Lapas attēli

of Sec. of frate on

state to be made and certified, and to be deli. vered to the electors on or before the faid first Wednesday in December, and the faid electors shall annex one of the faid lifts to each of the lifts of their votes.

Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That if a lift of votes, from any state shall not have been fit received at the feat of government on the faid

of of votes.

Congrefs to be in session

first Wednesday in January, that then the Secretary of State shall send a special messenger to the district judge, in whose custody such lift shall have been lodged, who shall forthwith tranfmit the fame to the feat of government.

Sec. 5. And be it further enacted, That Conondwed. gress shall be in fession on the second Wednesnesday in day in February, one thousand seven hundred Feb. 1793- and ninety-three, and on the second Wednes

Duty of perfons lent with lifts of


allowance to them.

day in February succeeding every meeting of the electors; and the said certificates, or fo many of them as shall have been received, shall then be opened, the votes counted, and the persons who shall fill the offices of President and Vice-Prefident afcertained and declared, agreeably to the Constitution.

Sec. 6. And be it further enacted, That in cafe there shall be no Prefident of the Senate at the feat of government on the arrival of the perfons entrusted with the lifts of the votes of the electors, then fuch persons shall deliver the lifts of votes in their custody into the office of the Secretary of State, to be fafely kept and delivered over as foon as may be, to the Prefident of the Senate.

Sec. 7. And be it further enacted, That the persons appointed by the electors to deliver the lifts of votes to the President of the Senate, shall be allowed on the delivery of the faid lifts

twenty-five cents for every mile of the estimated distance by the most usual road, from the place of meeting of the electors, to the feat of government of the United States.

glect of du-.

Sec. 8. And be it further enacted, That if Penalty on any perfon appointed to deliver the votes of their nethe electors to the President of the Senate, ty. shall after accepting of his appointment, neglect to perform the services required of him by this act, he shall forfeit the fum of one thousand dollars.

in cafe of

dent and v.



Sec. 9. And be it further enacted, That in Provision cafe of removal, death, refignation or inability deaths &c. both of the President and Vice-President of the of prefi United States, the President of the Senate pro tempore, and in cafe there shall be no Prefident of the Senate, then the Speaker of the House of Representatives, for the time being, shall act as Prefident of the United States until the difability be removed or a Prefident shall be elected.

fuch event.

Sec. 10. And be it further enacted, That duty of S. whenever the offices of Prefident and Vice- of flate on President shall both become vacant, the Secretary of State shall forthwith cause a notification thereof to be made to the executive of every state, and shall also cause the fame to be published in at least one of the newspapers printed in each ftate, specifying that electors of the Prefident of the United States shall be appointed or chofen in the several states within thirty-four days preceding the first Wednesday in December then next enfuing: Provided, There shall be the space of two months between the date of fuch notification and the faid first Wednesday in December; but if there shall not be the space of two months between the date of fuch notification and the first WednefVOL. II..





of refufal,

&c. of of

ice of pre

dent, &c.

Whee the
term of 4


day in December, and if the term for which the Prefident and Vice-Prefident last in office. were elected shall not expire on the third day of March next ensuing, then the Secretary of State fhall specify in the notification that the electors shall be appointed or chofen within thirty-four days preceding the first Wednesday in December in the year next enfuing, within which time the electors shall accordingly be appointed or chofen, and the electors shall meet and give their votes on the faid first Wednesday in December, and the proceedings and duties of the faid electors and others shall be pursuant to the directions prescribed in this


Sec. 11. And be it further enacted, That the only evidence of a refusal to accept, or of a refignation of the office of President or VicePrefident, shall be an instrument in writing declaring the fame, and fubfcribed by the perfon refusing to accept or resigning, as the cafe may be, and delivered into the office of the Secretary of State.

Sec. 12. And be it further enacted, That the years shall term of four years for which a Prefident and Vice-Prefident shall be elected, shall in all cafes commence on the fourth day of March next fucceeding the day on which the votes of the electors shall have been given.

of the House of Representatives.

JOHN ADAMS, Vice-President of the United
States, and Prefident of the Senate.

APPROVED, March the 1st, 1792:

President of the United States...


An Act for making farther and more effectual Provision for the Protection of the Frontiers of the United States.



An Act declaring the Confent of Congress to a cer-
tain Act of the State of Maryland, and to con-
tinue for a longer Time, an Act declaring the
Affent of Congress to certain Acts of the States

of Maryland, Georgia, and Rhode-Island and
Providence Plantations, so far as the fame
respects the States of Georgia, and Rhode-
land and Providence Plantations.



An Act to provide for the Settlement of the Claims of Widows and Orphans barred by the Limitations heretofore established and to regulate the Claims to invalid Pensions.

[blocks in formation]

E it enacted by the Senate and
House of Representatives of


United States of America in Congress affembled, Sufpenfion That the operation of the resolutions of the for 2 years late Congress of the United States, passed on refolutions the second day of November, one thousand of congrefs seven hundred and eighty five, and the twen- claims.

of certain



how to be

placed on


ty third day of July, one thousand seven hundred and eighty seven, so far as they have barred, or may be construed to bar the claims of the widow or orphans of any officer of the late army, to the seven years half pay of fuch officer, shall, from and after the passing this act, be fufpended for and during the term of two years.

Sec. 2. And be it further enacted, That any officers &c. commiffioned officer, not having received the commutation of half-pay, and any non-comthe penfion miffioned officer, foldier or feaman, disabled in the actual fervice of the United States, during the late war, by wounds or other known caufe, who did not defert from the faid fervice, shall be entitled to be placed on the penfion list of the United States, during life or the continuance of fuch disability, and shall alfo be allowed fuch farther fum for the arrears of penfion, from the time of fuch difability, not exceeding the rate of the annual allowance, in confequence of his disability, as the circuit court of the district, in which they respectively refide, may think juft. Provided, That in every fuch cafe, the rules and regulations following shall be complied with; that is to say: First; Every applicant shall attend the court in perfon, except where it shall be certified by two magiftrates that he is unable to do fo, and shall produce to the circuit court, the following proofs, to wit: A certificate from the commanding officer of the ship, regiment, corps or company, in which he served, fetting forth his difability, and that he was thus disabled while in the fervice of the United States; or the affidavits of two credible witnesses to the fame effect: The affidavits of three reputable freeholders of the city, town, or county, in which he resides, afcertaining of their own know.

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