 11. Indianapolis: Indiana State Library. 12. Jacksonville: Illinois Free Circulating Library for the Blind. 13. Los Angeles: Braille Institute of America Library. 14. New Orleans: New Orleans Public Library. 16. Oklahoma City: Oklahoma Library Commission. 15. New York: New York Public Library. 17. Philadelphia: Free Library of Philadelphia 18. Pittsburgh: Carnegie Library of Pittsburgh. 19. Portland: Library Association of Portland. 20. Sacramento: California State Library. 21. Saginaw: State Library for the Blind.. 22. St. Louis: St. Louis Public Library. 23. Salt Lake City: Salt Lake City Public Library. 24. Seattle: Seattle Public Library. 25. Washington: Library of Congress. 26. Washington: National Library for the Blind, Inc.. 27. Watertown: Perkins Institution Library.. Total 1 Estimate, II. BOOKS IN STOCK, COUNTED BY VOLUMES (EMBOSSED BOOKS), AND CONTAINERS (TALKING BOOKS), CALENDAR YEAR 1942 Braille Moon Talking books 7,232 10, 632 531 695 67 2. 19, 157 3, 145 13.449 3, 003 6 3,009 1,850 24, 016 3. 27 16. 621 3,607 544 1 726 545 7,787 17, 166 4. 883 9,396 4, 064 13, 353 1, 958 127 10, 573 434 2,085 1,374 5. 3, 125 11, 481 28, 859 1,539 9,402 3, 341 99 13, 928 3,440 21 177 1, 453 1,440 32, 320 25, 400 5,652 2, 645 27,623 21, 230 13, 020 37,972 24 2,669 29, 069 105 21, 378 2, 545 3, 519 31, 614 10 3, 529 1,279 200 32, 386 77 13, 142 9. 9, 922 1,806 8, 259 200 14,948 6, 116 200 10. 2,000 10, 122 500 16, 875 1,989 12, 111 700 782 1,368 700 17, 575 11. 2,958 2, 150 1,920 19, 495 150 5, 200 10 150 50 19 2, 350 852 12. 2, 563 10, 750 3, 202 312 7,002 257 7, 285 569 344 209 11, 663 37 2, 499 13. 747 14, 162 15, 280 284 1,262 90 374 15, 654 5 352 1, 504 17, 158 11, 434 1, 152 24 1,176 12, 610 1, 491 13 14, 101 6, 864 1,616 2 982 1,618 29 10, 760 8, 511 1,357 267 35, 482 9,868 5, 368 40 5,408 28 40, 890 350 6, 805 47, 695 6, 864 12 12 173 564 6,876 1,879 18. 6, 471 86 888 7,908 25, 711 8,755 7,033 2,216 9, 249 2,026 36, 986 201 19. 1,486 8, 912 1, 235 16, 945 45,898 3, 852 2, 433 157 2,590 18 19, 535 488 3, 347 22, 882 20. 5, 593 14, 039 380 10, 954 380 5,973 1884 2,092 1, 265 7,238 7,806 34, 891 11, 335 2,571 13, 906 10, 211 59, 008 336 3, 265 500 62, 273 10, 586 1,065 50 1,115 11, 701 401 1,259 7, 152 37, 905 12, 960 2, 637 316 2,953 40,858 5, 501 46, 359 49 6,240 1 200 1, 303 7,543 21, 864 9, 307 14, 881 1, 519 26 1,075 1, 545 2 1, 492 10,854 26. 1,003 2, 430 13, 284 40, 315 7,579 3, 517 12 12, 927 3,529 508 1, 575 43, 844 3,970 5, 527 47, 814 28, 116 17, 686 11, 629 1, 769 261 2,030 288 30, 146 2, 688 8, 874 38, 477 32, 834 6,977 48 7,025 1,081 46,583 4, 244 50, 827 Library Grades 1 and 12 Grade 2 Foreign languages Music Magazines Total Books Magazines Total Other Total Talking types embossed book conbooks tainers 8, 639 Total volumes 12, 634 2,276 9,485 9,815 14. 1, 377 5, 474 15. 9,470 14, 003 16. 2, 231 4, 255 17. 5,999 11, 067 8, 701 Total. 173, 457 250, 525 4, 615 23,050 51, 608 503, 255 64, 795 6,339 71, 134 15, 693 590, 082 85, 170 675, 252 1 Estimate. |