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[The States report that approximately 226 library construction projects could be started by July 1, 1975 (col. 1); an additional 224 projects could be underway by Jan. 1, 1976 (col. 2); 293 more could start by July 1, 1976 (col. 3) if LSCA II is funded in fiscal year 1975. An additional 766 projects are needed over the next 2 to 3 years (col. 4)]

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STATEMENT OF JOHN A. HUMPHRY, ASSISTANT COMMISSIONER FOR LIBRARIES, NEW YORK STATE LIBRARIES, ALBANY, N.Y. Mr. HUMPHRY. My name is John Humphry. I am assistant commissioner for libraries, New York State Education Department, responsible for administration of the Library Services and Construction Act in New York State. I am also a past president of the Association of State Library Agencies, a division of the American Library Association. I am speaking in support of the extension of the Library Services and Construction Act.

On behalf of the library community of the Nation, the Association of State Library Agencies and the American Library Association, I wish to express deep appreciation to you and the other Members of

Congress for your support of the Library Services and Construction Act during the past 20 years.

You have heard through your constituents, the Washington Office of the American Library Association and, of coure, through your own official reporting channels, of the greatly increased opportunities for the intellectual advancement of our citizens which this Act has made possible. We as a profession understand that there is need to assess and evaluate any ongoing activity and service, but in the interest of retaining progress already made, we recommend extension of the Act now with a few revisions. At the same time we must be receptive to its longer-term review, and possible revision, for the following reasons. The National Commission on Libraries and Information Science has commissioned a review of the results of the act. Some States, including New York, have begun planning for governors' conferences in anticipation of a hoped-for White House Conference on Libraries. Such meetings will provide forums for assessment and evaluation as well as to help create greater awareness on the part of the public of the useful role of our libraries, but we cannot expect realistically to tabulate such results in the immediate future. Therefore, there is a rationale for recommending concurrent actions, short term and long term, that are nevertheless coordinate and compatible.

First, I respectfully recommend that the concept of forward funding be applied to this act, as it has been in other areas of education legislation. Long delays between enactments and receipt of funds pose extremely difficult problems for efficient planning. I am convinced that forward funding can produce economies as well as more effective use of appropriations and administration.

Second, the critical needs of urban libraries must be recognized. In the fiscal years 1971-75, approximately 45 percent of all LSCA title I funds allocated to New York State have been disbursed to our five metropolitan areas in the form of project grants. We need additional funds so that greater amounts can be allocated to those cities whose populations comprised a certain percentage of the State's total population. We need to rethink this LSCA support so that our emphasis is less on short-term projects and is focused more on using LSCA funds to assure that library services will be available to people in these cities over the long term.

Third, equally important is the continued development of effective systems and networks of libraries and information sources. LSCA funds have initiated and extended library service in large areas of many States, including rural areas in which people lacked access to the library services they need.

In recent years the States and local communities have taken a broader and more systematic approach to library services, one in which bookmobiles, books, staff, and other resources are shared on a multicounty basis to serve readers regardless of where they live.

In Ohio, for instance, this year libraries in 73 of the 88 counties participate in multicounty systems. The nine systems now include 64 percent of the State's public libraries and serve 46 percent of the State's population. In fiscal year 1976 these systems are assisted by $1,304,360 in LSCA ($1,003,360) and State aid ($301,000) funds. The Ohio system development more than tripled since 1970, when LSCA extension

was last considered by this committee. In 1970 $72,287 in LSCA funds assisted two systems involving 21 libraries—or 8 percent of Ohio's libraries-in 17 counties.

LSCA funds are helping similar library systems' development in many other States across the Nation, including for instance North Carolina, Indiana, Texas, and Montana.

These developments point up the need for another type of action: State funds for library services. Twenty-five years of system development in New York State has proved the importance of state aid for library services. I suspect that the State and National White House conferences will show the need in most States for LSCA and expanded State aid funds to be used together to provide the library services people need.

Fourth, I recommend that a statutory limitation be placed on the use of funds provided under the act, perhaps 10 to 15 percent, for state administration and indirect costs, thereby helping preserve and advance the program objectives of the act. In view of the findings of the review of the act by the General Accounting Office, this recommendation takes an appropriate validity. At the same time, consideration should be given to the addition of a provision to insure that Federal funds will not replace or be substituted for responsible State support of the functions of the State library agency. States should be given leadtime of 2 to 3 years to meet such a requirement.

I wish to thank you for your attention and interest. I shall be glad to try to answer any questions you might have.

Mr. BRADEMAS. Thank you very much.

Mr. Ekman.


Mr. EKMAN. My name is Edward O. Ekman, Jr., and I have been a trustee of the North Kingstown Free Library since October 1969. I have been a registered architect in Rhode Island since 1964 and have been in business as an architect since that time. I am appearing here today on behalf of the American Library Association.

I am fully aware of the importance of libraries as I have participated in the construction of several, including being building committee chairman of the new $1,300,000 library in North Kingstown. Of the $1.3 million, $109,349 are Federal funds and $540,561 are State funds. Rhode Island law permits the State to contribute up to 50 percent of the construction funds, with a funding provision which allows payment over 20 years.

When I came into the library scene in fiscal 1965, there had been almost no public library construction for decades. With the impetus of Federal funds this picture changed and Rhode Island now has accomplished more than $6 million worth of public library construction. in the last decade.

Since I come to you directly from the dedication in North Kingstown yesterday of a new public library building which had the support of Federal funds from LSCA title II, I am most willing to testify on behalf of the extension of this legislation.

Although Rhode Island is one of very few States which has State funding for public library construction, I agree with the Department of State Library Services that Federal funding for this purpose has made all the difference. In case after case, a modest amount of Federal funding has led the State to pick up its share according to our law.

You may be interested to know that since fiscal 1965, the first year of the LSCA title II construction program, Rhode Island has been engaged in public library building projects which amount now to $6,384,776. Of this, the Federal grants have amounted to $1,252,253, a relatively modest share, and yet often an amount which has readily elicited State funds, as I have said.

The new Federal requirements for all buildings, mandated in the Occupational Safety and Health Act are indeed necessary, but are costly to the local community. Therefore, it is more important than ever that LSCA title II funding be continued to assist in the construction of library buildings which must meet these Federal requirements. Federal involvement and funding have been most helpful in increasing awareness of the needs of the handicapped at the State and local levels. Architectural barrier free construction has been the rule in public library construction in Rhode Island.

Turning from construction to the other provisions of LSCA, I should like to point out that Federal money for library service has made an enormous difference to the State of Rhode Island. This is true even though local and State appropriations have advanced significantly.

In fiscal 1965 Federal moneys were 50 percent of the budget of the department of state library services. The State has taken up this challenge and over the years the proportion has shifted so that today operating moneys for the department are 70 percent State funds and 30 percent Federal funds. Nevertheless, these Federal funds are exceedingly important. In our State, Federal funds do produce State funds, and these Federal funds have added the positive factor of giving the State some direction toward Federal goals.

At the same time I should like to point out that the per capita amount of local appropriations for public libraries in Rhode Island in fiscal 1965 was 97 cents. The current figure for fiscal 1975 is $3.24 per capita. This increase is 234 percent. Rhode Island is one of the New England States which has virtually abandoned counties. Consequently, there is no level of county funding and this increase must come directly from the cities and towns, in some of them through town meetings.

North Kingstown with its 1970 census population of 29,793 has a library which serves in the middle range among the libraries of Rhode Island, not as large, of course, as Warwick or Providence, or as small as Burrillville or Little Compton. Therefore, our library is very close to the people which it serves. I should like to be very definite in my support of legislation that helps libraries of all sizes as components of an interrelated library system.

Rhode Island has created a very effective network of all types of libraries. This State is divided into five interrelated library systems. Our library benefits immensely from such system activities as interlibrary loan, rotating collections or bulk loans, workshops and continuing education, and other regional and statewide efforts.

Rhode Island has a grant-in-aid to cities and towns based on public libraries meeting standards. Hardnosed businesmen, serving as trustees, have expressed the fact that while the money is important, the services of the network are the chief factors which make their libraries work to meet standards. I understand that funding from both title I and title III of LSCA helps to support this network.

Much as the Federal LSCA funding of past years has been appreciated, I must admit that Federal funds have recently been both too little and too late. Funding has not increased significantly over the past few years, while we have seen a steady growth in the need for library services.

A final figure for Federal appropriations for library services has often reached the State beyond the midpoint of the current year. I should hope that the authorizations for library funds would remain at least at the present level and that appropriations could rapidly increase. The Department has informed me that this problem could be alleviated if LSCA could be forward funded. This would mean the States would know a year in advance the amount of Federal funds they would be receiving. For planning at the local level as well as at the State level, this would offer a distinct advantage. As a trustee, I am very conscious of the need for planning at all levels: Local, State, and National.

I understand that legislation has been passed to permit a White House Conference on Libraries and that in each State there would be a Governor's Conference on Libraries which would precede the national meeting.

Rhode Island is most eager that these conferences take place. We have been proud to note that our own Senator Claiborne Pell introduced the White House Conference legislation on the Senate side, just as you did, Mr. Chairman, on the House side. We also know the concern of Representative Edward Beard, a member of this subcommittee, for people-oriented programs.

One of the final points I should like to make from my observation as trustee of a fine new facility is that public libraries are coming into greater use than ever before. I realize our new building will attract many new readers and encourage many longtime patrons to expand their use. However, libraries all over Rhode Island are experiencing similar expansion of service. Surely part of this is because of the economic situation in our State which has had record unemployment. People are turning to the reading of books and periodicals from the library shelves and are benefiting from the many types of library programs which serve everyone from preschools to the elderly.

Please accept, Mr. Chairman, my sincere appreciation to you and to the subcommittee members for giving me the privilege of appearing here today. Since my library is in a middle group in my State, I feel I can speak for all libraries in their need for a Federal commitment of legislation and moneys.

I urge favorable action on the renewal of the Library Services and Construction Act.

Mr. BRADEMAS. Thank you, Mr. Ekman.

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