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" SEC. 305. (a) Public Law 161, Eighty-fourth Congress, as amended, is amended, under the heading "CONTINENTAL UNITED STATES... "
Hearings ... on Sundry Legislation Affecting the Naval and Military ... - 7031. lappuse
autors: United States. Congress. House. Committee on Armed Services
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United States Statutes at Large, 71. sējums

United States - 1958 - 1078 lapas
...utilities, and equipment in the total amount of $47,000,000. SEC. 303. (a) Public Law 534, Eighty-third Congress, as amended, is amended under the heading..."CONTINENTAL UNITED STATES" in section 301, as follows: 69 st*. 349. Under the subheading "AIR DEFENSE COMMAND" — with respect to Pescadero Consolan Station,...
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Home Owners' Loan Acts and Housing Acts

United States - 1966 - 980 lapas
...Newport, Rhode Island, strike out "$370,000" and insert in place thereof l!$41 1,000". 69 stat. 335. (b) Public Law 161, Eighty-fourth Congress, as amended, is amended under the heading OUTSIDE CONTINENTAL UNITED STATES" in section 201, as follows : Under subheading "AVIATION FACILITIES",...
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Home Owners' Loan Acts and Housing Acts

United States - 1962 - 848 lapas
...Base, California, 644 unite. Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama, 250 unite. Mitchel Air Force Base, New York, 628 units. Randolph Air Force Base, Texas, 612 units. Reese Air Force Base, Texas, 418 unite. Shaw Air Force Base, South Carolina, 400 unite. Walker Air Force Base, New Mexico, 800 units....
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Military Public Works: Hearings Before the Full Committee of the Committee ...

United States. Congress. House. Committee on Armed Services - 1956 - 824 lapas
..."$800,913,000," "$532,454,000" and "$1,338,717,000," respectively. (d) Public Law 534, Eighty-third Congress, is amended under the heading "CONTINENTAL UNITED STATES" section 301, as follows : Under the subheading "AIR DEFENSE COMMAND" with respect to K !;un:ii It Falls Airport, Klamath Falls, Oregon, strike out...
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Military Public Works Construction: Hearings, Eighty-fourth Congress, Second ...

United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Armed Services. Subcommittee on Real Estate and Military Construction - 1956 - 856 lapas, in the total amount of $163,000,000. SEC. 303. (a) Public Law 161, Eighty-fourth Congress, is amended, under the heading "CONTINENTAL section 301, as follows : Under the subheading "AIR DEFENSE COMMAND"— (1) with respect to Buckingham Weapons Center, Fort Myers, Florida, strike...
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Military Construction Authorization: Hearings Before the Subcommittee on ...

United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Armed Services. Subcommittee on Military Construction - 1957 - 878 lapas
...'!*413,949,000" and inserting in place thereof "$409,937,000" and "$419,76^000", respectively. SEC. 304. (a) Public Law 161, Eighty-fourth Congress, as amended,...amended, under the heading "CONTINENTAL UNITED STATES", as follows: Under the subheading ""AIR DEFENSE COMMAND" — (1) with respect to Geiger Field, Spokane,...
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Military and Naval Construction: Hearings Before the Committee on Armed ...

United States. Congress. House. Committee on Armed Services - 1957 - 948 lapas
...Force Base, Smyrna, Tennessee, strike out "$3,589,000" and insert in place thereof "$4,010,000". (b) Public Law 161, Eighty-fourth Congress, as amended, is amended under the heading "OUTSIDE CONTINENTAL UNITED STATES" in section 301, as follows: Under the subheading "ALASKA AIR COMMAND"...
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Military and Naval Construction: Hearings Before the Committee on Armed ...

United States. Congress. House. Committee on Armed Services - 1958 - 804 lapas
...Base, California, 644 units. Maxwell Air Force Base, Alabama, 250 units. Mitchell Air Force Base, New York, 628 units. Randolph Air Force Base, Texas, 612...: Under the subheading "AIB DEFENSE COMMAND", with respect to Otis Air Force Base, Falmouth, Massachushetts, strike out "$6,076,000," and insert in place...
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Military Construction Authorization, Fiscal Year 1959: Hearings Before the ...

United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Armed Services - 1958 - 1224 lapas
...Ordnance Station, Newport, Rhode Island, strike out "$370,000" and insert in place thereof "$411,000". (b) Public Law 161, Eighty-fourth Congress, as amended, is amended, under the heading "OUTSIDE CONTINENTAL UNITED STATES" In section 201, as follows: Under subheading "AVIATION FACILITIES",...
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Military Construction Authorization, Fiscal Year 1960: Hearings Before the ...

United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Armed Services, United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Armed Services. Subcommittee on Military Construction - 1959 - 828 lapas
...units. OUTSIDE THE UNITED STATES Camp Losey, Puerto Rico, 150 units. SEC. 105. (a) Public Law 85-241, as amended, is amended under the heading, "CONTINENTAL UNITED STATES", In section 101, as follows: (1) Under the subheading "TECHNICAL. SEEVICES FACILITIES (Ordnance Corps)", with respect...
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