| 1917 - 616 lapas
...connection therewith or with the sale thereof) , 3 per centum. , (2) Other automobiles and motorcycles, (including tires, inner tubes, parts, and accessories...in connection therewith or with the sale thereof), except tractors, 5 per centum; (3) Tires, inner tubes, parts, or accessories, for any of the articles... | |
 | 1918 - 700 lapas
...Section 900 of the bill provides for a tax of ten per cent of the sale or lease price on all motorcycles, including tires, inner tubes, parts and accessories...in connection therewith or with the sale thereof, sold or leased by the manufacturer, producer or importer. A similar tax is levied upon tires, inner... | |
 | 1919 - 714 lapas
...1919, be amended to read as follows : "(1) Automobile trucks, automobile wagons, and chassis thereof (including tires, inner tubes, parts, and accessories...therewith, or with the sale thereof), 3 per centum." Ohio's New Law To amend certain sections, and enact certain supplemental sections of the General Code,... | |
 | 1919 - 460 lapas
...with an amendment as follows : In lieu of the matter inserted by said amendment insert the following : Automobile trucks and automobile wagons (including...accessories therefor, sold on or in connection therewith or icith the sale thereof) and a comma, and on page 127, line 7, of the bill, strike out the figure "5"... | |
 | National City Company, United States - 1919 - 104 lapas
...connection therewith or with the sale thereof), 3 per centum; 438. (2) Other automobiles and motorcycles, (including tires, inner tubes, parts, and accessories...in connection therewith or with the sale thereof), except tractors, 5 per centum; Bate of 10% of amount paid where dues or membership fees are in excess... | |
 | Prentice-Hall Inc, Prentice-Hall, inc - 1919 - 640 lapas
...connection therewith or with the sale thereof), 3 per centum; (2) Other automobiles and motorcycles, (including tires, inner tubes, parts, and accessories...connection therewith or with ' the sale thereof), except tractors, 5 per centum; * * fl1136. Art. 11. Automobiles: Scope of tax. An automobile (as... | |
 | 1919 - 1118 lapas
...in conectiot therewith or with the sale thereof), 3 pe centum; (2) Other automobiles and motorcycle (including tires, inner tubes, parts and accessories therefor, sold on or in connectic: therewith or with the sale thereof), ««; tractors, 6 per centum; (3) Tires, inner tubes,... | |
 | United States - 1920 - 1054 lapas
...connection therewith or with the sale thereof), 3 per centum; (2) Other automobiles and motorcycles (including tires, inner tubes, parts, and accessories...in connection therewith or with the sale thereof), except tractors, 5 per centum; (3) Tires, inner tubes, parts, or accessories, for any of the articles... | |
 | Irving National Bank, New York - 1920 - 152 lapas
...on or in connection therewith or with the sale thereof) , 3%. (2) Other automobiles and motorcycles (including tires, inner tubes, parts and accessories...in connection therewith or with the sale thereof), except tractors, 5%. (3) Tires, inner tubes, parts, or accessories, for any of the articles enumerated... | |
 | United States - 1920 - 1052 lapas
...connection therewith or with the sale thereof) , 3 per centum ; (2) Other automobiles and motorcycles, tingent appropriations of the Senate or House of Representatives;...case said apportionments are waived or modified as h except tractors, 5 per centum; (3) Tires, inner tubes, parts, or accessories, for any of the articles... | |
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