Ovid and the Fasti: An Historical StudyClarendon Press, 1994. gada 3. febr. - 249 lappuses Despite the death of contemporary witnesses for the late Augustan and early Tiberian Principates, Ovid's Fasti has remained curiously neglected as an historical source for the period. The aim of this new research is to show that the poem of some five thousand lines on the Roman calendar, written and revised in the years between AD 4-16, provides students of the Augustan age with a wealth of information, both about the author himself, and about his cultural and political environment. The author discovers important new insights into the way in which Augustus and his family were incorporated into the ancient religion of the city of Rome, and reveals Ovid as a unique contemporary witness of the last decade of Augustus' life and the first years of Tiberius' rule. From his poem the Fasti, Dr Herbert-Brown finds new evidence of the processes which marked the transition from the Republic to Empire. |
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achievement adoption Aeneas aition ancient anniversary April Arval association Augustan avenger Bömer Bona Dea Caesar Carmentis celebrated Cicero claim Clodius closure of Janus Concord contemporary Crassus cult Dea Dia death of Augustus dedication Degrassi divine domus dynastic elegiac elegy entry epic evidence exile extant fact Fasti Fasti Praenestini father feriae festival Forum Frazer Gaius genetrix genre Germanicus goddess heir honour Horace imperium inscription January Janus Julian Julius Juno Licinia literary Livia Livy Macr Magna Mater Mars Ultor Mater Matuta Matralia mention month mother name Augustus NP day Octavian Ovid Ovid's Palatine Palladium Parthians passage Pater Patriae poem poet poet's poetry political Pontifex Maximus pontiffs priest Princeps proem Propertius quod religious rites role Roman calendar Rome Romulus ruler Senate Servius Sospita status Suet Suetonius Syme theme Tiberius tion triumph Varro Venus Verrius Verrius Flaccus Vesta victory Virgil Wissowa Zanker