Copyright HandbookR.R. Bowker, 1982 - 381 lappuses A detailed discussion of aspects and implications of the copyright law. |
No grāmatas satura
1.3. rezultāts no 27.
179. lappuse
... nondramatic literary and nondramatic musical works . In order for a performance to be eligible : 1. The funds , after reasonable production expenses , must be used exclusively for educational , religious , or charitable purposes and not ...
... nondramatic literary and nondramatic musical works . In order for a performance to be eligible : 1. The funds , after reasonable production expenses , must be used exclusively for educational , religious , or charitable purposes and not ...
191. lappuse
... works . The statute requires licensing terms and royalty rates under the compul- sory license to be reconsidered by the Tribunal beginning in 1982 and at five - year intervals thereafter [ 118 ( c ) ] . Nondramatic Literary Works Not ...
... works . The statute requires licensing terms and royalty rates under the compul- sory license to be reconsidered by the Tribunal beginning in 1982 and at five - year intervals thereafter [ 118 ( c ) ] . Nondramatic Literary Works Not ...
231. lappuse
... nondramatic literary or musical work or of a dramatico - musical work of a religious nature , or display of a work , in the course of services at a place of worship or other religious assembly ; ( 4 ) performance of a nondramatic literary ...
... nondramatic literary or musical work or of a dramatico - musical work of a religious nature , or display of a work , in the course of services at a place of worship or other religious assembly ; ( 4 ) performance of a nondramatic literary ...
Guide to Use | 1 |
Introduction | 3 |
Basic Standards | 10 |
Autortiesības | |
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1976 House Report application audiovisual authorship best edition broadcast cable system certificate clause collective compilation complete copy compulsory license copies or phonorecords copyright claimant copyright infringement Copyright Law Decisions copyright notice Copyright Office copyright owner copyright protection copyright registration Copyright Royalty Tribunal court Deposit Account DOMICILE employee example exclusive rights fair fair-use Federal Communications Commission federal copyright Form TX give grant guidelines hire identifying material instructions issue legislative history Library of Congress limited motion picture National nondramatic literary notice of copyright off-the-air owner of copyright ownership period person phonorecord player pictorial pseudonymous published purposes Register of Copyrights Registration Number regulations renewal registration reproduction request rights of copyright rules secondary transmission section 108 signal sound recording space specified statement statutory damages subsection television termination tion title 17 transfer transmission program U.S. copyright UCC-G United United States Code Universal Copyright Convention unpublished USPQ