Lapas attēli

of business; and whenever any vacancy shall happen among such trustees, directors, or managers, by death, resignation, or otherwise, such vacancy shall be filled in such manner as shall be provided by the laws of said association.

Sec. 756. REINCORPORATION.-The officers, trustees, directors, or governing body of any existing fraternal beneficial association may, by conforming to the requirements of the several provisions of this subchapter, reincorporate themselves or continue their existing corporate powers under this subchapter, or change their name, stating in their certificate the original name of such corporation as well as their new name assumed, and all the property and effects of such existing corporation shall vest in and belong to the corporation so reincorporated or continued.

Sec. 757. SUBORDINATE BODIES.-Any subordinate body of any fraternal beneficial association incorporated under the provisions of this subchapter, or of such association now doing business or which may hereafter be admitted to do business in this District under this subchapter, where the laws of the governing body of said association do not prohibit the incorporation of their subordinate bodies, may become a body corporate in the manner following: At some regular meeting of such subordinate body a resolution expressing the desire of such subordinate body to be incorporated, and directing its officers to perfect such incorporation, shall be submitted to a vote of the members present, and if two-thirds of the members present vote therefor the president and secretary of such subordinate body, or the officers holding relative offices therein, shall prepare articles of association, under their hands and the seal of such subordinate body, setting forth, first, the number of members of such subordinate body then in good standing; second, the name by which said subordinate body is known; third, the date of its organization and the period for which it is to be incorporated, not exceeding thirty years. A copy of such articles of association shall be filed with the recorder of deeds, and shall by him be recorded, together with the affidavit hereafter named, in a book to be kept for that purpose. On the execution of said articles of association and before the filing thereof with the recorder the secretary of such subordinate body shall annex thereto his affidavit, stating that he is a member in good standing in such subordinate body and occupies the position of secretary, or the office corresponding therewith, and that the resolution, a copy of which shall be set forth at length, was regularly passed at a regular meeting of said subordinate body and received the vote of two-thirds of the members present and voting, and that, to the best of his knowledge and belief, the statements made in the articles of association are true, and that such subordinate body is organized and acting under the laws of its respective association, giving the

name by which such association is known. When the foregoing requirements are complied with such subordinate body shall be a body corporate by the name expressed in such articles, and by that name shall be a person in law, capable of suing and being sued in the courts, and taking and holding property of every kind the same as natural persons, and a copy of said articles of association, duly certified to by the recorder of deeds, shall be prima facie evidence in all courts and places of the existence and the due incorporation of such subordinate body.

Sec. 758. CONTRACT INVALID IF BENEFICIARY TO PAY ASSESSMENTS.-No contract with any such association shall be valid when there is a contract, agreement, or understanding between the member and the beneficiary prior to or at the time of becoming a member of the association that the beneficiary, or any person for him, shall pay such member's assessments and dues, or either of them.

Sec. 759. BENEFITS EXEMPT FROM ATTACHMENT.-The money or other benefit, charity, relief, or aid to be paid, provided, or rendered by any association authorized to do business under this subchapter shall not be liable to attachment, garnishment, or other process, and shall not be seized, taken, appropriated, or applied by any legal or equitable process, or by operation of law to pay any debt or liability of a certificate holder or of any beneficiary named in a certificate, or any person who may have any right thereunder.

Sec. 760. MEETINGS.-Any such association organized under the laws of said District may provide for the meetings of its legislative or governing body in any State, country, province, or Territory wherein such association shall have subordinate bodies, and all business transacted at such meetings shall be valid in all respects as if such meetings were held within said District; and where the laws of any such association provide for the election of its officers by votes to be cast in its subordinate bodies, the votes so cast in its subordinate bodies in any State, country, province or Territory shall be valid as if cast within said District.

Sec. 761. FRAUDULENT REPRESENTATIONS.-Any person, officer, member, or examining physician who shall knowingly or willfully make any false or fraudulent statement or representation in or with reference to any application for membership or for restoration to membership or for the purpose of obtaining any money or benefit in any association transacting business under this subchapter shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction shall be punished by a fine of not less than one hundred dollars nor more than five hundred dollars, or imprisonment in the United States jail in said District for not less than thirty days nor more than one year, or both, in the discretion of the court; and any person who shall willfully make a false statement of any material fact or thing in a sworn statement as to the death or disability of a certifi

cate holder in any such association for the purpose of procuring payment of a benefit named in the certificate of such holder, and any person who shall willfully make any false statement in any verified report or declaration under oath required or authorized by this subchapter, shall be guilty of perjury.

Sec. 762. NEGLECT TO REPORT.-Any such association refusing or neglecting to make the report as provided in this subchapter shall be excluded from doing business within said District. Said superintendent of insurance must, within sixty days after failure to make such report, or in case any such association shall exceed its powers, or shall conduct its business fraudulently, or shall fail to comply with any of the provisions of this subchapter, give notice in writing to the attorney for said District, who shall immediately commence an action against such association to enjoin the same from carrying on any business. An injunction against any such association may be granted on application by the Commissioners of said District at the request of the said superintendent. No association so enjoined shall have authority to continue business until such report shall be made, or overt act or violation complained of shall have been corrected, nor until the costs of such action be paid by it, (provided, the court shall find that such association was in default, as charged,) whereupon the superintendent of insurance shall reinstate such association, and not until then shall such association be allowed again to do business in said District. Any officer, agent, or person acting for any association or subordinate body thereof, within said District, while such association shall be so enjoined or prohibited from doing business pursuant to this subchapter, shall be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, and on conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine of not less than twenty-five dollars nor more than two hundred dollars, or by imprisonment in said jail not less than thirty days nor more than one year, or by both such fine and imprisonment, in the discretion of the court.

Sec. 763. ACTING WITHOUT AUTHORITY.-Any person who shall act within said District as an officer, agent, or otherwise, for any association which shall have failed, neglected, or refused to comply with, or shall have violated any of the provisions of this subchapter, or shall have failed or neglected to procure from the said superintendent a proper certificate of authority to transact business as provided for in this subchapter, shall be subject to the penalty provided in the last preceding section for the misdemeanor therein specified. To transact business" or "doing business" under this subchapter means the writing of applications and the soliciting of new members so far as the penalty of this subchapter applies thereto. It shall not be unlawful for any organization under section seven hundred and forty-nine to continue the operation of its lodges or branches except in securing new members.

Sec. 764. THIS LAW NOT TO APPLY TO ASSOCIATIONS FOR PROFIT.-Nothing in this subchapter shall be construed to apply to any corporation, society, order, or association carrying on the business of life, health, casualty, or accident insurance for profit or gain, and it shall only apply to fraternal beneficial associations as defined by section seven hundred and forty-nine, and nothing in this subchapter contained shall be construed to affect any grand or subordinate lodge or branch of any such fraternal beneficial societies, orders, or associations which limits its certificate holders to a particular religious denomination or to the employees of a particular town or city, designated firm, business house, or corporation, or department or branch of the United States Government, nor the grand or subordinate lodges of the Independent Order of Odd Fellows, nor any grand or subordinate lodge, or other body of Free and Accepted Masons, nor the grand or any subordinate lodge of the Knights of Pythias, or similar orders, associations, or societies that do not have as their principal object the issuance of benefit certificates of membership in case of death or the payment of sick, funeral, or death benefits exceeding in amount one hundred dollars.

Sec. 765. NOR TO ASSOCIATIONS OR INDIVIDUALS USING NAME OF PREVIOUSLY EXISTING CORPORATION.-The provisions of this subchapter shall not extend to nor apply to any association or individual who shall, in the certificate filed with the recorder of deeds, use or specify a name or style the same as that of any previously existing incorporated fraternal beneficial association in the District of Columbia.


Sec. 766. REORGANIZATION.-Any corporation heretofore existing or doing business in the District of Columbia may come under and avail itself of the provisons of this chapter by giving to its stockholders, members, or associates notice as prescribed in section six hundred and thirty-five of subchapter four thereof and pursuing the same procedure and complying with the same requirements as are prescribed in said subchapter in respect to increase or diminution of capital stock; and upon filing its certificate of reorganization in such case, such company shall be entitled to the privileges and provisions and be subject to the liabilities of the class of corporations to which it belongs, as provided in and by this chapter.

Sec. 767. NOTICE OF APPLICATION FOR CHARTER, AND SO FORTH.-Whoever, not being a Senator or Representative in Congress, intends to present to Congress a bill for an act of incorporation, or for an alteration or extension of the charter of a corporation in the District of Columbia, or of any special privileges in said District,

shall give notice of such intention by publishing a copy of the bill at least once a week for four successive weeks, in a newspaper published in the Distrct of Columbia, the last of said publications to be made at least fourteen days prior to the presentation of such bill. Such newspaper shall be designated by the person proposing the bill and approved by the Commissioners of the District of Columbia.


27 D. C., 433.

Sec. 768. VOLUNTARY, WHEN. When a majority of Fields v. U. S., the trustees, directors, or other officers having the management of the concerns of any corporation in the District, or stockholders representing not less than onethird of the capital stock of any such corporation, discover that the property and effects of the corporation have been so far reduced, by losses or otherwise, that it will not be able to pay all just demands against it or offer a reasonable security to those who deal with it, or they shall deem it beneficial to the interests of the stockholders that the corporation be dissolved, or when such directors, trustees, or other officers are authorized by a majority of the stockholders to apply for a decree, as hereinafter provided, or when the objects of the corporation have wholly failed or are entirely abandoned or are impracticable, they may apply to the supreme court of the District by petition for the dissolution of said corporation.

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Sec. 769. APPLICATION TO SUPREME COURT OF THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA. Such application shall contain a statement of the reasons upon which it is founded, and there shall be annexed thereto

First. A full, just, and true inventory of all the estate, real and personal, of the corporation, and of all the books, vouchers, and securities relating thereto.

Second. A full, just, and true account of the capital stock of the corporation, specifying the names of the stockholders, their residences, when known, the number of shares belonging to each, the amounts paid in upon said shares, respectively, and the amounts still due thereon.

Third. A statement of all the incumbrances on the property of the corporation and of all the engagements entered into by it which have not been fully satisfied or canceled, specifying the place of residence of each creditor and of every person to whom such engagements were made, if known, the sum owing to each creditor and the nature and consideration of the indebtedness, and such application shall be verified by affidavit.

Sec. 770. PUBLICATION.-On the filing of such application, accounts, inventories, and affidavit, an order shall be passed requiring all persons interested in said corporation to appear in said court and show cause by a day named, if any they have, why it should not be dissolved,

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