Lapas attēli




Budget System.

OMB Funding Title/Code: Salaries and Expenses / 11-1900-0-1-802. Program: Economic Analysis

Congressional Recipient: House Committee on Banking, Finance and Urban Affairs; House Committee on Appropriations: TreasuryPostal Service-General Government Subcommittee; Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs; Senate Committee on Appropriations: Treasury, Postal Service, General Government Subcommittee.

Authority: Employment Act of 1946 (P.L. 79-304; 15 U.S.C. 1021). Availability: This is available in the appendix of the Budget of the United States and is available to the public on request.

Purpose: The purpose is to provide the necessary expenses of the Council in carrying out its functions under the Employment Act of 1946 (15 U.S.C. 1021). Input: The data contained in the file for this system are from internal budgetary sources within the Council of Economic Advisers and the Office of Administration. Content: The financial information is personnel compensation and benefits; travel and transportation; standard level user charges; communications, utilities, and other rent; printing and reproduction; other services; supplies and materials; and equipment. Output: A monthly financial statement based on these data is submitted to the Council of Economic Advisers.

Agency Contact: Council of Economic Advisers. (202) 395-5034.




OMB Funding Title/Code: Council on Environmental Quality and
Office of Environmental Quality / 11-1453-0-1-802.
Program: All Programs

Congressional Recipient: House Committee on Appropriations: Public Works Subcommittee; House Committee on Appropriations: State, Justice, Commerce and Judiciary Subcommittee; House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries; Senate Committee on Appropriations: Public Works Subcommittee; Senate Committee on Appropriations: State, Justice, Commerce, The Judiciary Subcommittee; Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works. Authority: National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (P.L. 91190). Environmental Quality Improvement Act of 1970 (P.L. 91224).

Availability: GPO, printed in the President's budget
Geographic Relevance: National

Purpose: This system is designed to develop the annual budget and to monitor and report upon expenditures. Input: Information for the budget is developed internally by the administrative office. Content: The budget covers expenditures for 13 categories of expenditures for the entire Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) operation. Expenditures are summarized monthly, and the budget is prepared annually. No formal reports are prepared except for annual budget submissions. Output: Budget submissions in the form of tables in hardcopy.

Agency Contact: Council on Environmental Quality. (202) 3955754.


Statistical Information System. Date: 1946

OMB Funding Title/Code: Salaries and Expenses / 11-1900-0-1-802. Program: Economic Analysis

Congressional Recipient: House Committee on Government Operations; Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs. House Committee on Appropriations: Treasury-Postal Service-General Government Subcommittee; Senate Committee on Appropriations: Treasury, Postal Service, General Government Subcommittee. Authority: Employment Act of 1946, as amended (P.L. 79-304; 15 U.S.C. 1021).

Availability: Agency contact; GPO
Geographic Relevance: National

Purpose: This information system collects and processes national data relating to income, employment, production, prices, and purchasing power. Input: The system compiles data published by various Government agencies and private sources. Content: The major products of the system are the annual Economic Report of the President and the monthly publication "Economic Indicators," which is prepared by the Council of Economic Advisors and published by the Congressional Joint Economic Committee. Output: Annual economic report of the President and Monthly Economic Indicators are the products.

Agency Contact: Council of Economic Advisers. (202) 395-5062.


UPGRADE (User-Prompted Graphic Data Evaluation) System.
OMB Funding Title/Code: Council on Environmental Quality and
Office of Environmental Quality / 11-1453-0-1-802.
Program: Environmental Policy Development and Program Evalua-

Congressional Recipient: House Committee on Appropriations: Public Works Subcommittee; House Committee on Appropriations: State, Justice, Commerce and Judiciary Subcommittee; House Committee on Merchant Marine and Fisheries; Senate Committee on Appropriations: Public Works Subcommittee; Senate Committee on Appropriations: State, Justice, Commerce, The Judiciary Subcommittee; Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works. Authority: National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (P.L. 91190). Water and Environmental Improvement Act of 1970 (P.L. 91-224).

Availability: Agency contact; NTIS; Will be publicly available in FY 80.

Geographic Relevance: National; State; SMSA; County; City: Other--Air and Water Quality Regions

Purpose: The UPGRADE system was developed for two purposes: to enable the Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) to analyze available computerized data more effectively and efficiently for policy-related studies and annual reports and to facilitate better and more efficient environmental analyses by other governmental and nongovernmental organizations. Input: The input consists of carefully screened data on air pollution, water quality, public health, natural resources, environmental economics, and other topics. The data are selected for specific studies and are obtained from the com

puterized data systems maintained by other agencies. Content: The information content includes the primary analytical/graphic system and interfaces (15,000 lines of code) and data bases (approximately 1.5 million observations), including environmental statistics and monitoring data on air pollution, water quality, public health, natural resources, environmental economics, and related topics. Time reference and update cycles vary with type of data. All data are selected and updated for specific studies. On-line storage is limited to studies in progress at any given time, although all data are stored off-line for rapid recall. Output: Output consists of graphic, cartographic, and numerical results of environmental data analyses that are primarily cross-disciplinary. Data on air pollution, water quality, public health, natural resources, environmental economics, and other topics are analyzed through the UPGRADE system for environmental assessments, policy studies, and program evaluations by CEQ and collaborating agencies.

Agency Contact: Council on Environmental Quality. (202) 3955760.



Centralized Accounting System (Maintained by Office of Administration, EOP).

OMB Funding Title/Code: Salaries and Expenses / 11-1600-0-1-802. Program: Program Direction and Policy Coordination; Wage and Price Monitoring; Government Operations

Congressional Recipient: House Committee on Appropriations: Treasury-Postal Service-General Government Subcommittee; Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs; Senate Committee on Appropriations: Treasury, Postal Service, General Government Subcommittee.

Authority: Council on Wage and Price Stability Act of 1974 (P.L. 93-387).

Availability: Reports are not publicly available. They are mainly for internal use, except for those which are required under GAO, Treasury, or OMB regulations.

Purpose: This system (Maintained by Office of Administration, EOP) is composed of many subsystems which capture, control, and generate reports for all GSA Regional Offices. They are then consolidated for Central Office. Reporting is accomplished to meet the financial and management information required for GSA Services, Staff Offices, and Commissions. External reporting is produced either automatically or from feeder reports generated in the system. Input: The internal sources of information are: Federal Supply Service, Public Buildings Service, Automated Data and Telecommunications Service, National Archives and Records Service, and Staff Offices. External sources of information include approximately 50 Presidential Commissions. The major categories of input are: allotments, undelivered orders, accruals, payments, and billings. Content: The principal subject matter area is the accountability of funds for GSA and the Presidential Commissions. The data information coverage includes purchase orders, travel, transportation payments, certified invoices, accounts receivables, billings, utility payments, etc. Listed below are the major master files maintained at various levels, depending upon the reporting and control requirements. The cycles are processed daily, semimonthly, monthly, quarterly, semiannually, and annually. Output: The system produces magnetic tape, hardcopy, microfilm, and cards on a daily, semimonthly, and monthly basis.

Agency Contact: Council on Wage and Price Stability. (202) 4566466.



Current Services Estimates.

OMB Funding Title/Code: Salaries and Expenses / 11-0300-0-1-802. Program: Budget Review

Congressional Recipient: House Committee on Government Operations; House Committee on Appropriations: Treasury-Postal Service-General Government Subcommittee; Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs; Senate Committee on Appropriations: Treasury, Postal Service, General Government Subcommittee. Authority: Budget and Accounting Act of 1921, as amended (P.L. 67-13; 31 U.S.C. 11).

Availability: They are available from GPO. Machine readable tape containing some dollar amounts is sent to Congress and GAO and can be purchased by the public.

Purpose: This information source is required by the Budget and Accounting Act of 1921, as amended (31 U.S.C. 11). It gives estimated outlays and proposed budget authority submitted to Congress for the ensuing fiscal year. Input: This information is compiled by OMB from reports submitted by the Department of the Treasury on receipts and by all Federal agencies on budget authority and outlays. Content: This source shows the estimated outlays and proposed budget authority that would be submitted to the Congress in the following January for the ensuing fiscal year if all programs and activities were carried on during such ensuing fiscal year at the same level as in the fiscal year in progress-and without policy changes in such programs and activities. It also shows the economic assumptions on which the current services estimates are based. Output: The major output, Current Services Estimates, is in hardcopy. Also generated is machine-readable tape for some dollar amounts (e.g., budget authority and outlays by agency and account).

Agency Contact: Office of Management and Budget. (202) 3954630.


Mid-Session Review of the Budget.

OMB Funding Title/Code: Salaries and Expenses / 11-0300-0-1-802. Program: Budget Review

Congressional Recipient: House Committee on Government Operations; House Committee on Appropriations: Treasury-Postal Service-General Government Subcommittee; Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs; Senate Committee on Appropriations: Treasury, Postal Service, General Government Subcommittee. Authority: Budget and Accounting Act of 1921, as amended (P.L. 67-13; 31 U.S.C. 11).

Availability: It is available from GPO. Machine-readable copy for dollar amounts can be purchased by the public.

Purpose: This system is required by the Budget and Accounting Act of 1921, as amended (31 U.S.C. 11). This system provides revised budget estimates at about the midpoint of each congressional session. Input: This information is compiled by OMB using reports from the Department of the Treasury on receipts and from all Federal agencies on estimated budget authority and outlays. Content: The system provides revised budget estimates at about the midpoint of each Congressional session. It contains information on receipts, budget authority, outlays, surplus or deficit, long-range projections, and spendout of balances. Information on budget authority and outlays is presented in the printed document by function and agency. Detail by agency and account is available on machine-readable tape. Output: The major output, the Mid-Session Review of the Budget, is hardcopy (multilithed) and machine-readable tape.

Agency Contact: Office of Management and Budget. (202) 3954630.


Privacy Act Inventory and Control System.

OMB Funding Title/Code: Salaries and Expenses / 11-0300-0-1-802. Program: Management and Operations

Congressional Recipient: House Committee on Government Operations; House Committee on Appropriations: Treasury-Postal Service-General Government Subcommittee; Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs; Senate Committee on Appropriations: Treasury, Postal Service, General Government Subcommittee. Authority: Privacy Act of 1974 (P.L. 93-579; 5 U.S.C. 552a). Budget and Accounting Act of 1921, as amended (P.L. 67-13; 31 U.S.C. 11). Availability: All substantive output of the system is included in the President's annual report; statistical tables are Appendix B to volume 1 and the inventory listing is volume 2. All data are available to the public. Copies of the annual report are available from the GPO.

Purpose: The purpose of the inventory system is to support preparation of the President's annual report and to assist in monitoring agency compliance. Input: Notices of systems of records and exemption rules published by the executive branch agencies in the Federal Register are the system input. Content: The Privacy Act requires executive agencies to publish in the Federal Register notice for all systems of records (as defined in the act). The system contains, for each system for which a notice was published, the system name and a unique numeric identifier, whether the system is automated or manual (or a combination), whether the system is administrative or programmatic, the budget function of the appropriation account which funds the system, the approximate number of individuals covered by the system, whether the system was exempted from the act, and the date and page numbers in the Federal Register of the system notice and exemption rules, if any. The inventory is updated biweekly and annually distributed to agencies for verification prior to compilation of the President's report to the Congress. Output: Principal output includes lists of systems of records subject to the Privacy Act and statistical cross units (e.g., numbers of systems by budget function, administrative vs. programmatic). All output is hardcopy; no query capability has been developed.

Agency Contact: Office of Management and Budget. (202) 3954745.


Special Analyses, Budget of the United States Government.

OMB Funding Title/Code: Salaries and Expenses / 11-0300-0-1-802. Program: Budget Review

Congressional Recipient: House Committee on Government Operations; House Committee on Appropriations: Treasury-Postal Service-General Government Subcommittee; Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs; Senate Committee on Appropriations: Treasury, Postal Service, General Government Subcommittee. Authority: Budget and Accounting Act of 1921, as amended (P.L. 67-13; 31 U.S.C. 11).

Availability: It is available from the GPO.

Purpose: This information system is provided under the authority of (although not required by) the Budget and Accounting Act of 1921, as amended (31 U.S.C. 11). It contains special analyses of various aspects of the budget. Input: This system is produced in conjunction with the budget. Special data requirements are imposed on Federal agencies to obtain information for some of the special analyses. Content: This system is designed to highlight specified program areas or provide other significant presentations of Federal budget data. Included is analytical information about Government finances and operations as a whole and how they affect the economy; Government-wide program and financial information for Federal education, training and employment, health, income security, civil rights, and crime reduction programs; and developments in research and development, environmental protection, statistical programs, credit programs, tax expenditures, and employment. Output: Special Analyses, Budget of the United States Government, is produced in hardcopy.

Agency Contact: Office of Management and Budget. (202) 3954630.


The Budget of the United States Government.

OMB Funding Title/Code: Salaries and Expenses / 11-0300-0-1-802. Program: Budget Review

Congressional Recipient: House Committee on Government Operations; House Committee on Appropriations: Treasury-Postal Service-General Government Subcommittee; Senate Committee on Governmental Affairs; Senate Committee on Appropriations: Treasury, Postal Service, General Government Subcommittee. Authority: Budget and Accounting Act of 1921, as amended (P.L. 67-13; 31 U.S.C. 11).

Availability: It is available from GPO. Machine-readable tape for some dollar amounts sent to the Congress and GAO can be purchased by the public.

Purpose: The budget provides to the Congress (and the public) information required by The Budget and Accounting Act of 1921, as amended (31 U.S.C. 11). Input: The Federal budget review process produces the information contained in the budget. Some of it is submitted to OMB in accordance with the requirements of OMB Circular A-11; some is developed by OMB. The receipts estimates come largely from the Department of the Treasury, and the President supplies some of it when he makes decisions on economic, tax, and budget matters. Content: This document contains the information that most users of the budget would normally need, including the Budget Message of the President. It presents an overview of the President's budget proposals and includes explanations of Federal spending programs, estimated receipts, and the President's fiscal policy objectives. Also included are: a description of the budget system, various summary tables on the budget as a whole, a budget accounts listing containing information on budget authority and outlays by agency and account, Federal employment by agency, and the economic assumptions on which the budget is based. Output: The hardcopy Budget of the United States Government and machinereadable tape for some dollar amounts (e.g., Budget Accounts Listing) are produced.

Agency Contact: Office of Management and Budget. (202) 3954630.


The Budget of the United States Government, Appendix.
OMB Funding Title/Code: Salaries and Expenses / 11-0300-0-1-802.
Program: Budget Review

Congressional Recipient: House Committee on Government Opera-
tions; House Committee on Appropriations: Treasury-Postal Ser-
vice-General Government Subcommittee; Senate Committee on
Governmental Affairs; Senate Committee on Appropriations: Treas-
ury, Postal Service, General Government Subcommittee.
Authority: Budget and Accounting Act of 1921, as amended (P.L.
67-13; 31 U.S.C. 11).

Availability: It is available from GPO. Machine readable tape sent to the Congress and GAO and can be purchased by the public.

Purpose: The Appendix provides to the Congress (and the public) information required by the Budget and Accounting Act of 1921, as amended (31 U.S.C. 11). Input: Information is produced from budget requests submitted to OMB by Federal agencies and adjusted during the course of review by OMB and the President. Instructions for presentation of information to OMB are contained in OMB Circular A-11. Content: The system contains detailed information on the various appropriations and funds that comprise the budget, including the proposed text of appropriation language, budget schedules for each account, explanations of work to be performed and the funds needed, proposed general provisions applicable to the appropriations of entire agencies or groups of agencies, and schedules of permanent positions. Supplemental proposals for the current year, new legislative proposals, and proposed rescissions are identified separately. Information is also presented on certain entities whose

outlays are not part of the budget total; on advance appropriations; and on loan disbursements, repayments, and net loan outlays. Output: The Budget of the United States Government, Appendix in hardcopy (and machine- readable tape for dollar amounts) is produced.

Agency Contact: Office of Management and Budget. (202) 3954630.



Presidential/NSC Correspondence File.

OMB Funding Title/Code: Salaries / 11-2000-0-1-802.
Program: Policy and Operations Coordination

Congressional Recipient: House Committee on Appropriations:
Treasury-Postal Service-General Government Subcommittee; House
Committee on Armed Services; Senate Committee on Appropria-
tions: Treasury, Postal Service, General Government Subcommittee;
Senate Committee on Armed Services.

Authority: National Security Act of 1947 (P.L. 80-253; 5 U.S.C. 3109).

Availability: Classified

Purpose: This system is designed for control, tracking, and retrieval of correspondence and memoranda to and from the National Security Council (NSC). Input: Input for this system includes correspondence from the public, Congress, Executive Departments and Agencies/Executive Office of the President, and foreign governments. Content: The system covers the Carter Administration (January 1, 1977 to present) and is up-dated daily. The file contains about 20,000 records. Output: The following types of reports on correspondence between the President and NSC are produced daily and monthly: names, subject/keywords, country, status/disposition data, and dates. The reports are in the form of logical/sequential display of data.

Agency Contact: National Security Council. (202) 395-3440.


FOI/EO/Privacy Requests.

OMB Funding Title/Code: Salaries and Expenses / 11-2000-0-1-802. Program: Policy and Operations Coordination

Congressional Recipient: House Committee on Appropriations: Treasury-Postal Service-General Government Subcommittee; House Committee on Armed Services; Senate Committee on Appropriations: Treasury, Postal Service, General Government Subcommittee; Senate Committee on Armed Services.

Authority: National Security Act of 1947 (P.L. 80-253; 5 U.S.C. 3109). Freedom of Information Act of 1974, as amended. Privacy Act of 1974.

Availability: Classified

Purpose: This system is designed to fulfill legal requirements for processing and recording Freedom of Information/Executive Office/Privacy requests. Input: Input for the system is provided by the public, executive departments and agencies, and the Archives/Presidential libraries. Content: This system contains information on correspondence consisting of Freedom of Information and Privacy Act requests directed to the Executive Office. The system covers the period since 1972, when Executive Order 11652 was implemented. The system, which is updated daily, contains about 3,300 records. Output: The following types of reports on correspondence consisting of Freedom of Information and Privacy Act requests are produced daily and monthly: names, subject/keywords, country, status/disposition data, and dates. The reports are in the form of logical/sequential display of data.

Agency Contact: National Security Council. (202) 395-3440.


NSC Policy File (NSCIF).

OMB Funding Title/Code: Salaries and Expenses / 11-2000-0-1-802. Program: Policy and Operations Coordination

Congressional Recipient: House Committee on Appropriations: Treasury-Postal Service-General Government Subcommittee; House Committee on Armed Services; Senate Committee on Appropriations: Treasury, Postal Service, General Government Subcommittee; Senate Committee on Armed Services.

Authority: National Security Act of 1947 (P.L. 80-253; 5 U.S.C. 3109).

Availability: Classified

Purpose: The National Security Council (NSC) Policy File is designed to control, compile, retrieve, and assemble chronologically the major policy papers of the NSC since its establishment. Input: Data for this file are provided by the Executive departments and agencies and the Executive Office of the President. Content: This file contains information on the subjects, people, countries, and dates relevant to major policy papers prepared by the NSC since its establishment in 1947. The file, which is updated daily, contains about 8000 records. Output: The following types of reports on major policy papers of the NSC are produced daily and/or monthly: names/participants, subject/keywords, country, status/disposition data, historical chronology, and dates. The reports are in the form of logical/sequential displays of data.

Agency Contact: National Security Council. (202) 395-3440.


Presidential Contact File (PCB).

OMB Funding Title/Code: Salaries and Expenses / 11-2000-0-1-802. Program: Policy and Operations Coordination

Congressional Recipient: House Committee on Appropriations: Treasury-Postal Service-General Government Subcommittee; House Committee on Armed Services; Senate Committee on Appropriations: Treasury, Postal Service, General Government Subcommittee; Senate Committee on Armed Services.

Authority: National Security Act of 1947 (P.L. 80-253; 5 U.S.C. 3109).

Availability: Classified

Purpose: The Presidential Contact File is designed to record the meetings and participants in all Presidential meetings with Heads of State. Input: Information for this system is provided by offices of the White House and the National Security Council's Staff Secretary's office. Content: This file contains information on the dates, locations, and participants and their titles for all Presidential meetings with Heads of State from 1969 through 1977. The file has been inactive during the Carter Administration. The file, which is updated infrequently, contains about 1,100 records. Output: This file produces the following types of reports on meetings and participants in all Presidential meetings with Heads of State: meeting date; country/location; and participants/titles. Reports are produced infrequently and are in the form of logical/sequential displays of data. Agency Contact: National Security Council. (202) 395-3440.



Special Trade Representative's Centralized Data Base (STRCDB). OMB Funding Title/Code: Salaries and Expenses / 11-0400-0-1-802. Program: Trade Policy Coordination

Congressional Recipient: House Committee on Ways and Means; House Committee on Appropriations: State, Justice, Commerce and Judiciary Subcommittee; Senate Committee on Finance; Senate Committee on Appropriations: State, Justice, Commerce, The Judiciary Subcommittee.

Authority: Trade Act of 1974 (P.L. 93-618).

Availability: Output is restricted to internal use only on a Governmentwide basis.

Geographic Relevance: International; National

Purpose: The data base supports economic and statistical analysis of trade-related data which bear on the trade negotiations, particularly the current round of multilateral trade negotiations. It contains GATT Tariff Study information for 1970 through 1972 and 1974 and U.S. trade and tariff data for 1970 through 1975. Input: The U.S. import data are collected by U.S. Customs Service, consolidated by the Bureau of Census, and edited by USITC. The GATT Tariff Study import data are provided by 11 countries (United States, Canada, EEC, Japan, Austria, Australia, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland, and New Zealand). Content: The U.S. data are identified by the Tariff Schedule of the United States (TSUS) number. The major information recorded for each TSUS number is TSUS description, tariff rate, supplying countries, the gross and net quantities of imports from each country, the gross and net FOB and CIF dollar values of imports from each country, and the duties collected. The GATT data are identified by the Brussels Tariff Nomenclature (BTN) number and the applicable national tariff line classification code. The major information stored for each tariff line includes tariff line description, tariff rate, GATT binding status, supplying countries, the dollar value of imports from each country, and the trade relationship between the importing and exporting countries, such as GSP. Output: The data base is not used for recurring production of regular output. On-line query capability is provided with output available on CRT terminals and hardcopy format. Reports are generated on request, by batch job. Agency Contact: Office of the Special Representative for Trade Negotiations. (202) 395-5140.


Centralized Accounting System (DAC).

OMB Funding Title/Code: Salaries and Expenses / 11-0400-0-1-802. Program: Trade Policy Coordination; International Trade Negotiations

Congressional Recipient: House Committee on Ways and Means; House Committee on Appropriations: State, Justice, Commerce and Judiciary Subcommittee; Senate Committee on Finance; Senate Committee on Appropriations: State, Justice, Commerce, The Judiciary Subcommittee.

Authority: Trade Act of 1974 (P.L. 93-618). Trade Expansion Act of 1962 (P.L. 87-794).

Availability: Reports are not publicly available; they are mainly for internal use, except for those which are required under GAO, Treasury, or OMB regulations.

Purpose: This system is composed of many subsystems which capture, control, generate, and consolidate reports. Reporting is accomplished to meet the financial and management information required. External reporting is produced either automatically or from feeder reports generated in the system. Input: The major categories of input are allotments, undelivered orders, accruals, payments, and billings. Content: The data information coverage includes purchase orders, travel, transportation payments, certified invoices, accounts receivables, billings, and utility payments. Output: Reports include: Treasury Payment Tape (magnetic tape, daily); Disbursement Listing (hardcopy, daily); Status of Allotments (hardcopy, daily); General Ledgers (hardcopy, monthly); Management Reports (hardcopy, monthly or by request); Vendor Payment History (microfilm, monthly); SIBAC and non-SIBAC Documentation (hardcopy, tapes, and cards, semimonthly); SF-224 Cash Report (hardcopy, monthly); and Other Reconciliation Reports (various output mediums, monthly).

Agency Contact: Office of the Special Representative for Trade Negotiations. (202) 395-5140.


Tariff Reduction Analysis System.

OMB Funding Title/Code: Salaries and Expenses / 11-0400-0-1-802. Program: Trade Policy Coordination; International Trade Negotiations

Congressional Recipient: House Committee on Appropriations:
State, Justice, Commerce and Judiciary Subcommittee; House Com-
mittee on Ways and Means; Senate Committee on Appropriations:
State, Justice, Commerce, The Judiciary Subcommittee; Senate
Committee on Finance.

Authority: Trade Act of 1974 (P.L. 93-618).
Availability: Agency contact

Geographic Relevance: International

Purpose: This system provides analysis of the results of tariff reduction formulae that are applied to the dutiable imports of the major General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs (GATT) participants. The information is used to determine the effects of any particular tariff reduction formula on the imports of the United States or its major GATT trading partners at every commodity level. Input: The input is a data base constructed from the GATT study tapes. Content: The system contains GATT information trade indexes and tariff reduction formulae. Output: Reports can be provided in any of the following aggregations: Brussels Tariff Nomenclature (BTN) chapters, major product groups, tariff schedule ISAC, BTN chapter within ISAC, or BTN within an ISAC.

Agency Contact: Office of the Special Representative for Trade Negotiations. (202) 395-5140.


Trade Actions Monitoring System (TAMS).

OMB Funding Title/Code: Salaries and Expenses / 11-0400-0-1-802.
Program: Trade Policy Coordination; International Negotiations
Congressional Recipient: House Committee on Appropriations:
State, Justice, Commerce and Judiciary Subcommittee; House Com-
mittee on Ways and Means; Senate Committee on Appropriations:
State, Justice, Commerce, The Judiciary Subcommittee; Senate
Committee on Finance.

Authority: Trade Act of 1974 (P.L. 93-618).
Availability: Agency contact
Geographic Relevance: National

Purpose: TAMS provides a collective, up-to-date record of pending trade actions in easily accessible form. This comprehensive service is not offered elsewhere in the Federal Government. TAMS provides those involved with international trade issues with the most recent information available on a range of issues. Input: Input is online entry of information pertaining to pending trade actions, such as name of petitioner and dates. TAMS is updated on a monthly basis. Content: Abstracts from the Federal Register, State Department cables, and direct contact (verbal) with other interagency sources are contained in the system which is updated monthly. Output: Output consists of a monthly report of all information in the TAMS system. A printout is obtained and photocopies are made and distributed to various staff in the Office and outside.

Agency Contact: Office of the Special Representative for Trade Negotiations. (202) 395-5140.


Foreign Trade Actions Monitoring System (Foreign TAMS).
OMB Funding Title/Code: Salaries and Expenses / 11-0400-0-1-802.
Program: Trade Policy Coordination; International Trade Negotia-

Congressional Recipient: House Committee on Appropriations:
State, Justice, Commerce and Judiciary Subcommittee; House Com-
mittee on Ways and Means; Senate Committee on Appropriations:
State, Justice, Commerce, The Judiciary Subcommittee; Senate
Committee on Finance.

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