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In presenting "A History of the State of Oklahoma" the publishers feel that little explanation is necessary. The work describes the "evolution of a state," and has been prepared according to the original design that it should be a standard, comprehensive and authentic reference work. As a casual examination will show, the history is based upon the original sources, and authorities are quoted to prove practically every assertion


It should be stated that this is a pioneer work in this field; that no previous attempt has been successfully made to compile, on such an extensive scale, the historical information that pertains to Oklahoma and the Indian Territory. The material for such an undertaking does not exist within the State of Oklahoma, the records being available in the larger collections of older libraries and in the government archives. For the events of later years, much valuable information has been obtained from individuals in Oklahoma and elsewhere.

In the preparation of the history the author is particularly indebted to Hon. Sidney Clarke, of Oklahoma City, who, besides furnishing a large amount of data in the nature of documents and manuscript, has also read the greater portion of the general history and has given the benefit of his wide personal knowledge in revising and correcting the historical material.

Among other local sources to which acknowledgment should be made, the Oklahoma Historical Society should next be mentioned. Mr. W. P. Campbell, the custodian of the society's collection, offered the use of the material in his care, and was helpful in many ways.

Mr. J. B. Thoburn, who was engaged in the preparation of his school history of Oklahoma while this work was in progress, manifested a kindly interest in this undertaking. The four maps which are published in the first volume of the "History of the State of Oklahoma" were reproduced from the maps in Holcomb and Thoburn's School History.

Of other contributors, acknowledgment is made in the proper place to Mr. J. L. Brown and Mr. W. F. Harn, each of whom prepared an article on a phase of Oklahoma history on which they were well qualified to write. The author and publishers are indebted to many others in Oklahoma for interest and assistance in preparing the history.

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