Legislative Branch Appropriations for 2006: Hearings Before the Committee on Appropriations, House of Representatives, One Hundred Ninth Congress, First SessionU.S. Government Printing Office, 2005 |
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additional Administration agencies annual appropriate Architect areas audit AVUE Capitol Police Capitol Power Plant Capitol Visitor Center Chairman LEWIS changes Committee completed Congressional Construction Management Content Management System contract contractor Copyright Copyright Royalty Judges costs debt held deficits EAGEN earnings economic employees ensure estimate evaluation facilities Federal Debt federal government fiscal year 2004 FTEs GAO's goals Government Accountability Government Accountability Office HANTMAN House Office Building human resources implementation improve income increase individual accounts internal investment issues LAHOOD legislative branch Library of Congress Library's Marlow Heights Medicare million modules MORAN National Open World operations percent performance Project Management Question reduce reform Response result retirement revenues schedule Senate Social Security space spending staff Strategic Plan Treasury securities trust funds Washington workers workforce