| United States. Congress. House. Committee on the Judiciary - 1928 - 900 lapas
...am, Hon. Earl C. ?hener, chairman of the subcommittee, presiding, il r. MICHENER. Gentlemen, let us come to order. This is a continuation of the hearing on HR 10877, introduced Mr. Rankin. vlr. Rankin, what is your further pleasure this morning? Ur. RANKIN.... | |
 | United States. Congress. House. Committee on Naval Affairs - 1935 - 1320 lapas
...REPRESENTATIVES, COMMITTEE ON NAVAL AFFAIRS, Washington, DC, February 19, 1936. The hearing was resumed at 10:30 am, Hon. Carl Vinson (chairman) presiding. The CHAIRMAN....committee come to order. This is a continuation of the hearings on HR 10978, a bill for the replacement of auxiliary vessels, and so on. Captain Townsend,... | |
 | United States. Congress. House. Committee on Naval Affairs - 1935 - 1348 lapas
...Washington, DC, February 19, 1936. The hearing was resumed at 10:30 am, Hon. Carl Vinson (chairan) presiding. The CHAIRMAN. Let the committee come to order. This is a continuation of the hearings on HR 10978, a bill for the ^placement of auxiliary vessels, and so on. Captain Townsend,... | |
 | United States. Congress. House. Committee on Naval Affairs - 1937 - 1554 lapas
...OF REPRESENTATIVES, COMMITTEE ON NAVAL AFFAIRS, Wednesday, June 30, 1937. The committee met at 10:30 am, Hon. Carl Vinson (chairman) presiding. The CHAIRMAN....order. This is a continuation of the hearing on HR T2\<s. ^Vvecv V\\s committee adjourned jesterday, it was called to my dipt. GW Milliken, Secretary... | |
 | United States. Congress. House. Committee on Naval Affairs - 1937 - 1678 lapas
...MW//«W«.v, June 30, 1937. The committee met at 10:30 am, Hon. Carl Vinson (chairman) esiding. The CHAIRMAN. Let the committee come to order. This is a continuation of the hearing on HR 7210. When the mmittee adjourned yesterday, it was called to my attention that ('apt. GW Milliken,... | |
 | United States. Congress. House. Committee on Naval Affairs - 1938 - 972 lapas
...17, 1938 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, COMMITTEE ON NAVAL AFFAIRS, Washington, DC The committee met at 10 am, Hon. Carl Vinson (chairman) presiding. The CHAIRMAN....order. This is a continuation of the hearing on HR 9218. Mr. BREWSTER. Mr. Chairman, I would like to be recognized. Mr. BREWSTER. I am sorry, but I feel... | |
 | United States. Congress. House. Committee on Naval Affairs - 1938 - 982 lapas
...REPRESENTATIVES, COMMITTEE ON NAVAL AFFAIRS, Washington, DC Hearings 011 HR 9218 were resumed at 10 am, Hon. Carl Vinson, chairman, presiding. The CHAIRMAN....committee come to order. This is a continuation of the hearings on HR 9218. Is Mr. Fish in the audience ? (There was no response.) The CHAIRMAN. Mr. Frank... | |
 | United States. Congress. House. Committee on Naval Affairs - 1942 - 1496 lapas
...16, 1942 HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, COMMITTEE ON NAVAL AFFAIRS, Washington, DC The committee met at 10 am, Hon. Carl Vinson (chairman) presiding:. The CHAIRMAN....order. This is a continuation of the hearing on HR 6790. I have passed around a substitute that at the proper time I shall ask be considered in lieu of... | |
 | United States. Congress. House. Committee on Naval Affairs - 1942 - 1362 lapas
...REPRESENTATIVES, COMMITTEE ON NAVAL AFFAIRS, Washington, DC The committee met at 10 am, Hon. Carl Virison (chairman) presiding:. The CHAIRMAN. Let the committee...order. This is a continuation of the hearing on HR 6790. I have passed around a substitute that at the proper time I shall ask be considered in lieu of... | |
 | United States. Congress. House. Committee on the Judiciary, United States. Congress. House. Committee on the Judiciary. Subcommittee No. 3 - 1944 - 600 lapas
...REPRESENTATIVES, COMMITTEE ON NAVAL AFFAIRS, Washington, DC, Tuesday, March 28, 19UThe committee met at 10 am, Hon. Carl Vinson (chairman) presiding. The CHAIRMAN....order. This is a continuation of the hearing on HR 4469. Members of the committee, we have with us this morning the distinguished Comptroller General,... | |
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