i Bleffing. Bleffed (fays he) be the Lord God of Ifrael, for he hath vifited and redeemed his people. And hath rais'd up a mighty Salvation for us, in the House of his Servant David. Nay, when God was this Day manifefted in the Flesh, the kind Spirits above inftrucred us how to receive him. One of them as you have seen ) immediately took wing, and cloath'd with amazing Light and Splendour, carried the glad Tidings to the humble Shepherds; which he had no fooner deliver'd, but fuddenly the Glory increas'd, and there was with him a Multitude of the Heavenly Hoft praifing God, and faying, Glory to God in the Highest, and on Earth, Peace, Good Will towards Men. Heaven and Earth go hand in hand together: Angels and Men joyn in Confort; and for the unfathomable, mysterious, incomprehenfible Mercy of this Day, unanimoufly Rejoyce and Sing, and make Melody with their Voices to the Lord. Strike in then, my Pious Brethren, with thefe happy Quires; and in like manner give Glory, and Honour, and Thanks to the Holy Child Jefus: Welcom him into the World with Anthems and Allelu jah's the Lord. jah's, and fing and speak Praises unto Welcom him in the way, that he likes beft; not in Rioting and Drunkenness, not in Chambering and Wantonnels, (as the manner of too many is) for these things his Soul hateth: But in relieving his poor Brethren, in attending upon the Sacred Offices of his Church, in commemorating his Infinite Love at his Holy Supper; and by all the Expressions of Chriftian Joy, of Chaft and Rational Delights. This he requires at your Hands by his Evangelical Prophet. Sing, fays he, O ye Heavens, Ila. 44.23. fhout je lower parts of the Earth: ye Break forth into finging ye Mountains, Ŏ Forrest, and every Tree thereO in: for the Lord hath redeemed Jacob, and glorified himself in Ifrael. And again, Break forth into Joy, Chap. 52. fing together ye waft places of Jeru V.9, 10. Salem for the Lord hath comforted his people, he hath redeemed Jerufalem. The Lord hath made bare his Holy Arm in the Eyes of all the Nations, and all the Ends of the Earth fhall fee the Salvation of our God. To conclude: There are (you know) in the bright Manfions above, several Orders of Intellectual Beings, whofe Beauties infinitely out-fhine the Sun, even in its Meridian Glory: And yet, their Splendours (as excellent as they are) fall unspeakably fhort of the Glories of Human Nature. This in its myfterious Tlnion with the Perfon of the Son of God, fhines with fuch Luftre, even to Cherubims and Seraphims, that those most glorious and strong-fighted Intelligences are forc'd to veil their Faces with their Wings, and to divert the infupportable Glory. The Highest Heb. 1.6. Orders of Angels (I fay) began this Day, and have ever fince continu'd to adore our Nature in the Personal Union of the Godhead with the Humanity. They caft their Crowns before the Throne, and worship the earpw7Q, who fits thereupon, and reigneth for ever and ever. Let us not then debase that Nature, which the Son of God hath fo highly exalted: Let us not defile it through any Uncleanness, which the Holy Jefus hath rendred purer than the Angels, and brighter than the Seraphim. But fince he gracioufly condefcends to be become our Head, and to make us Bone of his Bone, and Flesh of his Flesh, let us never presume to take his Members, and make them the Members of an Harlot; but be infinitely careful to pre ferve them always in Sanctification and Honour: That at his Second Coming, when he fhall appear from Heaven attended with all his Glorious Retinue of Holy Angels, we may awake up after his Likeness, and appear with him in Glory. Amen. |