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" May 16, 1930, an act to regulate the height, exterior design, and construction of private and semipublic buildings in certain areas of the National Capital. "
Report - 89. lappuse
autors: United States. Commission of Fine Arts - 1960
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Report, 12. sējums

United States. Commission of Fine Arts - 1936 - 168 lapas
...building, any portion of which may come within the provisions of the act of Congress approved May 18, 1930, "An act to regulate the height, exterior design, of private and semipublic buildings in certain areas of the National Capital", shall be erected, or altered hereafter, except in conformity...
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Report of the Commission of Fine Arts: Message from the ..., 12-15. sējumi

United States. Commission of Fine Arts - 1936 - 604 lapas
...National Commission of Fine Arts] SHIPSTEAlbLuCE ACT [PUBLIC — No. 231 — 71st CONGRESS] [S. 2400] AN ACT To regulate the height, exterior design, and construction of private and somipubllc buildings In certain areas of the National Capital Be it enacted bit the Senate and House...
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Interior Department and Related Agencies Appropriations for ...: Hearings ...

United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Appropriations - 1962 - 1362 lapas
...provisions of the Shipstead-Luce Act. Public Law 231, 71st Congress (46 Stat. 366), approved May 16, 1930. an act to regulate the height, exterior design, and construction of private and semipublic public buildings in certain areas of the National Capital. In this function the Commission reports...
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Independent Offices Appropriation Bill for 1934: Hearings ... Seventy-second ...

United States. Congress. House. Committee on Appropriations - 1933 - 576 lapas
...any portion of which may come within the provisions of the act of Congress, approved May 16, 1930, "An act to regulate the height, exterior design, of private and semipublic buildings in certain areas of the National Capital," shall be erected, or altered hereafter, except in conformity...
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Legislative Calendar, 53. sējums,2. daļa

United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Finance - 1939 - 1104 lapas
...248 Zoning regulations, DC AN ACT To include Lafayette Park within the provisions of the Act entitled "An Act to regulate the height, exterior design, of private and semipublic buildings in certain areas of the National Capital", approved May 16, 1930 July 31,1939... 1144 249 Oregon, exchanges...
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Public Building Act of 1926 with Amendments: Condemnation Laws with ...

United States - 1938 - 398 lapas
...Park and Planning Commission, both of the District of Columbia." A pproved, April 29, 1930. [S. 2400] An Act To regulate, the height, exterior design, of private and semipublic buildings in certain areas of the National Capital. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of...
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Report, 13. izdevums

United States. Commission of Fine Arts - 1940 - 180 lapas
...America in Сппgгеxк аххетЫгd , That the second sentence of section 1 of the Act entitled "An Act to regulate the height, exterior design, of private and semipublic buildings in certain areas of the National Capital", approved May 16, 1930 (USC, 1934 edition, title 40, sec. 121),...
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Second Deficiency Appropriation Bill for 1946: Hearings Before the ...

United States. Congress. House. Committee on Appropriations, United States. Congress. House. Committee on Appropriations. Subcommittee on Deficiencies - 1946 - 630 lapas
...of the District of Columbia, pursuant to the provisions of what is known as the Shipstead-Luce Act (an act to regulate the height, exterior design, of private and semipublic buildings in certain areas of the National Capital, approved May 16, 1930). The law was amended in 1939 to include...
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Third Urgent Deficiency Appropriation Bill for 1946: Hearings Before the ...

United States. Congress. House. Committee on Appropriations, United States. Congress. Senate. Committee on Appropriations - 1946 - 1818 lapas
...of the District of Columbia, pursuant to the provisions of what is known as the Shipstead-Luco Act (an act to regulate the height, exterior design, of private and semipublic buildings in certain areas of the National Capital, approved May 16, 1930). The law was amended in 1939 to include...
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Congressional Record: Proceedings and Debates of the ..., 96. sējums,20. daļa

United States. Congress - 1950 - 834 lapas
...the objectives of S. 3347, a bill proposing to create a district to be known as Old Georgetown, and to regulate the height, exterior design, and construction of private and semipublic buildings in that area, from Vernon West, DC Corporation Counsel ; Thomas S. Settle, National Capital Park and Planning...
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