Customs Simplification Act of 1955 ...: Hearings ... on H.R. 6040 ... May 23 and 24, 1955 |
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administration amended American selling price apply Association base basis buying rate certified CHAIRMAN chart chemical coal-tar COLBURN commercial value commodities Congress constructed value countervailing duty Customs Court customs laws customs procedures customs purposes Customs Simplification Act D. C. DEAR decrease definition determination dollar domestic dumping dutiable value economic effect enactment existing law export price export value Federal Reserve bank foreign countries foreign value GATT given the committee HOOKER House of Representatives imported merchandise industry invoice JERE COOPER judicial review legislation LERCH manufacturer Means ment merchandise undergoing appraisement method of valuation mfrs National Farmers Union obsolete offered for sale officers PARKER percent ports present law prod proposed reduction result retailers Revised Statutes U. S. C. ROSE Secretary section 402 similar merchandise SIMPSON statement STRACKBEIN Tariff Act tion title 19 subsec TOMPKINS United States Code United States value usual wholesale quantities valorem duties valuation provisions
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31. lappuse - Act of 1938, which is administered by the Food and Drug Administration of the Department of Health, Education, and Welfare.
3. lappuse - Any person directly or Indirectly ownIng, controlling, or holding with power to vote, 5 per centum or more of the outstanding voting stock or shares of any organization and such organization; and (P) Two or more persons directly or indirectly controlling, controlled by, or under common control with, any person.
1. lappuse - States, at which such or similar merchandise is freely offered for sale to all purchasers in the principal markets of the country from which exported, in the usual wholesale quantities and in the ordinary course of trade, for exportation to the United States...
2. lappuse - The cost of all containers and coverings of whatever nature, and all other expenses incidental to placing the merchandise undergoing appraisement In condition, packed ready for shipment to the United States.
12. lappuse - Appraisers, as the case may be, to permit a duly accredited officer of the United States to inspect his books, papers, records, accounts, documents, or correspondence, pertaining to the value or classification of such merchandise...
2. lappuse - In the usual wholesale quantities, or the price that the manufacturer, producer, or owner would have received or was willing to receive for such article when sold for domestic consumption In the ordinary course of trade and in the usual wholesale quantities, at the time of exportation of the Imported article.
3. lappuse - An individual shall be considered as owning the stock owned, directly or indirectly, by or for his family or by or for his partner.
4. lappuse - If no such value has been proclaimed, or if the value so proclaimed varies by 5 per centum or more from a value measured by the buying rate in the New York market at noon on the day of exportation, conversion shall be made at a value measured by such buying rate.
12. lappuse - States. (b) For the purposes of this section, a transaction directly or indirectly between persons specified in any one of the paragraphs in subsection (c) of this section may be disregarded if, in the case of any element of value required to be considered, the amount representing that element does not fairly reflect the amount usually reflected in sales in the market under consideration of merchandise of the same general class or kind as the merchandise under consideration.
3. lappuse - If a transaction is disregarded under the preceding sentence and there are no other transactions available for consideration, then the determination of the amount required to be considered shall be based on the best evidence available as to what the amount would have been if the transaction had occurred between persons not specified in any one of the paragraphs in subsection (c).