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Chairman RANGEL. We thank you for your contribution, and I will be sharing with you the responses we get from the Service as it relates to the documents that you have submitted to the committee.

Mr. HANSEN. Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman.

Chairman RANGEL. Thank you.

We will start hearing from witnesses. The first panel will be Mr. Stuart Greenfield of Miami and Mr. Dwight Snyder of Maryland. The lights in front of the witnesses indicate the signals for 5 minutes; the green goes on. Recognizing that this is a short period of time, the Chair, for all witnesses, will be taking the full written statement into the full record, and the witness may proceed without having to read the full statement.


Mr. GREENFIELD. Mr. Chairman, gentlemen of the committee, I am going to testify about an abuse that has taken place over a period of 13 years and continues even to this morning. It is an abuse of myself and my family including my minor children, or who were minors at the time. I am going to read the items that I have documented, and obviously won't have the time to testify to, but I do have affidavits, Freedom of Information documents which were sent to me, some which should not have been sent to me under the law but somebody did, and I did receive them and I will turn them over to the committee.

I know a lot of the items that I am going to accuse the IRS of sound like strong words, but they are meant to sound strong, because they are the truth. Everything I am testifying to here today has previously been in affidavit form.

I have an entire suitcase of documentation on these accusations, they cover illegal search and seizure, tampering with evidence in a Federal court, physical abuse on more than one occasion, kidnaping of self, wife and minor children, being held against our wills, refusing to have us booked or arrested, but being held on a boat out on the waters, piracy, therefore, negligence, the use of firearms to threaten my life in front of my wife and family, failure to follow the IRS Code, coverup and purging of IRS files, and collusion with a particular Tax Court judge affecting the outcome of the hearing, which we have documented through the Justice Department, and obvious gross civil rights violations.

They are strong words, and I have the proof for all of them.

I am going to just refer to two of the items that cover a good part of it. On Memorial Day weekend in 1970, I was aboard my fishing boat in Biscayne Bay going fishing with my wife and children, planning on about a 3-day or 32-day trip. At 6 a.m. in the morning four men, at dawn, while we were loading bait, jumped aboard. I don't know who they were. I said, "What do you want?" I was rather shocked by them at this time of the morning.

And the first man answered, "We want you, for a start, and then we'll take this boat.'

The first thing that went into my mind, that this was a robbery or a holdup of some type. I really didn't know quite how to take it.

And then one of the agents, the revenue agent said, "Well, you have endangered the U.S. Government.'

I figured, boy, if I can take on the whole government, that is fantastic. "How have I endangered them?"

He said, "Well, we have a jeopardy assessment right here and we want $640,000 in cash now."

Well, I am a businessman in Miami. I am not in organized crime or involved in organized crime. There is just no reason. I have never had a problem in my life other than common traffic tickets or something like that. I was head of a large company which I founded in Miami. I had 690 employees, and was known well in the community, very active in many other civic functions.

Now, in turn, when these men asked for that, my wife was down below. She said, "Whoever they are, give them the $640 and get them out of here. Let's get fishing.

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I said, "Eileen, they said $640,000." I was in shock. I don't think we had seen that much money.

Now, the next thing they told me, to get inside the cabin. Instead of waiting, I was going to try and run, frankly. They both grabbed me and pushed me right through the doors. Two of the men were taller than myself, and I am about 6 feet 3 inches. Once we got inside, the revenue officer pulled out a small piece of paper. I didn't know the difference between a form 17 or a jeopardy assessment or anything else. I just never had these type problems.

He said, "Here, you owe us $640,000. You going to pay up?"
I said, "This is ridiculous. There is no possible way.

Then the man, one of these special agents, opened his slicker and pulled out a gun and said, "I suggest you pay the man.'

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I said, "This is ridiculous." Now, I didn't really think they were Government agents, because I asked for identification. One man did pull out a wallet. I couldn't read it so I said, "Tell me your names and affiliations and so forth."

And he said, "That is none of your business."

It went from bad to worse. They refused to let us leave the boat. My wife was ordered to go down below into the cabin with the children. I was kept up in the salon. It is a 39-foot boat. And in turn they suddenly started just tearing things apart, tearing cushions apart, opening things, searching, and I thought, well, gee, what could they possibly be looking for? I mean, a doper would be bringing dope in, he wouldn't be going out to the ocean with it. Fishing equipment. They just tore, destroyed the boat and kept us there. I said, "We are leaving, my wife and children and I are leaving. You can do anything to the boat. We are leaving.”

"You are going to be held, and you stay." And they used abusive language, which again I had really never associated with Government agencies. I have talked to FBI people and other people. I just never thought people handled themselves that way, especially a supposedly trained Government agent.

They held us a few hours. I kept inching toward the door. By this time they wanted to take my picture, and one of the men had a camera and wanted me to pose for a picture. I refused. Another man twisted me, threw me down on the table, held my head down with his foot, and they took pictures of me that way. The pictures exist, by the way, and we have located them.

Chairman RANGEL. We thank you for your contribution, and I will be sharing with you the responses we get from the Service as it relates to the documents that you have submitted to the committee.

Mr. HANSEN. Thank you very much, Mr. Chairman.

Chairman RANGEL. Thank you.

We will start hearing from witnesses. The first panel will be Mr. Stuart Greenfield of Miami and Mr. Dwight Snyder of Maryland. The lights in front of the witnesses indicate the signals for 5 minutes; the green goes on. Recognizing that this is a short period of time, the Chair, for all witnesses, will be taking the full written statement into the full record, and the witness may proceed without having to read the full statement.


Mr. GREENFIELD. Mr. Chairman, gentlemen of the committee, I am going to testify about an abuse that has taken place over a period of 13 years and continues even to this morning. It is an abuse of myself and my family including my minor children, or who were minors at the time. I am going to read the items that I have documented, and obviously won't have the time to testify to, but I do have affidavits, Freedom of Information documents which were sent to me, some which should not have been sent to me under the law but somebody did, and I did receive them and I will turn them over to the committee.

I know a lot of the items that I am going to accuse the IRS of sound like strong words, but they are meant to sound strong, because they are the truth. Everything I am testifying to here today has previously been in affidavit form.

I have an entire suitcase of documentation on these accusations, they cover illegal search and seizure, tampering with evidence in a Federal court, physical abuse on more than one occasion, kidnaping of self, wife and minor children, being held against our wills, refusing to have us booked or arrested, but being held on a boat out on the waters, piracy, therefore, negligence, the use of firearms to threaten my life in front of my wife and family, failure to follow the IRS Code, coverup and purging of IRS files, and collusion with a particular Tax Court judge affecting the outcome of the hearing, which we have documented through the Justice Department, and obvious gross civil rights violations.

They are strong words, and I have the proof for all of them.

I am going to just refer to two of the items that cover a good part of it. On Memorial Day weekend in 1970, I was aboard my fishing boat in Biscayne Bay going fishing with my wife and children, planning on about a 3-day or 32-day trip. At 6 a.m. in the morning four men, at dawn, while we were loading bait, jumped aboard. I don't know who they were. I said, "What do you want?" I was rather shocked by them at this time of the morning.

And the first man answered, "We want you, for a start, and then we'll take this boat."

The first thing that went into my mind, that this was a robbery or a holdup of some type. I really didn't know quite how to take it.

And then one of the agents, the revenue agent said, "Well, you have endangered the U.S. Government."

I figured, boy, if I can take on the whole government, that is fantastic. "How have I endangered them?"

He said, "Well, we have a jeopardy assessment right here and we want $640,000 in cash now.'

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Well, I am a businessman in Miami. I am not in organized crime or involved in organized crime. There is just no reason. I have never had a problem in my life other than common traffic tickets or something like that. I was head of a large company which I founded in Miami. I had 690 employees, and was known well in the community, very active in many other civic functions.

Now, in turn, when these men asked for that, my wife was down below. She said, "Whoever they are, give them the $640 and get them out of here. Let's get fishing.'

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I said, "Eileen, they said $640,000." I was in shock. I don't think we had seen that much money.

Now, the next thing they told me, to get inside the cabin. Instead of waiting, I was going to try and run, frankly. They both grabbed me and pushed me right through the doors. Two of the men were taller than myself, and I am about 6 feet 3 inches. Once we got inside, the revenue officer pulled out a small piece of paper. I didn't know the difference between a form 17 or a jeopardy assessment or anything else. I just never had these type problems.

He said, "Here, you owe us $640,000. You going to pay up?"
I said, "This is ridiculous. There is no possible way."

Then the man, one of these special agents, opened his slicker and pulled out a gun and said, "I suggest you pay the man."

I said, "This is ridiculous." Now, I didn't really think they were Government agents, because I asked for identification. One man did pull out a wallet. I couldn't read it so I said, "Tell me your names and affiliations and so forth."

And he said, "That is none of your business."

It went from bad to worse. They refused to let us leave the boat. My wife was ordered to go down below into the cabin with the children. I was kept up in the salon. It is a 39-foot boat. And in turn they suddenly started just tearing things apart, tearing cushions apart, opening things, searching, and I thought, well, gee, what could they possibly be looking for? I mean, a doper would be bringing dope in, he wouldn't be going out to the ocean with it. Fishing equipment. They just tore, destroyed the boat and kept us there. I said, "We are leaving, my wife and children and I are leaving. You can do anything to the boat. We are leaving."

"You are going to be held, and you stay." And they used abusive language, which again I had really never associated with Government agencies. I have talked to FBI people and other people. I just never thought people handled themselves that way, especially a supposedly trained Government agent.

They held us a few hours. I kept inching toward the door. By this time they wanted to take my picture, and one of the men had a camera and wanted me to pose for a picture. I refused. Another man twisted me, threw me down on the table, held my head down with his foot, and they took pictures of me that way. The pictures exist, by the way, and we have located them.

Now, in turn, this went on until I made a breakthrough a double sliding door, backed up to it and then went out and put a little hook, a little S-hook from a rubber fishing gear on the handle so they couldn't get out right away, and I ran to a telephone which was 50 feet away on the dock. I made a telephone call to an associate of mine who lived very near there, told him to call the police, anybody, get me help, get an attorney, and so forth.

He called his next door neighbor, who is a well-known tax attorney, and who I had known, and by this time the agents had gotten off the boat. One stayed with my wife and children, and they tried to knock over the telephone booth I was in. The door was closed and I was trying to protect myself. They dragged me back onto the boat.

By this time again they started and continued to harass me. One told me I was a bum, get out of the country, they don't want to see bums like me here. I thought, gosh, could this be a mistake? I mean, it's like a bad dream, never having been faced with anything like this.

In turn, the city of Miami Police Department showed up, re my call to this associate, and one of these special agents went out on the dock, refused to let us out of the bottom cabin, and talked to them and pretty soon they left. We later found out that he told them they were special agents and this was a raid, and so forth, and there was nothing in their jurisdiction, because they said the boat now was Federal property, that they had seized it, and therefore the police weren't allowed on because it was Federal property and they were keeping them off.

When the lawyer and associate, who formerly was with IRS, and another associate of mine came down to the boat, they jumped aboard. The agent walked out and said, "You are on Federal property, you will have to leave."

"My client is here."

At first they denied it that we were down below. And I let out a good yell, as loud as I could, and then my attorney pushed his way through. They then said that they had a jeopardy assessment. He looked at the form. They said, "That is no jeopardy assessment. That is nothing but a form 17, a 10-day collection notice." I had not known that.

In turn, they denied what they had done, that they had done anything, so my attorney said, "Fine, have Mr. and Mrs. Greenfield and the children leave." I went to leave, and one of the agents doubled me over, punched me in the chest with his elbow, Hampton, a special agent in Miami. And my attorney said, "Fine, book them. If they are under arrest, book them." The children, my wife, and myself.

They said, "No, we are going to hold them here, it is none of your business. Get off."

And they threatened the attorney, that the chief was going to fix him good on another case, and there were various threats between the attorney's agents.

Now, the attorney, "Go ahead and leave again, Stuart." I tried once more to step upon the dock and the same thing happened. My attorney said for the third time, "I said you are going to get me

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