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Liturgia, seu Liber Precum Communium in Ecclefia An-
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Scholarum Grammaticarum usus. Editio Tertia.

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tarione ac Notis Illuftravit Ludovicus Prataus, Rhetorica
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Sereniffimi Delphini, Edit. Tertia, prioribus multò Correctior.
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luftravit Foannes Godvinus, Profeffor Regius, in Ufum Del-
phini. Fuxta Editionem Parifienfem. Editio Secunda.
--Qua Extant abfq; Notis, cum Indice locupletissimo,
ex Recensione Tho. Parfell. A. M.

P.Ovidii Nasonis Metamorphoseon,
15. Interpre-
tatione & Notis Illuftravit Dan. Dan. Crispinus, Helvetius, ad
Ufum 'Sereniffimi Delphini. Editio Secunda Priori multà

- Epistolarum Heroidum Liber: Interpretatione &
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ftianiffimi Regis, ad usum Sereniffimi Delphini, acceffit In-
dex locupletiffimus..

Faftorum, Lib.6. cum Notis Sele&iffimis Variorum.
Accurante C. Schrevelio.

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plar. Etonenfe, fumma cura recufi; cum Latina Interpre-
tatione Foannis Leunclavii Amelburni, qui & Vitam ipfias
Xenophontis concinnavit, accessit rerum Memorabilium Index.

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sis & Verhone Ficobi Upton, A. M. in ufum Scholæ Eto-
nenfis. Authorum Nomina. Claud. Ælianus, Polyenus, Ari.
ftoteles, Dionyfius Halic. Maximus Tyrius, Herodotus.

[ocr errors]

Nomenclatura Brevis, Anglo-Latina Græca, in usum
Scholæ Westmonasteriensis, per F. G. Editio Vicefima

[blocks in formation]

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nata, Scholiisque veteribus, tam ansebac quam nunc pri
mum Editis, Illustrate Accedunt Notæ perpetuæ, & varia
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Ex Recenfione Facobi Upton Etonenfis, A. M. qui & ve-
terem Interpretationem emendavit, fuafq; adjecit Animad-
versiones, cum Notis Integris Fred. Silburgii Veterenfis Se-
letifque aliorum. His Accefferunt Simonis Bircovii Poloni
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Graco & Latino.

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nenfis. Lond. In Oto.

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