GENERAL MOTORS ACCEPTANCE CORP. (AND CONSOLIDATED SURSIDIARIES) Source: GAAC Supplements to Annual Reports Notes Debt (notes, loans, and debentures payable) excludes subordinated indebtedness. Capital funds employed include capital stock, surplus and subordinated indebtedness. % Retail maturing in 6 no. Retail maturing in 12 mo 07.19 88.30 89.32 86.04 84.31 83.94 Retail maturing over 12 mo Debt-la Dollars, including holdbacks, rebates, tax reserves, etc.. % Cash, wholesale, retail and other receivables maturing in 6 mo. to debt 14 % Cash, wholesale, retail and other receivables maturing in 12 mo. to debt 15 No. of months' collections required to pay debt net of cash and Wholesale Paper. Bank lines... % Bank borrowings to Debt. Open market borrowings to Debt. Capital loans to Net Worth. Reserves for losses to Total Retail. %% Deferred Income to Total Retail Loss to Retail liquidated. Volume of Business for the Period % Automobile Paper-Retail Automobile Paper-Wholesale Industrial & Home Equipment-Retail Personal Lo Accounts Receivable Rediscounts Unciale Analysis of Retail Automobile Paper New Car Retail. % Used Car Retail. 12 13 17 93.87 120.77 7.63 80.33 10.06 381.67 3.46 26 2.38 49.94 48.14 1:|- ---- |