SERMON V. MATT. 5. 34 Nor Swear not at all. at all in False, not at all in Ordinary Matters. For that this Prohibition, as univerfal as it seems to be, extends no farther, I fhall endeavour to evince, I. From the Nature of an Oath. 2. From the Holy Scriptures. 3. From the Practice of the Primitive Christians, And, From the Cuftom of the Jews, which occafioned it. 1. From 1. From the Nature of an Oath. Now (not to infift upon the Neceffity of an Oath; that, confidering the General Corruption of Mankind, Kingdoms and Bodies Politick cannot poffibly fubfift without it; and that the Bleffed Jefus came not to infringe, but to fecure the Interests of Princes) an Oath is an act of Religious Worship, a giving Glory to God, an open and folemn Acknowledgment of his moft Glorious Attributes. Thereby we declare our Belief of his Omniprefence: That He is in the Heavens and in the Earth, and in the Sea, and in all deep Places. We confefs his Omniscience; that all things, even the Secrets of our Hearts, are naked and open unto the Eyes of Him with whom we have to do. We acknowledge his Omnipotence: That he can avenge Himself of them, that Swear fallly, and punish the Wrong-doer. And we glorify his Juftice, that will by no means hold him guiltlefs, that taketh his Name in Vain. All this, I say, we do in the taking of an Oath. We extol and magnify the Perfections of our Maker, and proclaim his Goodness and Greatness to all the World. Hence it is, that that he so severely commands the Jews not to Swear by any other Name. Thou falt fear the Lord thy God, (a) fays he, (4) Deut. him shalt thou Serve, and to him shalt 10. 20. thou cleave, and fwear by his Name. And (b) again, Come not among thefe Nations, (b) Josh. these that remain amongst you, neither 23. 78. make mention of the name of their Gods, nor caufe to fwear by them, (c) Chap. But cleave unto the Lord your God. And again, most vehemently by his Prophet (c) Ifaiah, I have Sworn by my felf, the word 45. v.23. is gone out of my Mouth in Righteousness, and shall not return, That unto me every knee shall bow, every tongue shall swear. He would not have his Glory imparted to any Other; would not fuffer them to communicate any part of his Worship to them, that were no Gods. And therefore when (notwithstanding all these Prohibitions) that disobedient and Gain faying People went a Whoring after other Gods, and Sware by their Names, he most paffionately refented the Affront, and refolved to punish it with more than ordinary Severity. I will cut off, (d) fays he, them that worShip the Host of Heaven upon the house-tops, (d)Zeph.1. and them that worship, and that swear by the 5. Lord, and that swear by Malchom. And Jer 4, 12. Jer. 5. 7. How shall I pardon thee for this? Thy Children have forfaken me, and worn by them that are no Gods. And again, Amos 8. 14. They that fwear the Sin of Samaria, and fay, Thy God, Ó O Dan, liveth, and the manner of Beerfheba liveth; even they shall fall, and never rife up again. But now if to Swear by any other Name but that of God himfelf, was look'd upon by him as no less than Idolatry, then certainly to Swear by his own Name must be fo far from being an Impiety, that 'tis (as I have faid) an Act of Religious Worship, an Act well-pleafing and acceptable in his Sight, Honourable to himself, as well as Beneficial to Men, and consequently in fome Cafes not only Allowable, but highly commendable too. Which I fhall attempt to manifest. 2. From the Holy Scriptures. They (e) Pfal.63. that fwear by him shall be commended, (e) fays the Pfalmist. And accordingly good Men have done it upon juft Occa fions, in all Ages of the World. Abra(ƒ) Gen, ham caus'd his Servant to Swear to him. 24.3. Swear, (f) fays he, by the Lord, the (6) Gen.26, God of Heaven, and the God of the Earth. (b) Gcn. (g) Ifaac and Abimelech (b) Jacob and 31. 31.44,53. Laban Exod. 22. II. Deut.6.13. C. II. 31. Laban entred into Covenants by Oath. Under the (i) Law God frequently required it of the Jews. And as for the State of the Gospel, every Man, (as (k) c. 10.20. St. Austin well obferves against the Pela- ad Hilar. (k) Ep.89. gians) who understands any thing of Tom. 2. the Nature of an Oath, must acknowledge, that we have (1) St. Paul for (!) 2 Cor. an Example. The God and Father of Rom. 1. 8. our Lord Jefus Christ, fays he, who is 2Cor.1.23. blessed for evermore, knoweth that I lye Gal. 1. 20. not. And, God is my Witness. And, I call God for a record upon my Soul. And again, Behold before God I lye not. Nay, Our Bleffed Lord himself is known to have done the fame thing: That Obligation, which the High Prieft at his Arraignment laid upon him to confess, whether he was the Christ, or not, and to which, after Silence to all other Questions, he immediately anfwer'd, being an usual and cuftomary (m) Oath among the Jews. In fhort, God him- Grot. & felf and his Elect Angels have practis'd Hammond it. I heard the man cloathed in Linen, 26. v.63. fays the Prophet (2) Daniel, which (n) c. 12.was upon the waters of the River, when he v. 7. held up his right hand and his left hand unto Heaven, and fware by him, that liveth for ever. And (0) St. John, The (0) Rev.10. (m) Vid. in Matth. Angel, 5, 6. |