The Works of Ben Jonson: With Notes Critical and Explanatory, and a Biographical Memoir, 5. sējumsBickers and Son, 1875 |
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allusion Ambler Bartholomew Fair Beaumont and Fletcher beggar Ben Jonson brave Broker call'd Canter cloke court devil doth Dyce Eith Eitherside Enter Exeunt Exit Fitz FITZDOTTREL gentleman Gifford Gilthead give gleek gossip grace hath hear honour Host keep kiss Lady F lady Frampul lady's ladyship Lick Lickfinger Light Heart Lollard Lord Love's Pilgrimage Lovel madam master means Meer MEERCRAFT Mirth mistress mistress Band never noble Nurse on't Peck Pecunia Pennyboy Pick Picklock piece Pierce play Plutarchus poet pray princess Prue rogue SCENE servant Shakspeare shew Shun speak Staple sweet tell thee there's thing true Trun Trundle trust twill Tyburn unto valour WHAL Whalley what's wife wild company Wittipol word
Populāri fragmenti
152. lappuse - Nature, was a most gentle expresser of it : his mind and hand went together ; and what he thought, he uttered with that easiness, that we have scarce received from him a blot in his papers.
64. lappuse - And from her arched brows such a grace Sheds itself through the face, As alone there triumphs to the life All the gain, all the good, of the elements
129. lappuse - The laudable use of forks, Brought into custom here, as they are in Italy, To the sparing of napkins: that, that should have made Your bellows go at the forge, as his at the furnace.
461. lappuse - I could not get one bit of bread, Whereby my hunger might be fed : Nor drink, but such as channels yield, Or stinking ditches in the field. Thus weary of my life, at lengthe I yielded up my vital strength, Within a ditch of loathsome scent, Where carrion dogs did much frequent : The which now since my dying daye, Is Shoreditch call'd as writers saye,* Which is a witness of my sinne, For being concubine to a King.
407. lappuse - Come, leave the loathed stage, And the more loathsome age, Where pride and impudence, in faction knit, Usurp the chair of wit, Indicting and arraigning every day Something they call a play.
436. lappuse - For while with their knife, which they hold in one hand, they cut the meat out of the dish, they fasten their fork, which they hold in their other hand, upon the same dish...
155. lappuse - The maker hath not so ; he'd have you wise, Much rather by your ears, than by your eyes; And prays you'll not prejudge his play for ill, Because you mark it not, and sit not still; But have a longing to salute, or talk With such a female, and from her to walk With your discourse, to what is done, and where, How, and by whom, in all the town, but here.
309. lappuse - Call you that desperate, which by a line Of institution, from our ancestors Hath been derived down to us, and received In a succession, for the noblest way Of breeding up our youth, in letters, arms, Fair mien, discourses, civil exercise, And all the blazon of a gentleman ? Where can he learn to vault, to ride, to fence, To move his body gracefuller; to speak His language purer ; or to tune his mind, Or manners, more to the harmony of nature, Than in the nurseries of nobility ? " Host. Ay, that was...
64. lappuse - Have you seen but a bright lily grow, Before rude hands have touched it ? Have you marked but the fall of the snow, Before the soil hath smutched it ? Have you felt the wool of the beaver, Or swan's down ever ? Or have smelt o...
69. lappuse - Robinson, A very pretty fellow, and comes often To a gentleman's chamber, a friend of mine. We had The merriest supper of it there, one night, The gentleman's landlady invited him To a gossip's feast: now, he, sir, brought Dick Robinson, Drest like a lawyer's wife, amongs 'em all: I lent him clothes.