| United States. Dept. of the Interior - 1899 - 840 lapas
... ч sec. 1-2, act of use said roads and telegraph for all purposes ot communication, travel, 18*2. and transportation, so far as the public and the Government are concerned, as one continuous line; and, in such operation and use, to afford and secure to each equal advantages and facilities as to... | |
 | William B. Dana - 1862 - 588 lapas
...Railroad ; the whole line of said r«ilroad (80) and branches, and telegraph shall be operated and used for all purposes of communication, travel, and transportation, so far as the public and government are concerned, as one connected, continuous line; and the companies herein named in Missouri,... | |
 | W.W.Lester - 1870 - 404 lapas
...Ohio Railroad ; the whole line iOf said railroad and branches and telegraph shall be operated and used for all purposes of communication, travel, and transportation, so far as the public and government are concerned, as one connected, continuous line; and the companies herein named in Missouri,... | |
 | None - 1873 - 130 lapas
...act declares that " the whole of said railroad and branches and telegraph shall be operated and used for all purposes of communication, travel and transportation, so far as the public and Government are concerned, as one connected, continuous line." By the amendatory act of July 2, 1864,... | |
 | Illinois - 1874 - 492 lapas
...provided that " the whole line of said railroad and branches and telegraph shall be operated and used for all purposes of communication, travel and transportation,...the public and the government are concerned, as one connected, continuous hue ;" aud by the fifteenth section of the amendatory act of July 2, 1864, it... | |
 | Illinois. General Assembly. Senate - 1874 - 648 lapas
...provided that "ths whole line of said railroad and branches and telegraph shall be operated and need for all purposes of communication, travel and transportation, so far as the public and the goverument are concerned, ns one connected, continnons lino;" and by tho l."'th section of the amendatory... | |
 | Illinois. General Assembly. House of Representatives - 1874 - 716 lapas
...section 12, that "the whole line of said railroad and branches and telegraph shall be operated and used for all purposes of communication, travel and transportation, so far as the public and government are concerned, as one connected, continuous line." In the amendatory act, approved July... | |
 | United States. War Department - 1874 - 1330 lapas
...or teleipli uuder his control, or which he is engaged in operating for all purposes of commuui;ion, travel, and transportation, so far as the public and the Government are concerned, one continuous line, or shall refuse, in such operation and use, to afford and secure to ;h of said... | |
 | United States. Congress. Senate - 1874 - 962 lapas
...Railroad ; the whole line of «aid railroad and branches and telegraph shall be operated and used for Ml purposes of communication, travel, and transportation, so far as the public and Government are concerned, as one connected, continuous line. That the Hannibal and Saint Joseph Railroad... | |
 | United States. Congress. House - 1875 - 1182 lapas
...telegraph under his control, or which he is engaged in operating for all purposes ofcomuiuuii-itiun, travel, and transportation, so far as the public and the Government are concerned, a> one cootinnoos line, or shall refuse, in such operation and use, to afford and secure to < ii h... | |
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