Long-term notes payable - nonsubordinated (noncurrent portion): 4%, maturing $400,000.00 annually through 1965 44%, maturing $300,000.00 annually through 1968 Total Subordinated debt (noncurrent portion): 3,042,051.86 1,901,992.12 42% subordinated notes - maturing $144,000.00 annually through 1965, and $360,000.00 on December 15, 1966 1,224,000.00 1,368,000.00 5% capital notes - maturing $70,000.00 annually through 1969, and $420,000.00 on June 1, 1970. 1,050,000.00 1,120,000.00 6% sinking fund capital debentures - sinking fund contributions $85,000.00 annually through 1971, and $95,000.00 on May 1, 1972 1,030,000.00 1,115,000.00 Total subordinated debt - noncurrent portion 3,304,000.00 3,603,000.00 54% cumulative; authorized, issued, and outstanding 1959, 19,617 shares; 1958, 19,722 shares. 1,961,700.00 1,972,200.00 6% cumulative, 1958 series; authorized, issued, and outstanding, 5,000 shares 6% cumulative, 1956 series; authorized, issued, and outstanding, 5,000 shares Common - $5.00 par value; authorized, issued, and outstanding, 125,000 shares Surplus: 500,000.00 500,000.00 Earned (retained earnings) - including $250,000.00 of earnings capitalized by subsidiaries (notes 1, 2, and 4) Total noncurrent portion of subordinated debt and stockholders' equity. See the accompanying notes to financial statements. 9,958,982.24 10,005,579.61 396,080.36 544,384.96 Amortization of excess of cost of a finance subsidiary's stock over Add deferment of development expenses - excess of expenses of new direct loan offices 70,597.00 Net operating income before cost of borrowings and federal and state taxes on income |