Serial 1[-9], 1-5. sējumiU.S. Government Printing Office, 1923 Contents: Serial 1, pt. 1-6. Silver purchases under the Pittman Act. Hearings before a subcommittee of the Commission of Gold and Silver Inquiry, United States Senate, Sixty-seventh Congress, fourth session. May 29-July 18, 1923. 1923. pt. 7. Silver purchases under the Pittman Act ... September 4, 1923. Reply of comptroller general on revocation of allocations. 1924. |
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$1 an ounce $1 per ounce 95 per cent affidavits allocations American Smelting amount of silver April 23 Arizona assay office base bullion BROWNELL Chairman coin Commission of Gold committee Comptroller Copper countries December December 18 Director domestic export association Expressed in dollars February Federal Reserve Board foreign silver Franc FRANTZ GILBERT gold and silver Government Idaho India industry ingots January June KELLEY KEY PITTMAN Krone letter March melted metal metallurgical losses Milreis miners Mining mints Miss O'REILLY Montana Nevada November October ounces of silver Peso Philadelphia Philadelphia Mint Pittman Act Pittman silver plant price of silver recoinage reduction refined silver Secretary Senate Commission Senator PITTMAN Short tons siliceous silver bullion silver coinage Silver Inquiry silver producers smelter Smelting Smelting & Refining standard silver dollars statement subsidiary coinage subsidiary silver Tael tenders tion Tonopah transferred Treasury Department treatment charge United United States mint Utah Value Washington York
Populāri fragmenti
192. lappuse - An Act to punish acts of interference with the foreign relations, the neutrality, and the foreign commerce of the United States, to punish espionage, and better to enforce the criminal laws of the United States, and for other purposes...
228. lappuse - So, without objection, we will put this letter in the record at this point. (The letter referred to is as follows :) AUGUST 8, 1963.
191. lappuse - ... resales, shall be sufficient to coin therefrom an aggregate number of standard silver dollars equal to the aggregate number of standard silver dollars theretofore so melted or broken up and sold as bullion. SEC. 3. That sales of silver bullion under authority of this Act may be made for the purpose of conserving the existing stock of gold in the United States, of facilitating the settlement in silver of trade balances adverse to the United States, of providing silver for subsidiary coinage and...
229. lappuse - Each Federal Reserve Bank shall keep a record copy of each application filed with it under the provisions of this reg*ulation and shall forward the original application and a duplicate to the Federal Reserve Board at Washington, together with such information or suggestions as it may believe proper in the circumstances, and shall in addition make a formal recommendation as to whether or not, in its opinion, the exportation should be permitted. The Federal Reserve Board, subject to the approval of...
181. lappuse - SEC. 2. That upon every such sale of bullion from time to time the Secretary of the Treasury shall immediately direct the Director of the Mint to purchase in the United States, of the product of mines situated in the United States and of reduction works so located, an amount of silver equal to three hundred and seventy-one and twenty-five hundredths grains of pure silver in respect of every standard silver dollar so melted or broken up and sold as bullion.
191. lappuse - Reserve Board, at the request of the Secretary of the Treasury, to issue Federal reserve bank notes, in any denominations (including denominations of $1 and $2) authorized by the Federal Reserve Board, in an aggregate amount not exceeding the amount of standard silver dollars melted or broken up and sold as bullion under authority of this act, upon deposit as provided by law with the Treasurer of the United States as security therefor, of United States certificates of indebtedness, or of United...
190. lappuse - ... face amount of such certificates for each standard silver dollar so melted or broken up. Sales of such bullion shall be made at such prices not less than $1 per ounce of silver one thousand fine, and upon such terms as shall be established from time to time by the Secretary of the Treasury. SEC. 2. That upon every such sale of bullion from time to time the Secretary of the Treasury shall immediately direct the Director of the Mint to purchase in...
229. lappuse - ... 2. Each Federal Reserve Bank shall keep a record copy of each application filed with it under the provisions of this regulation and shall forward the original application and a duplicate to the Federal Reserve Board at Washington together with such information or suggestions as it may believe proper...
17. lappuse - That the Secretary of the Treasury is hereby authorized from time to time to melt or break up and to sell as bullion not in excess of three hundred and fifty million standard silver dollars now or hereafter held in the Treasury of the United States.