Lapas attēli

work themselves into any degree of Credit or Countenance; tho' were this Matter rightly confider'd, and many Heads and Hands employ'd to digeft the Subftance of Christianity under Texts of Scripture wifely chofen, rationally handled, and practically applied, I would hope to fee a purer and more useful Body of Divinity in fuch a Collection of Sermons, than we are like to find in all the German Systems, which fome are fo fond of: Now fince a private Hand may convey a very acceptable Gift to the Corban, I am willing to believe the Sermons here offer'd to the Publick, may in fome proportion advance an Undertaking of this kind, the Author of them having (within his narrow Sphere) maintain'd the juft Reputation of a good


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Divine, and a very useful Preach

er, of

But whither thefe Papers will fubfift upon their own Merit or not, there is one Plea behind (that of Charity) which has already done much, and may by Gods Bleffing do more in their Favour; the private Character of the Author, and the Diftreffes of fome who were Dear to him whilst he liv'd, has occafion'd the Printing of them by Subscription; and fince so many good and valuable Perfons have agreed to affift the Birth of these Difcourfes, 'tis hop'd there will not be wanting others of the fame Principle to encourage their Growth and Advancement.

Upon the whole, every Man is left (upon the perusal of them)

to his native Right of Judging for himself, and if they do not answer the Character of the Author, and the defign of their Publication, tho' I fhall think the little Pains I have taken ill bestow'd yet yet I fhall not be much Mortified for a Miscarriage, which wifer Men have incurr'd before, and I dare fay, will be Guilty of after meg

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