A BILL TO SAFEGUARD THE CONSUMER IN CONNECTION WITH THE AND RELATED BILLS PART 1 AUGUST 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, AND 14, 1967 Printed for the use of the Committee on Banking and Currency 83-340 Ο U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE WASHINGTON: 1967 CONTENTS STATEMENTS Abel, I. W., president, United Steelworkers of America, accompanied by 749 Barber, Stanley R., president, Independent Bankers Association of 798 Barr, Hon. Joseph W., Under Secretary, Department of the Treasury---- Biemiller, Andrew J., director, Department of Legislation, AFL-CIO, accompanied by Miss Anne Draper, economist, AFL-CIO. Brownstein, Hon. Philip N., Assistant Secretary for Mortgage Credit, and Federal Housing Commissioner, Department of Housing and Urban Bryant, Hon. Farris, Director, Office of Emergency Planning, accompanied 778 Caldwell, Hon. Alex C., Administrator, Commodity Exchange Authority, 602 Countryman, Vern, professor of law, Harvard Law School 718 208 Dixon, Hon. Paul Rand, Chairman, Federal Trade Commission 272 158 llis, Clyde T., general manager, National Rural Electric Cooperative Association, Inc., accompanied by Mrs. Erma Angevine, Women's Activities Coordinator for National Rural Electric Cooperative Associa- urness, Hon. Betty, Special Assistant to the President for Consumer ray, Roger W., professor, Stanford University, California, accompanied by Willis C. Theis, president, Board of Trade of Kansas City, Mo.; William F. Brooks, on behalf of the National Grain Trade Council; Maurice Mound, Esq., of Rein, Mound & Cotton, New York, N.Y.; J. S. Chartrand, executive vice president, Kansas City Board of Trade; F. Marion Rhodes, president, New York Cotton Exchange; Llewellyn Watts, Jr., chairman of the board, New York Mercantile Exchange_ reathouse, Pat, vice president, United Automobile, Aerospace & Agricul- tural Implement Workers of America, AFL-CIO, and for the Industrial Union Department of the AFL-CIO, accompanied by Daniel S. Bedell, legal representative; Paul Wagner, legal representative; and William |