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IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES Saturday, November 21, 1981 Mr. HANSEN of Idaho. Mr. Speak. er, in response to a November 15 program on IRS abuses by CBS-TV's 60 Minutes," which was produced with my assistance, the following reacLion from a Texas citizen was received Illustrating the typical unhappy attitude of a great number of American citizens toward this agency.

Re pay up or else 60 MINUTES,

c/o CBS,

New York, NY.

NOVEMBER 16, 1981.

DEAR BROADCASTERS: First order of business-Bravo! Your broadcast as mentioned above was courageous and informative. Courageous for speaking out regarding the "untouchables" and hopefully one of many steps toward informing the American citi zens on this, as stated "pernicious" and out of control agency the IRS/KGB.

Volumes could and should be said, but this agency intimidates and retaliates mercilessly. Therefore, Instead of we, the people, being informard enough to take needed lawful action. we stay afraid through enforced ignorance and the IRS methodical plan to spread and perpetuate fear through manipulative retaliation.

It is time the ripple effect be reversed and

March 30, 1982


November 21, 1981


this bureaucratie monster, the epitome of diminishing returns (no pun intended) no longer be allowed to scandalize, terrorize and ruin the citizens of this country. Con trary to their manifesto, those who get behind are not all cheats and criminals. Most people clearly understand the need to support their country and their government.

If the present administration would look to the IRS for spending cuts it would find a gold mine. This agency spends thousands of thousands to collect hundreds or less. For that and the immoral actions it perpetuates, IRS cols billions. When confronted with its acts it offers excuses and suppression until a new regulation can be drafted to protect the IRS, not the taxpayer. The existing regula tions are stiffling and overbearing with more and more forever bearing down on us. Simplification of the tax system would ensure the ability to cut operating and enforcement costs. One almost needs a sepa rate degree just to understand what all the responsibilities are and how every move af fects their tax.

Taxes are too high and too unequal. Busi ness has been forced to collect the taxes creating more expense for them yet no reason is applied on the behalf of business. Productivity suffers because not only are markets depressed but half the earnings can be taken in taxes and a great deal of cash flow is tied up in the collection of taxes. Lord help the business whose cash schedule differs from the regulation", the fines are outrageous. Someone should also address the add-ons of fines, penalties and interest charged arbitrarily in this insensitive system. They are of criminal proportion.

I was blissfully ignorant for most of my work life, but no more. I have dealt with

this insane agency and felt the helplessness of no recourse.

My experience was voluntary (move over Pandora) and though frustrating and enlightening, is fortunately not as terrifying as many. I first became concerned when IRS conducted a fishing expedition into what I considered quite personal-a checking account. They removed only a small sum, less than $35, and except for their administrative costs (they not only took it they returned it) it was as simple as writing a personal check. That was only one step in the intimidation process.

The IRS doesn't ask, they just take. Right or wrong. they take After all, they don't have to prove anything, you do. That is if you're lucky enough that they listen before they destroy you and yours. Somehow, this seems in conflict with something I read Bomewhere in school.

There are concerned people out there as shown on your broadcast. Congressman George Hansen, Idaho has written a very true, very scary book, "How the IRS Seizes Your Dollars and How to Fight Back."

I've read the book, worded diligently within the system; yet still been intimidated and treated like a criminal. It appears to me that Congress and the media must work together to Inform the public of this malig. nant agency so that the public can help those in power to gain control and reform.

The so called "tax revolt" is a symptom of this diseased, insensitive system. It is a few frustrated individuals among many who want change but cannot achieve change without informed, lawful, concerted action. Please pursue this issue. Respectfully,

CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - Extensions of Remarks

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(Name on file.)

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ternal Revenue Service in their tax collection practices, which would be stopped by passage of H.R. 4931, the Taxpayer Protection Act (TPA) are the following excerpts from letters I have received from across the Nation.


I have been harassed by the IRS for years 1972-1976. They have never collected one thin dime in additional taxes but it has cost me thousands of dollars in legal fees for defensc.


I have been under constant Investigation by the IRS for the past four years.... When I asked why the continuous harassment, I was informed they did not like my accountant. I changed accountant firms and now a new investigator is assigned to me. She has worked steady on my records for July, August, and September. Now I have heard nothing until they have proposed that I sign a paper to allow continuous checking of my taxes. (My accoutant's fee is

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$70 per hour so I really don't need much more of this harassment).

I throughly believe in our tax system, have always paid my taxea-have acked these IRS Investigators what I am doing wrong and they just say I'll have to ask my accountant. I've even tried to contact the head of the IRS here and he will not talk to me or return my calls. What possible recourse do we have against this harassment? FROM TENNESSEE

Your efforts to curb the excesses of the Internal Revenue Service are of vial importance to all Americans. You are the first national leader to come forward with a reasonable legislative program designed to control the IRS. I am chilled to the bone when I realize that the IRS has been able to usurp a growing list of KGB-type methods with scarcely a murmur from the majority.


... No one wishes any more than we tax preparers do that your bill H.R. 4931-the Taxpayer Protection Act-will pass the House. It just has to go into effect or the American people are going to revolt even more than as now. Every American we talk to has had it with this out-of-control IRS. It is inconceivable that our Congress has let an agency-not even Bureau status-take over such power that even Congress can do nothing with them.....


I read your article in the American Legion

March 30, 1982

Magazine of December 1981 and was ap palled at the power of the Internal Revenue Service. Although I have heard and read of the tactics of this government agency, it is good to learn of some of the facts. I am 66 years old, a veteran of two wars, now retired from a railroad company. It is astonishing that the American people will sit idly by and let these things go unnoticed. As we all recall, Adolph Hitler used these tactics in Germany in the late 1930's and early 40's and we all know what happened to him. If we live under a curtain of fear what next? The average citizen cannot fight Internal Revenue Service because he cannot afford It. Would a gambler spend five dollars to earn one? Definitely not. It might be, and possibly is, later than we think. If the power of the IRS is not curbed in some way, what will happen in the next 20 years? The liberty and dignity of the American people are fastly being eroded by the Gestapo tactics of the IRS. Many small businesses are being wiped out by the IRS, this is strictly a shame because they are the backbone of this nation. Well, just a word to let you know that one war veteran read your article and am certainly concerned about it.


... If there was ever an agency of the federal government that needed scrutiny, it is the Internal Revenue Service. And unless Congress is deliberately trying to cover up the scandalous behavior of the IRS, they would be well advised to hold these hearings.


I wholeheartedly agree with you that congressional legislation is needed to put the IRS in its proper place and restrict it from resorting to abusive, un American and unconstitutional practices in collecting rev



I agree wholeheartedly with you that the Internal Revenue Service has gone too far when they use the concept of "fear" to force people to pay their taxes. Some people actually overpay their taxes to avoid a poss!ble confrontation or a lengthy court battle which would take them away from their jobs and possible loss of pay. The fear con cept may actually be encouraging the 97 percent of people who cheerfully pay their taxes to cheat. The concept of power-mad IRS agents to be able to seize taxpayer property or private homes without a court order is totally repulsive to me and millions of other people.

During World War II another individual used fear as a means of subjugating an entire nation and was in the process of subjugating an entire continent. His name was Adolph Hitler..

CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- Extensions of Remarks





Tuesday, March 30, 1982.

• Mr. HANSEN of Idaho. Mr. Speaker, another example of the heavyhanded and abusive tactics of the Internal Revenue Service in their tax collection practices, which would be stopped by passage of H.R. 4931, the Taxpayer Protection Act (TPA) is the following correspondence I received from one of our colleagues in the Midwest. The first letter was sent to the Department of the Treasury by our colleague and the second is a memorandum he received from his District Office explaining the problem. This self-explanatory incident clearly shows the need for H.R. 4931.

DEAR SIR: I have enclosed a copy of a memorandum recently written to me by the Manager of (one of) my district offices. I would appreciate your taking a minute to read it.

By way of background, I recently became a cosponsor of H.R. 4931, which would limit and regulate the collection procedures of the Internal Revenue Service. I wrote my weekly newspaper column on this legisla


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tlon, and outlined the reasons why I believed it should be enacted.

Although I firmly believe that the IRS personnel have every right to express their opposition to any legislation, I do object to the rude treatment that was given to my staff and me. Moreover, the note written by (my Office Manager) to (an IRS collection officer) was meant expressly for him, and frankly, I wonder where these "public serv ants" found the time to distribute it within their office on the taxpayers' time.

I think that this seemingly minor incident only serves to strengthen the need for legislation to restrict the Internal Revenue's power, which has been used in many cases to harass and intimidate law-abiding citi



Re IRS and H.R. 4931.
To: Congressman.
From: Office manager.

Yesterday, on the way to work, I saw (name withheld) who is a collection agent for the IRS, and he and I were discussing your column concerning the IRS. He indicated to me his disapproval, along with other IRS employees who also were not too happy with the column.

When the morning mall came in I received a copy of H.R. 4931 so I thought it would be good PR between this office and the IRS office, especially (the collection agent), if I asked for his opinion on the bill and to offer any suggestions or comments he might

have. (The collection agent) was out of his office so I wrote a note and attached it to the bill and laid it on his desk with the permission of his office partner.

That afternoon, (the officer in charge) of the local IRS office brought the Bill H.R. 4931 and my note to the (collection agent) up to (our Congressional office) with the word "hogwash" written on it. I explained to him that I was wanting an intelligent response, but this seemed to be the best he could do.

What really hacked me off was two things: No. 1 was the statement he made that any Congressman who would introduce a bill like this must be stupid. No. 2 is that my note and request for information was di rected to the (collection agent). I resent the fact that (his office partner) took it upon himself to take my message to (the collec tion agent), who was out of the office, and distribute it throughout the IRS office; and that (the officer in charge) took it upon himself to give me an unintelligent opinion of "hogwash."

I then took the note and the bill back down to (the collection agent's office), who still was not in, and asked (his office partner) if I could again leave It on his desk and I asked that it be specifically left on (the collection agent's) desk since the message was for him-not anyone else. (His) reply was, "get the hell out of here and don't ever come back," which I did; but before I left I let it be known that my opinion was that his

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Tuesday, March 30, 1982

• Mr. HANSEN of Idaho. Mr. Speaker, another example of the heavyhanded and abusive tactics of the Internal Revenue Service in their tax collection practices, which would be stopped by passage of H.R. 4931, the Taxpayer Protection Act (TPA) are the following news articles from the Austin American Statesman, March 19, 1982, and the New York Daily News, August 7, 1981.

Since the IRS admits it is not cost effective to chase penales, and because they are obviously aware of the taxpayer's prerogative to round to the nearest dollar, the only possible

motive for such action is blatanty harassment.

This is yet another means used by

April 5, 1982

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the IRS to instill fear and remind the public of their awesome power.

IRS PLUSHES OUT EVERY LAST CENT WEST FARMINGTON, Oн1о (AP).-The IRS spared nothing to go after its man, Roy Elza, who owed the Federal Government 18 cents.

The IRS spent $3 to file an item with the Trumbull County recorder against Elza's property and spent another 20 cents to mail it.

Both IRS and the recorder's staff spent time processing the lien.

"It makes no difference. It's an unpaid Federal tax," said Rollie Woods, a spokesman for the Cleveland regional IRS office.

The lien indicates the late tax applies Elza's withholding tax that was due in June 1979. All of Elza's assets are frozen until the bill is paid.



(By Bella English)

A dime won't even buy penny candy any more, but to Uncle Sam it can be worth a lot more than 10 cents.

The Government is demanding that a Chinatown woman pay a $28.15 penalty be

cause she underpaid her 1980 taxes-by a dime.

In an August 3, letter to Chan Wing. 59, the Internal Revenue Service said: "Unpaid tax on return is 10 cents. Penalty charge is $28.15. Balance due to IRS is $28.25. Make check payable to IRS."

Wing, who speaks no English, showed the form to her stepdaughter, Rose Wine, assist ant manager at a Chemical Bank branch in Jackson Heights, Queens.

"It cost them more to print up this form and send this out than my stepmother owes," Rose said. "Do you belleve this? I think this is the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard of. I just had to laugh."

Her laughter turned to anger yesterday when she went to the IRS office in Jackson Heights and was told that her stepmother must indeed pay the 10 cents and the $28.15. "I can't believe it," Rose said. "They're wasting your money and my money over a lousy dime. But I don't know which way to turn. If I have to pay it. I have to pay it."

Rose said, though, that she is considering writing a letter of appeal to President Reagan.

IRS officials said that disclosure laws prevent their discussing the case.e

CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-Extensions of Remarks

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Monday, April 5, 1982

● Mr. HANSEN of Idaho. Mr. Speak

er, many examples have been documented of the heavy-handed and abusive tactics the Internal Revenue Serv. Ice uses in its tax collection practicespractices which would be stopped by

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passage of H.R. 4931, the Taxpayer Protection Act (TPA).

No example is more shocking than a letter I received from an IRS agent in the Northeast, who has worked for the Agency for a number of years, complaining of abusive acts of the IRS against both taxpayers and employees and strongly advocating corrective action.

His complaint of Gestapo tactics, along with the following excerpts from a November 15, 1981 CBS-TV "60 Minutes" exposé of IRS abuses, entitled "Pay Up Or Else," where Morley Safer interviewed many agents, are illustrative of the growing concern for reform among conscientious employees of the Agency itself.

The letter follows:

DEAR SIR: Yes, there should be a strong clampdown upon the illicit activities of the IRS. I know of many such acts first-hand because I have worked for this institution for over 6 years. I can tell you of many more abusive acts committed by some of my col leagues and supervisors (the latter probably being the worse of the lot).

Would you believe the fact that at the time President Reagan was shot at, during the assassination attempt, several of the IRS employees burst out in laughter upon hearing the tragic news? They gathered around a television, on Government time, and watched with glee at the bad news. This happened at the (office) where I am a tax auditor. That was a shameful act.

The passage of H.R. 4931 may bring about changes which are long overdue to help alleviate the plight of the taxpaying public. Some legislation may also be needed to assist dissenting IRS employees from harassment from the Gestapo tactics of this institution as well.

I sincerely hope that this letter will not Jeopardize my employment. I wish you the

April 5, 1982

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("60 Minutes" Agents Interview) CHARLES SHEFKE (Agent). The IRS is prob ably the most pernicious organization that the Federal Government, our legislators, have ever created. And if I had to parallel it with any other kind of organization in the world, I would parallel it with the KGB, probably the Gestapo.

MORLEY SAFER. We talked to a revenue agent still working for the IRS and four other agents who recently left the service. Jack Elliott was an agent for the IRS for more than twelve years. Gary Dutloff left after seven years. Sharon Fields resigned after six years. Bob Braun is still a working revenue agent in a Pontiac, Michigan office. And Charles Shefke who quit he says because he, like the others, was being asked to intimidate relatively innocent small fry.

CHARLES SHETKE. The poor taxpayer who wants to come up and be up front and tell you his story and tell you what's wrong literally exposes himself to getting the worst treatment that IRS can lay on him.

GARY DUTLOrr. If the revenue agent wants to, he or she can attach any property publicly available belonging to the taxpayer who is more than ten days delinquent in paying the taxes.

SAFER. So, in effect, does not need a warrant?

DUTLOFT. Does not need a warrant, does not need to see a judge.

BOB BRAUN: The revenue officer is essentially, when it comes down to a bottom line on it, a prosecutor, a judge, and a Jury, and then he's the cop that goes out and executes it also.

SHEPKE Justice Marshall said that the power to tax includes the power to destroy and we enforce the tax laws and we go out and destroy people. We literally destroy their life, their livelihood, everything.

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SHEFEE. The revenue officer on the front line can go out and do that to people and in point of fact, if he's the kind of revenue of ficer they want, that's what he will do. They do want to intimidate the American people. They do want to scare them.

SAFER: Why such brutish behavior when the IRS had already made an agreement with Bishop to pay off his tax debt? An internal IRS memorandum, for example, shows the kind of pressure that is exerted on its men in the field. From Manchester, New Hampshire-"look over your inventory select one good taxpayer account for seizure action." A Grand Jury in Porth Worth recently indicted two IRS officers on charges of falsifying nearly two hundred federal tax records in order to meet office production quotas.

You still work for the IRS, Bob?

SAFER: Is all this familiar stuff to you?
BRAUN Absolutely.

SAFER: Does it still go on?

BRAUN TO & very great extent, yes. The the whole idea of things being done for their statistics, for the number. If you want to move ahead, and go into management, which supposedly where all good revenue officers are supposed to wish to be, the why to get there is to have a good track record in seizures.

GARY DUTLOFF. Eighty percent to eighty five percent of the management meetings would deal with comparative statistics. Each manager would wear those statistic on their, on their sleeve.

CHARLES SHEPKE In all the time I was in the service. I probably made fifty or sixty seizures. I can think of only two cases where a seizure was really warranted. And in point of fact, had I not seized the property, had I given the taxpayer an opportunity to pay the taxes, we would have collected more than I got in the seizure.

CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-Extensions of Remarks





Monday, April 5, 1982

• Mr. HANSEN of Idaho. Mr. Speaker, many examples have been documented of the heavyhanded and abusive tactics the Internal Revenue Serv. Ice uses in its tax collection practices.

The following article by Byron Farwell, a historian and mayor of Hillsboro, Va., in the Sunday Outlook section of the April 4, 1982, Washington Post, cleverly tells of the unfortunate trauma the IRS has developed among taxpayers and how self-serving audit process of the IRS is not so much geared to accuracy as to getting all it

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can from the terrified taxpayer-witness first the minor $3 writeoff followed later by an unchallenged $8,000 refund

These abusive practices would be stopped by passage of H.R. 4931, the Taxpayer Protection Act (TPA).

(By Byron Farwell)

In my youth, when I still thought men could be reformed, I taught a weekly literature class to prisoners in a Michigan peni tentiary. There I met a remarkable man who had no fear of the Internal Revenue Service. I never met another such. He was a forger, a sweet man with a boundless faith in the generosity and forgiving nature of mankind. A fool as well as a felon, of course.

It has been nearly 10 years now, but I shudder still: We, my wife and I, were audited.

I had the misfortune one year to make what was for me a great deal of money-so much, in fact, that my friendly H&R Block

tax consultant told me that I must pay an enormous sum in addition to what I had al ready paid. This dreadful news came in the following year, of course, when we were so poor that we could have qualified for food stamps. Such roller-coaster family econom ics must be the lot of many-farmers, auto workers, the Hunt brothers-but I have since been told that nothing so alerts the IRS. sends flags flying and alarm bells ringing, and so arouses the killer instincts of its agents as eratic levels of income. "Normal" people, law-abiding folks, have steady incomes, like the IRS bureaucrats themselves.

When the notice from the IRS arrived, announcing that there were some questions they wanted to ask about my income tax form, I did what every God-fearing, righteous, thoroughly honest taxpayer would do: I panicked.

Ruth, my gallant, courageous and foolish spouse, told me to fear naught, for she would handle the entire matter. After all, it was no big deal: Didn't H&R Block advertise that if there was any problem he would be

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at our side at the IRS and explain all? I went on my knees and kissed the hem of her blue jeans.

Confidently, Ruth picked up the tele phone and dialed the number of the storefront office H&R had used during the tax season. (We had been in Europe for the previous 11 years; we had simply signed where we were told to sign) The storefront tax office had, naturally, closed in May. I be lieved I fainted.

Courageously and persistently, Ruth telephoned until she tracked down H&R Baltimore-a Block's regional office in remote city of which we knew little. I was catatonic. However, it was finally arranged that she would meet a man in Falia Church. She did, the nice man said he would go with her on any day the IRS bureaucrat would talk with her. An appointment was ar ranged. Then for three days-three days of tention and fear as far as I was concernedshe went off each morning to sit in the interrogation room of the Internal Revenue Service. I made rapid strides towards becoming an alcoholic.

Each evening, when Ruth returned from the IRS, I hid the remains of my bitten fingernails and the scotch bottles and, summoting all my cool, calmly asked how the tax business was progressing. Her answers, She always the same, did not reassure me sat silent while the tax consultant and the IRS man talked. It was, she said, rather like

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a tennis match, for she turned her head from one to the other as they spoke; and, like a tennis match as far as she was concerned, she understood nothing.

On the fourth and final morning I went with her to the dreaded IRS office and met the dreadful young IRS agent who was causing me such distress. Throughout this terrible ordeal, I clung to a statement I had often heard quoted, that the IRS wanted every penny due to the United States Government, but not one cent more. Surely I could not be sent to prison for honest mis takes made by H&R Block-at least not for long: 10 years maybe.

At last, when all the arcane conversation was finished, when all the numbers had been added and subtracted and my gross personal income recomputed, it was deter mined that not only had we paid all of the taxes we should have, but we had paid $3 more. Then came the most illusion-shattering experience of my life: The smiling IRS man off handedly asked us to forget it, for it would cost the government $100 in paper. work to repay us. Shameful to confess, I was so relieved that I consented.

Such an experience with such a happy ending might have quieted the fears of even the most paranoid of taxpayers, but this was soon followed by another happy experi ence which caused the paranoia to linger.


The tax expert who told us we owed the additional enormous sum was not the same as the tax expert who computed our tax the following year, the year of our poverty. The latter concluded that we had overpaid the year before by about $8,000; he made out a form requesting a refund and, trembling. I signed it. Shortly after the IRS audit, a letter arrived from the IRS Sweating and fumbling. I tore open the letter and a check furabled to the floor, a check for the $8,000 plus interest computed at 6 percent. There was no letter of explanation. The IRS had, it seemed, simply agreed that we had overpaid.

It was all perfectly legal, of course. So 1 am told. My first tax expert had merely made a mistake which the IRS officials instantly recognized-when it was pointed out to them. Still I shuddered. And I continued to shudder, fearing every day that the IRS would say it was all a terrible mistake and that I must repay the money plus 20 percent interest. Now, at last, I can relax. Seven years have passed and I believe (let no one correct me if I am wrong) that the statute of limitations saves me from ever worrying again-until April 15.

CONGRESSIONAL RECORD- Extensions of Remarks






Monday, April 5, 1982

● Mr. HANSEN of Idaho. Mr. Speak er, another example of a citizen's anger over the heavy handed and abusive tactics of the Internal Revenue Service in their tax collection practices is expressed in the following letter to a congressional office from an angry citizen in a Northeastern State regarding the size of the tax burden and what the collected money is used for, as well as the means used in its collection.

Passage of my bill, H.R. 4931, the Taxpayer Protection Act (TPA) will at least correct the collection abuses which will remain if recently enacted tax and spending reductions provide relief for citizens as predicted. DEAR SIR: I am in receipt of your appeal


for support. I am sure that some of the abuses you list do exist and certainly are worthy of your time and attention to correct. I have forwarded the enclosed cards to my own congressmen.

At the same tin: I find myself not too enthusiastic for this in 1ht of the far more oppressing tax burden that I and my married children face everyday due to the fiscal irresponsibility of the Congress and the gross waste and corruption in the Welfare and Food Stamp program I am angry at the IRS, but not at them as such but what they symbolize. Weeky I stand in lines at the supermarket and see well dressed le use food stamps to buy tuxury food and take their wasteful purchases out to a new car while I buy necessities and drive oil in my eight year old wagon.

I hear the anger and frustration in my daughter's voice whose husband works two Jobs and attends night school as they struggle to survive, while across the street the family doesn't work because they make more on welfare. I hear the amazed incredu lity of my other daughter who accompanies a public health nurse to a home where a young unmarried woman has a baby every year to get a "raise" in welfare. I drive by the house daily of a man with four children

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who finally qualified for welfare after turnIng down respectable jobs the community had secured for him.

I am sickened at what the Congress has done to lay a useless tax burden on myself and my families, currying favor with soci ety's drones, encouraging illegitimacy. de stroying the moral and familial fabric of our nation.


Until you get this horrendous straightened out, that is where my priorities will be These are the causes I will support. As a clergyman I believe in helping the genuine peor who are cast into their role by circumstances they cannot help. i am also Biblical enough to echo the words of St. Paul If they won't work, don't feed them. I believe the present food stamp and welfare programs have done more to undermine the greatness of our nation than any other single cause. Attack these and 1 will provide support to you and any other Congressman who will attack the problem at its



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