unthinking Persons into a greater Regard and Veneration for the House of God, I intreat them at least to consider how honourable and sacred it appears to be from the Holy Scriptures. The PfalPlal. 87. 2. mist assures us, That the Lord loveth these Gates of Sion, more than all the Dwellings of Jacob. And can we so lightly esteem those Tabernacles, which the Majesty of Heaven so highly values? Our Lord has graciously promis'd, that where two or three are thus gather'd together in his Name, there he is in the midst of them. And is it not our Duty to demean our selves after the most awful, serious, and solemn manner in the Presence of Him, who is to be our Judge? The invisible Host of Heaven, the glorious Troops of Angels (as you have seen) encamp here. And can we behave our selves rudely or unhandsomely in such glorious Company? In short, in these Confecrated Places, God has particularly promis'd to meet us, and to bless us, and to hear our Petitions. I have sanctify'd King-9-3. the House (says He to Solomon) which thou haft built, i. e. the House, which you have defign'd for my Worship, I have defi'd for your Blefling; what you have indicated, I have accepted; what you But you have confecrated, I have hallow'd; I have taken it to the same purpose, as you design'd it in your first Intentions and Expence. Now then fince Man hath offer'd, and God hath accepted: Since (I fay) these Places are both by God and Man design'd only for the Service of God, and the Offices of Religion, right Reason as well as the Religion of all the World will certify, That they ought to be treated with especial Reverence and Honour. We justly esteem those Persons honourable, whom the Fountains of Honour in Civil Account have entitled to Honour. God is the proper and true Fountain of Honour, and therefore fince he has deriv'd a peculiar Honour upon these places, accepted them for his own, put his Name upon them, and dignifies them with his special or most gracious Presence, we ought (I say) to demean our selves in them continually with Reverence and Honour. With Reverence and Honour continually; not only while the Offices of Religion are actually in Ministration, but also when they are over: Those places, which have once entertain'd Religion after thismanner, being separate and sacred for ever. What H3 What mean then some amongst us, by irreverently putting on their Hats in these places, as foon as the Sacred Offices are over? They would not behave themselves at that rate in the Prefencechamber, tho' the King was not there; much less in the Presence of the King himself, before whom, as long as they stand, and not only while they are permitted to speak to him, they are careful to continue their Expressions of the most solemn and extraordinary Reverence. Nay, what meant our Diffenting Brethren, when in the late unhappy times of Usurpation and Rebellion, Vid. Evag. they (as the Arian Vandals of old serv'd Ecc. Hift. the Orthodox Christians in Africa) pro. Lib. 4. cap. 15. stituted our Churches to all the lamentable Abuses of the most infolent Prophaneness? Our Saviour drove the Beasts out of the Temple; but they presumptuously brought them in again. He pronounced it an House of Prayer, but they most impiously render'd it again a Den of Thieves. But to conclude: Whatever others can prevail with themselves to do, let us, my Brethren, perpetually take care to demean our selves decently in the House of God. Let us never desecrate these amiable Dwellings of of the Lord of Hosts by our Impiety and Impertinence, our curious, lazy, prophane Dispositions; but by our Devout, Industrious, and Reverential Attendance upon the Holy Offices, whilst they are doing, and our humble and modeft Retirement when they are done, demonstrate to Men and Angels, that they are the Defire of our Souls, the Delight of our Eyes, and the singular Refreshment and Joy of our Hearts. Thus will He, whom the Heaven, and the Heaven of Heavens cannot contain, vouchsafe us his most Gracious Presence in our Religious Afsemblies; the Holy Angels, that reside here, behold our Devotions with wonderful Complacency, and Delight, to join with us in praising the Goodness of our God. Thus will our Souls arise and shake themselves from the Dust, every Day regain more and more their Native Vigour and Brightness, till (like Eagles, that have re. new'd their Plumes) they take Wing and fly away from these Houses of Prayer into the Regions of Praise; from these Amiable Dwellings of the Lord of Hosts, with Men upon Earth, into his most peculiar Habitation in the Highest Heaven, where he unveils his Beauty, Η 4 and 1 and shines in his Essential Glory to all his Saints, who in Hymns and Songs, which none, but immortal Beings can fing, extol and magnify the Incompre hensible Greatness and Goodness of their Maker, for Ever and Ever. To which Blessed State, God in Mercy bring us all, through the Merits and Mediation of Jefus the Beloved. whom with the Father and the Holy Spirit, Three Persons and One Infinite and most Glorious Lord God, be Glory in the Church throughout all Ages, and World without End. Amen. To SERMON 1 |