$15,282,000 for the improvement of waterfront facilities and dredg- $6,209,000 for marine training facilities, including $2.9 million at $22,221,000 for facilities essential to the support of other programs $301,062,000 is the total, 100 percent. And by the same token, I presume, Mr. Chairman, you will ask The CHAIRMAN. Yes, insert it in the record. (The table follows:) Analysis of title II (Navy), by category type of facilities to be provided title III (Air Force) : $174,644,000 for construction of facilities at bases in the United $165,900,000 for construction of necessary facilities in support of $125,239,000 for additional facilities and utilities projects required $121,741,000 for construction of necessary facilities in support $42,851,000 for troop housing and dining facilities in the continental United States and overseas areas, including $27,319,000 for 13,205 airmen dormitory spaces; $1,163,000 for rehabilitation of 847 existing dormitory spaces; $7,159,000 for 831 bachelor officer quarters spaces and $7,210,000 for dining halls; all of these comprising 4.3 percent. $40,385,000 for construction of 5 additional Sage centers and for other support facilities for the continued buildup of the present Sage system, 4.1 percent. $35,321,000 for the construction of facilities required to reduce operational and training deficiencies at various Air Force bases, 3.6 percent. $29,600,000 for construction of necessary facilities in support of strategic missiles at various locations in the United States, 3.0 per cent. $27,307,000 for the construction of maintenance shops required to reduce deficiencies at various locations worldwide, 2.8 percent. $25 million for the eastern extension of the DEW line, $2.5 percent. $25 million for the construction of necessary facilities required by changes in Air Force missions, new-weapons developments, new and unforeseen research and development requirements, or improved production schedules, 2.5 percent. $20,633,000 for the construction of facilities in support of Strategie Air Command missions at overseas bases, 2.1 percent. $19,506,000 for the construction of necessary facilities in support of fighter interceptor squadrons, and the continued development of the Fighter Weapons Employment Center, 2.0 percent. $19,082,000 for community, welfare, and morale facilities in the United States and in overseas areas, 1.9 percent. $18,937,000 for the expansion of Andrews Air Force Base to accommodate Air Force units now located at Bolling Air Force Base and Washington National Airport, 1.9 percent. $18,593,000 for the construction of hospital and medical facilities, including $16,137,000 for new 50-bed hospitals at the following locations: Glasgow Air Force Base, Mont.; Grand Fork Air Force Base, N. Dak.; Richard Bong Air Force Base, Wis.; all totaling 1.8 percent. $13,356,000 for construction of Missile Master facilities at various locations in the continental United States, 1.4 percent. $12,471,000 for research and development facilities at various locations in the United States, 1.3 percent. $8,638,000 for construction of necessary facilities in support of the Matador missile at various locations overseas, 0.9 percent. $7,558,000 for the construction and modernization of facilities at Air Materiel Command depots in the United States, 0.8 percent. $1,652,000 for fee acquisition of 2,078 acres ($1,363,000) at 26 named installations and easement over 3,400 acres ($289,000) at 15 named installations and 7 aircraft and warning sites, 0.2 percent. $32,857,000 for facilities supporting other essential programs worldwide, including utilities items, administrative facilities, and classified projects, 3.4 percent. $986,271,000 is the total, 100.0 percent. I would likewise offer for the record the analysis of title III by category. The CHAIRMAN. Without objection. (The table follows:) Analysis of title III (Air Force), by category type of facilities to be provided Secretary BRYANT. Status of military construction authorizations: In order that the committee may review the status of all military construction authorization through fiscal years 1948 to date, the following summary is provided (all figures represent $1 million). Mr. Chairman, you made some summary of this earlier. The CHAIRMAN. I would put this in the record. Secretary BRYANT. Thank you, sir. With your permission, I will offer the Status of Military Construction Authorizations, for the record. Secretary BRYANT. This tabulation illustrates that the amount of residual authorization available to the three military departments is being steadily reduced each fiscal year. This means that each year the lowest priority projects are eliminated through the annual rescission of unfunded authorization, as provided under section 507 of this bill. Consequently, the balance of residual authorization left available consists of both urgently needed projects, and other projects for which the requirement has changed due to revisions in missions and weapons. The military departments are each using part of their annual construction appropriations to assure continued progress on the most urgent of these residual projects. The remainder of their annual appropriation is applied to essential new project authorizations. a It is necessary that proper balance and control be maintained between these two segments of the program, so that construction can satisfactorily proceed on both residual and new authorization, at a rate which is in proper relationship to the funds the Defense Department can make available for military construction. In order to achieve this, the amount of new project authorization requested this year has been closely limited. It is intended to fund and utilize all of this new authorization during fiscal year 1959. Construction activities now in progress: The obligation of funds for military construction is now actively underway, and will accelerate rapidly during the next several months. It is expected that a total of $1,650 million will be obligated during fiscal year 1958, and that this high rate of construction activity will continue throughout the first quarter and part of the second quarter of fiscal year 1959. Every effort is being made to attain maximum output, in conformity with Senate Concurrent Resolution 69. However, no change has been made in work standards, program management, or contracting procedures which would cause waste of construction funds. Contracts are being advertised only after design has been completed and checked, and the scope of the work to be undertaken carefully determined and defined, in order to prevent expensive contract revisions. Except under unusual circumstances, all contracts are being awarded on a competitive basis to the lowest responsible bidder, and during the 6-month period ending December 31, 1957, 94 percent of all work placed under contract was handled in this manner. Every effort will be made to continue our practices of advertising for bids on the open market. Reports on this important aspect of our contracting activity will continue to be made to this committee semiannually, as required by section 505 of Public Law 241, 85th Congress. Placement of contracts by negotiation will be utilized only where such procurement is in the interest of national defense. Real estate: The real property under military control includes property owned, leased, used by permit, easement, and various occupancy rights (foreign base agreements). As of June 30, 1957, the military departments controlled approximately 35 million acres of land throughout the world. This land, together with the improvements had an original cost to the United States of $24.8 billion. 20066-58-No. 86--3 The real estate under military control may be grouped as follows: 27.3 million acres in the United States, together with improvements thereon having an original cost of $19.5 billion; 5 million acres in the Territories and possessions, together with the improvements thereon, having an original cost of $2.6 billion; and 2.7 million acres in foreign countries, together with the improvements thereon, having an original cost of $2.7 billion. The real property acreage under military control in the United States consists of the following: Fee owned____ Easements Total Acres 7, 669, 150 15, 067, 168 2, 824, 670 1, 722, 558 67, 408 27, 350, 954 Attention is invited to the fact that over half of the land under military control is public domain land that has never been on the tax rolls. Only 7,669,150 acres of land under military control have been removed from the tax rolls in the United States. The 27.3 million acres under military control in the United States is approximately 1.4 percent of the total land area in the United States. The United States Government owns 408.5 million acres of land in the United States or 21.5 percent of the total land area in the United States. The Department of Defense is continuing its eflorts to dispose of the maximum practicable amount of real property, and during the period August 27, 1955, to April 1, 1958, a total of 469 installations, or portions thereof, consisting of 1,841,076 acres of land, representing an acquisition cost of $707,910,000, were determined to be excess within the meaning of the Federal Property and Administrative Services Act of 1949, as amended. Altogether, the property so determined, and that which currently is being examined within the Department of Defense consists of 6,077,501 acres of land on 717 separate installations, which represents an acquisition cost of $1,756, 932,000. New weapons systems continue to be the principal user of additional acreage being added to our inventory. However, the use of existing bases for such sites, wherever available, and the use of existing bases for support facilities kept new acquisition to a minimum and reduced the cost of constructing support facilities. Some examples of this practice are the use of Camp Cooke, Calif., as a joint missile facility and the use of Francis E. Warren Air Force Base in Wyoming as a support location for an ICBM site. A summary of the real estate acquisitions proposed in titles I, II, and III of the bill is shown in the following tabulation, which I will not, Mr. Chairman, take the trouble to read, but offer it for the record. The CHAIRMAN. All right. |