Legislative Branch Appropriations for Fiscal Year 1985: Hearings Before a Subcommittee of the Committee on Appropriations, United States Senate, Ninety-eighth Congress, Second Session, on H.R. 5753 ....United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Appropriations. Subcommittee on the Legislative Branch U.S. Government Printing Office, 1984 - 292 lappuses |
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activities additional Administration affirmative action agencies analysis Appropriations Committee Architect assessments Assistant automated BARRETT bill BOORSTIN BOWSHER Budget Committees budget request CBO's Chairman HATFIELD changes Commission completed Computer Center Congressional Budget Office contract copy cost estimates Depository Library diethyl zinc Director Disbursing Office Division Documents employees equipment evaluation facility Federal Federal Depository Libraries Financial Clerk fiscal year 1985 funds goals going Government Printing Office HILDENBRAND House improve increase legislative Librarian Library of Congress Members million operation OTA's PENNER percent personal computers personnel positions prepared Public Question recommendations record reduce response schedule Secretary seminars Senate Office Buildings Senator BUMPERS Senator D'AMATO Sergeant at Arms staff statement subcommittee supplemental Technology tion U.S. SENATE WHITE
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96. lappuse - That any sale or lease of property, supplies, or services to the Congressional Budget Office shall be deemed to be a sale or lease of such property, supplies, or services to the Congress...
225. lappuse - I intend to proceed, with your approval, in the same manner as has been the practice for the past several years, that is, to present a brief summary of the various requests, following which I will be pleased to respond in detail to questions regarding any of the specific items that you wish to pursue. The justifications have been prepared, Mr. Chairman, to include all items pertaining...
102. lappuse - ... sell or lease to the Congress the same type of such property, supplies, or services at a unit price or under terms and conditions (or both) which are different from those specified in such contract; and any such sale or lease of any unit or units of such property, supplies, or services to the Congress shall not be taken into account for the purpose of determining the price at which, or the terms and conditions under which, such person is obligated under such contract to sell or lease any unit...
116. lappuse - Reports to Congress on the agencies or regulatory functions scheduled for review should be prepared by the Office of Management and Budget, the General Accounting Office, the Congressional Budget Office, and the affected agencies themselves. The legislation should establish criteria for the comprehensiveness and usefulness of these reports.
26. lappuse - If I may be of any further assistance in this matter, please let me know. Sincerely, PATRICK HEALY, Executive Director.
225. lappuse - Maintenance, which totals $3,910,100 or 21 percent of the increase; As indicated in the past, I define this category as long-term maintenance items that arise only once in 10 or 20 years, such as roof repairs, sidewalk replacement and so forth.
82. lappuse - CBO is always pleased to furnish technical assistance to other bodies interested in following the US Congress as a model. State and Local Government Cost Estimates The State and Local Government Cost Estimate Act, enacted in late 1981, temporarily expanded CBO's responsibilities for bill costing by requiring estimates of the cost that would be incurred by state and local governments as a result of proposed federal legislation.
100. lappuse - February 24, 1983 The Honorable Alfonse D'Amato Chairman, Subcommittee on the Legislative Branch Committee on Appropriations United States Senate Dear Mr. Chairman: This letter responds to the Appropriations Committee direction that the four congressional support agencies submit by March , 1983, a consolidated plan to ensure that duplication of work is .--voided.
91. lappuse - Identify opportunities for increased efficiency and reduced costs achievable by executive action or legislation.
102. lappuse - ... obligated under such contract to sell or lease any unit of such property, supplies, or services to any entity of the Federal Government other than the Congress. For purposes of the preceding sentence, any sale or lease of property, supplies, or services to the Senate (or any office or instrumentality thereof) or to the House of Representatives (or any office or instrumentality thereof) shall be deemed to be a sale or lease of such property, supplies, or services to the Congress.