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plate to the King, partly for its security, and partly to supply the royal necessities: and the Parliament issued a command, entitled an Ordinance for regulating the University of Cambridge, &c. with full powers to eject such Masters and Fellows of colleges as opposed the proceedings of Parliament. Accordingly, numerous persons, both Masters, Fellows, and Students of colleges, viz. such as refused to take the covenant, as it was called, were ejected. After which, I might here speak, of a military quartered in the colleges; of libraries and treasures ransacked; of chapels dishonoured; of service books torn to pieces in the University church; of pictures and prints burnt in the marketplace; of coins removed; of bridges, groves, and woods, cut down a.

To fill the places of the ejected Masters and Fellows, such persons were appointed as in general approved the measures of Parliament, and a Committee for the reformation of the University was appointed in 1650: from that time, Oliver Cromwell had for several years a strong party in the University, hearty approvers of his measures, both at home and abroad; but these matters were transient; and as his mandates were, by a grace passed by the University a, blotted out of the register books, I shall not enter on these subjects here.

a Querela Cantabrigiensis, p. 13.

b See the OLIVA pacis, ad illustrissimum celcissimumq. Oliverum, Reipublicæ Ang. Scot. & Hib. Dominum Protectorem, de Pace, cum fœderatis Belgis, feliciter sancita: Carmen Cantabrigiense. Cambridge, 1654. The principal writers were, Dr. Seaman, Master of Peter House, Vice-chancellor; Dr. Arrowsmith, Master of Trin. Col. and Reg. Professor of Divinity; Dr. Tuckney, Master of St. John's; Dr. Whichcot; Dr. Cudworth, Master of Clare Hall; Dr. Dillingham, Master of Emmanuel; Dr. Duport, Greek Professor, of King's; Dr. Worthington, of Jesus, Editor of Mr. Joseph Mede's Works; Francis Fané, Armiger, Emman. &c.

It is certain, that many of Oliver's party wished to make him King; and there is in print a remarkable dialogue between him and one who espoused his cause on the subject; of which I am reminded here, by some Greek lines, signed I. V. T. C. Socius, in the Oliva Pacis. They begin

and end

Χαιρ ̓ Αγίλων Βασιλευ, (τοσα δεδρακες, ηδε μενόινας,
Ου θεμιτον τατλειν τουνομα μικρότερον.)

Ουτως πασ σοι λωος επευφημησει αυσας,
Ουκ αγαθον πολυκοιρανιή· εις κοιρανος εσω.

* Apr. 27, 1661. De Mandatis Oliveri ex Registro delendis.


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