Acts, Resolutions and Memorials, of the Territory of Montana, Passed by the ... Legislative AssemblyD.W. Tilton, 1879 Includes extraordinary sessions. |
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ACT to provide aforesaid amount appointed appropriated Approved February 21 ARMISTEAD H assessor association attorney board of county cent certificate chap city council compensation conviction copies corporation Council and House county clerk county commissioners county of Custer county seat county treasurer Custer county Deer Lodge county deputy district court duties election enacted exceed expenses fees five hundred dollars fund Gallatin county governor Helena Henry's lake hereafter hereby authorized House Joint Memorial House of Representatives Ibid Idaho imprisonment Indians jurisdiction justice land laws of Montana Legislative Assembly MEAGHER COUNTY memorialists Missoula county Montana Territory oath ordinance owner paid payment penalty penitentiary person or persons prescribed President probate judge provided by law purpose receive repealed ritory salary SAMUEL WORD Secretary session supreme court Terri Territorial auditor Territorial treasurer Territory of Montana thereof thousand dollars tion tory United United States penitentiary
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22. lappuse - That all persons within the jurisdiction of the United States shall be entitled to the full and equal enjoyment of the accommodations, advantages, facilities, and privileges of inns, public conveyances on land or water, theatres, and other places of public amusement...
1. lappuse - Indian tribe, is not, without the consent of said tribe, to be included within the territorial limits or jurisdiction of any State or Territory; but all such territory shall be excepted out of...
27. lappuse - Dakota, Idaho, or Montana, and all other mineral districts of the United States, shall be and are hereby authorized and permitted to fell and remove, for building, agricultural, mining, or other domestic purposes, any timber or other trees growing or being on the public lands, said lands being mineral, and not subject to entry under existing laws of the United States, except for mineral entry...
7. lappuse - When any office shall, from any cause become vacant, and no mode is provided by the Constitution and laws for filling such vacancy, the Governor shall have power to fill such vacancy by granting a commission, which shall expire at the end of the next session of the Legislature, or at the next election by the people.
23. lappuse - ... the full enjoyment of any of the accommodations, advantages, facilities, or privileges in said section enumerated, or by aiding or inciting such denial, shall, for every such offense...
27. lappuse - Columbia, the person so charged shall, at his own request, but not otherwise, be a competent witness. And his failure to make such request shall not create any presumption against him.
11. lappuse - ... and all other civil officers in said Territory, before they act as such, shall take a like oath or affirmation before the said governor or secretary, or some judge or justice of the peace of the Territory who may be duly commissioned and qualified, which said oath or affirmation shall be certified and transmitted by the person taking the...
25. lappuse - Provided however, that the right to the use of water by the person so conducting the same, on or to any tract of desert land of six hundred and forty acres...
26. lappuse - At any time within the period of three years after filing said declaration, upon making satisfactory proof to the Register and Receiver of the reclamation of said tract of land in the manner aforesaid, and upon the payment to the Receiver of the additional sum of one dollar per acre for a tract of land not exceeding six hundred and forty acres...
33. lappuse - Louis, the city jail of said city, for not less than three months nor more than six months, or both such fine and imprisonment, at the discretion of the court, for each and every such offense so committed.