GRAND JURY-Continued. time for action limited, 939. punishment, etc., of, 826. GRAVE ROBBERY— offense of, punishment, etc., 891. GRAVES (see Cemeteries)- depth, reopening, etc., of, 850, 851. GROUNDS, CAPITOL- trespassing on, forbidden, etc., 881. GUARANTEE COMPANIES (see Security companies). GUARDIANS- account to be rendered by, 1135, 1139. allowances for maintenance of ward, 1137. ancillary may institute suits, etc., 1142. appointment of, for boys for purpose of enlistment, 166. for infant femme covert, 1157. to represent infant, etc., at probate of will, 138, 1123, 1125, 1133. appraisement of estate, 1134. apprenticeship of ward, 402. bond to be given by, when representing infant, 151. bonds of, subject to approval of probate court, 121, 1131, 1137, 1138. court appoints, 1127. election of, by infant, 155, 1130, 1140. embezzlement by, offense of, 841. enforcement of duties by, 126, 1131, 1142. father or mother of infant to give bond, when, etc., 152. final account of, 1139. guardianship ceases when ward becomes of age, 1126, 1127. husband may be appointed as, 1140. infants, to give bond, 1131. letters of, may be revoked, etc., 119, 153. must give consent to marriage, 1292. natural, 1129. payment of monev belonging to ward may be enforced, etc., 119, 126. personally not liable on stock held by, 742. petition on behalf of nonresident infant by, 1141. preferences in, 1128. probate court to appoint, for infants, 150. revocation of authority to act, etc., 127, 153. surety may require countersecurity, etc., 154, 1138. stock held by, 624, 742. testamentary, may be appointed, when, 1124, 1138. GUARDIAN AD LITEM- when to be appointed for infant, 102, 130, 138, 395, 485. for person non compos mentis, 104. GUARDIAN AND WARD- provisions affecting, 1123-1142. H. HABEAS CORPUS.- evasion of, 1145. how obtained, 1143. how served, 1144. inquiry by court into cause of detention, 1148. issuance of writ, 78. issued on behalf of parent, etc., entitled to custody of child, 1150. refusal to produce, 1146. right to writ, etc., 1150. HANGING- judgment of, to be executed by warden, etc., 1198. HARBOR- regulations as to anchorage of vessels, etc., 895. HARBOR MASTER- duties of, 895. HEALTH DEPARTMENT (see pamphlet: Laws, etc., relating to public health)- deaths must be reported to, 677. health officer, alleys to be opened, etc., when deemed necessary by, 1608. superintendent of cemetery to register at, 674. HEIRS- of half blood, how they take, 386a, 954. of estates by purchase, 948. of trust estates, 952. murdered, can not take interest in estate, etc., 961. unknown, proceedings in case of, etc. 110, method of describing, etc., 110, 953, 1027. HEREDITAMENTS- when court may decree partition, etc., 93. HERRING— having in possession, when forbidden, etc., 898. HOLIDAYS- what shall be, 1389. shall be excluded in attachment proceedings, 446. HOURS- executive order 1904. of labor for clerks (act Mar. 15, 1898; 30 Stat., 316). of labor for clerks, 9 a. m. to 4.30 p. m. limitation as to service of laborers, etc., 892-894. limitation as to service of telegraph operators, train dispatchers, etc., p. 416. HOUSEBREAKING- offense of, punishment, etc., 823. HOUSES- act relative to alleys remains in force, 1636. penalty for depredation on fixture, etc., 825. burning, etc., 821. HUSBAND (see also Married women)- competent to testify for or against wife, 1068. devise to wife in lieu of dower, 1172. estate by courtesy of, 1159. guardian of wife, when, 1140. liable for wife's act, when, 1155, 1177. life insurance not liable for debt, 1162. may be compelled to maintain family, 980. (See act Mar. 23, 1906.) may convey property direct to wife, 1152. may testify in proceedings for or against wife, 1068. enjoined for interfering with wife's estate, 1129. entitled to wife's personal estate, when, 1160. not liable for debts of wife before marriage, 1166. not liable for wife's contracts, 1155. not to testify as to confidential communications with wife, 1069. provisions with reference to property rights, etc., in relation to wife, 371, 1151- 1177. selection of, as guardian on marriage of infant, 1140. wife entitled to dower in estate of, 1158. wife's separate estate not liable for debt of, 1151. I. ILLEGITIMATE CHILDREN- capable of inheriting, etc., 387, 958. IMPERSONATION (see Personation). IMPLEMENTS (see Tools). IMPRISONMENT- place of, 934. to enforce compliance with decree, 113. INCEST- offense of, punishment, etc., 875. INCORPORATION- form of certification or charter, 606. INDECENT PUBLICATION- offense of, etc., 872. INDEMNITY COMPANIES (see Security). joinder of offenses in, 915. what to contain, 916, 917. INDIGENT- criminals, Government shall pay expenses of trial, 920. guardians to be appointed for boys for purpose of enlistment, 166. INDUSTRIAL INSURANCE- not forbidden, 655. INFANTS (see also Children; Estates)- adverse possession, rights preserved in case of, 111. age of consent to marriage, 1285, 1292. appointment of guardian ad litem for, 98, 102, 108, 138, 140, 157, 165, 395, 485. apprenticeship, 402, etc. contracts of, how ratified, 1271. contract for sale of land must be ratified by court, 93, 115e. court may decree with reference to mortgaged property, etc., 91. cruelty to, 814. deed of, who must execute, 1009. execution of contract when entitled to property bound by executory contract, etc., 92. disability of married woman as, 1154, 1157. dower, release of, 494. election of guardian by, 155, 1130, 1140. enlistment of, 166. guardian to give bond, etc., 151, 152, 153, 1131. guardian to represent, on application to admit will to probate, 138. female bequest payable when 18 or married, 393. female under 21, carnal knowledge of, etc., 808, 813. femme coverts, disabilities of, 1157. habeas corpus, etc., 1150. indorsement of negotiable instruments by, 1326. lease of estate of, 163. limitation of actions does not affect, 111, 1265. may be executors, when, 261. may change name, how, 1298. may file caveat to will, 137. may make will, 1625. mortgage of estate of, when, 164. orphan, appointment of guardian for, 150. preservation of rights of, in case of title by adverse possession, 111. procedure in case of sale or exchange of real estate, 156-161. in case of death, 160. rights of posthumus, 1028. sale of particular estate or remainder, 162. of principal estate of, for maintenance, 165. sale or exchange of real estate of, 156-161. when guardian ad litem to be appointed, 102. INFERIOR COURTS- of what to consist, 2. INFORMATION- prosecutions in police court to be on, 44. INHERITANCE (see Administration)- party committing murder, etc., not to inherit from deceased, 961. rule of descent, 940-962. INJUNCTION- action stayed by, in re time of limitation, 1074, 1270. against sale, when made under deed of trust, etc., 540. corporation to be restrained from exercising franchises, etc., when, 793, 1546. decrees may be enforced by, 113. fraternal beneficial associations may be stopped from doing business, etc., 762. payment to married women to defraud husband's creditors, etc., 1164. INJURY, MALICIOUS- offense of, punishment, etc., 846-850. personal or to reputation does not survive after death, etc., 235, 237. INLAND BILL OF EXCHANGE- definition of, 1433. ΙΝΝΚΕΕPER- appointment of committee, 115b. conveyance by husband where wife is, 1165. court may decree with reference to mortgaged property, etc., 91. criminals, commitment of, 927. trial and commitment of, 927. restoration to sanity, effect of, 929. estates shall be charged with support, 927. proceedings when sanity is in question, 927. custody of, 1150. execution of contract when entitled to property bound by executory contract, etc., 92. executor, incompetent to act, 261. guardian ad litem to defend nonresident, to be appointed, 108, 109. assignment of attorney to represent, etc., 109. inquisitions of lunacy, 115a. "lunatic" to include, when, page 7. marriage of, declared void, 966, 973, 1285. mother, illegitimate children can not inherit, 958. decree, conveyance, and release of dower, etc., 115b, 1165. sale of estate for maintenance, debts, etc., 115d. appointment of guardian ad litem for, 104, 138, 140. testimony in case of party becoming, 1065. restoration to sanity, effect of, etc., 929. will made by, void, 1625. writ de lunatico de inquirendo, to issue from probate court, 115a. "INSANE PERSON"__ who to include, page 7. INSOLVENT- assignment of, etc., 435-444. dissolution of partnership, when, 1527. INSTITUTIONS OF LEARNING- provisions with reference to organization of, 574-586. may hold property, 578, 580. must file annual reports, 584. service of process against, 585, 586. INSURANCE- agent to be licensed, 654. commissioners to appoint superintendent of, 645. department of, established, 645-657. duties of superintendent, 646. for benefit of wife and children not liable to claims of creditors, etc., 1162. industrial, 655. law relative profit, 764. to fraternal beneficial associations, not applicable to asssociations for policy in favor of murderer, when void, 961. wife may obtain policy on husband's life, 1161, 1163. INSURANCE AGENTS- to be licensed, 654. INSURANCE COMPANIES- agents to be licensed, 654.- annual reports of, 647. assessment of, 653. charter to be filed, 646. collection of premiums on undetermined policies by discontinued companies, 655. deposit required of foreign, etc., 649. domestic, 652. fire, 649. foreign, 646, 649. fraternal beneficial association for insurance purpose, powers, etc., 749-765. reincorporation of existing, 756. life, to attach copy of application to policy, 657. mutual fire, exempt, 650. organization and incorporation of, provisions relative to, 605-644. paid-up capital required, etc., 648. payment of 14 per cent of gross receipts, etc. (act April 28, 1904; 33 Stat., 564). statement of business transacted to be furnished, 650. statement to be furnished by assessment, etc., 653. taxation of, 650. wagering policies forbidden, 556. INTENT- considered a matter of fact, 1120. to defraud, allegation of, 917. INTEREST- judgments to include, when, 1184, 1185. of justices of the peace to include, 12. on assessments in condemnation proceedings, 491j, 16081. on bills and notes begins, 1321 in usury forfeited, 1180, 1181. rate allowed in judgments in suits on contracts, 1184-1186. rate of usury, etc., 1178–1186. where agreed upon by contract, 1179. when to cease on claims and debts, 345. INTERLOCUTORY ORDERS- enforcement of, as upon final judgment, etc., 114, 226. of juror, witnesses, etc., offense of, 862. INVENTORY- executor, etc., to make, of decedent's estate, 309-316. guardian to file, 1134. insolvent debtor to make, 435. INVESTMENT (see Estates)- funds of estate by executor, etc., 123, 369. |