Seo. 713. 26 Stat., 625. (Repealed 34 Stat., 458.) [Sec. 713. REPORT TO BE MADE to ComptroLLER, AND TO BE SUBJECT TO PROVISIONS OF LAW APPLICABLE TO NATIONAL BANKS.-All savings banks or savings companies or institutions organized under authority of any act of Congress to do business in the District of Columbia shall be, and are hereby, required to make to the Comptroller of the Currency, and publish, all the reports which national banking associations are required to make and publish under the provisions of sections fifty-two hundred and eleven, fifty-two hundred and twelve, and fifty-two hundred and thirteen of the Revised Statutes, and shall be subject to the same penalties for failure to make or publish such reports as are therein provided; which penalties may be collected by suit before the supreme court of the District of Columbia. And all savings or other banks now organized, or which shall hereafter be organized, in the District of Columbia under any act of Congress, which shall have capital stock paid up in whole or in part, shall be subject to all the provisions of the Revised Statutes and of all acts of Congress applicable to national banking associations, so far as the same may be applicable to such savings or other banks: Provided, That any savings banks established before eighteen hundred and seventy-four shall not be required to have a paid-up capital exceeding one hundred thousand dollars.] SEC. 714. The Comptroller of the Currency, in addition to the powers now conferred upon him by law for the examination of national banks, is hereby further authorized, whenever he may deem it useful, to cause examination to be made into the condition of any bank mentioned in the preceding section. The expense of such examination shall be paid in the manner provided by section fiftytwo hundred and forty of the Revised Statutes of the United States relating to the examination of national banks.-Act of June 25, 1906 (34 Stat., Part I, p. 458). (Repealed 34 Stat., 458.) [Sec. 714. COMPTROLLER AUTHORIZED TO EXAMINE.-The Comptroller of the Currency, in addition to the powers now conferred upon him by law for the examination of national banks, is hereby further authorized, whenever he may deem it useful, to cause examination to be made into the condition of any bank in the District of Columbia organized under act of Congress. The Comptroller, at his discretion, may report to Congress the results of such examination. The expense necessarily incurred in the execution of this section shall be paid out of any appropriation made by Congress for special bank examinations.] Subchapter XI.-TRUST, LOAN, MORTGAGE, AND CERTAIN OTHER CORPORATIONS. Sec. 715. FOR WHAT PURPOSES TO BE FORMED.-Corporations may be formed within the District of Columbia for the purposes hereinafter mentioned in the following manner: At any time hereafter any number of natural persons, citizens of the United States, not less than twenty-five, may associate themselves together to form a company for the purpose of carrying on, in the District of Columbia, any one of the three classes of business herein specified, to wit: First. A safe deposit, trust, loan, and mortgage busi ness. Second. A title insurance, loan, and mortgage business. Third. A security, guarantee, indemnity, loan, and mortgage business: Provided, That the capital stock of any of said companies shall not be less than one million dollars, and that any of said companies may also do a storage business when their capital stock amounts to the sum of not less than one million two hundred thousand dollars. Sec. 716. ORGANIZATION CERTIFICATE.-Such persons shall, under their hands and seals, execute before some officer in said District competent to take the acknowledgment of deeds, an organization certificate, which shall specifically state First. The name of the corporation. Second. The purposes for which it is formed. Third. The term for which it is to exist, which shall not exceed the term of fifty years, and be subject to alteration, amendment, or repeal by Congress at any time. Fourth. The number of its directors and the names and residences of the officers who for the first year are to manage the affairs of the company. Fifth. The amount of its capital stock and its subdivision into shares. Sec. 717. PoWER OF COMMISSIONERS OF THE DISTRICT. This certificate shall be presented to the Commissioners of the District, who shall have power and discretion to grant or refuse to said persons a charter of incorporation upon the terms set forth in the said certificate and the provisions of this subchapter. Sec. 718. NOTICE OF APPLICATION TO COMMISSION- Ib., sec. 713. ERS.-Previous to the presentation of the said certificate to the said Commissioners, notice of the intention to apply for such charter shall be inserted in two newspapers of general circulation, printed in the District of Columbia, at least four times a week for three weeks, setting forth briefly the name of the proposed company, its character and object, the names of the proposed corporators, and the intention to make application for a charter on a specified day; and the proof of such publication shall be presented with said certificate when presentation thereof is made to said Commissioners. Sec. 719. RECORDING CHARTER, AND SO FORTH.-If the charter be granted as aforesaid, it, together with the certificate of the Commissioners granting the same indorsed thereon, shall be filed for record in the office of the recorder of deeds for the District of Columbia, and shall be recorded by him. On the filing of the said certificate with the said recorder of deeds as herein provided, approved as aforesaid by the said Commissioners, the persons named therein and their successors shall thereupon and thereby be and become a body corporate and politic, and as such shall be vested with all the powers and charged with all the liabilities conferred upon and imposed by this subchapter upon companies organized under the provisions hereof: Provided, however, That no corporation created and organized Sec. 262. under the provisions hereof, or availing itself of the provisions hereof as contained in section seven hundred and twenty-five, shall be authorized to transact the business of a trust company, or any business of a fiduciary character, until it shall have filed with the Comptroller of the Currency a copy of its certificate of organization and charter, and shall have obtained from him and filed the same for record with the said recorder of deeds, a certificate that the said capital stock of said company has been paid in and the deposit of securities made with said Comptroller in the manner and to the extent required by this subchapter. Sec. 720. REPORTS TO COMPTROLLER.-All companies organized hereunder, or which shall, under the provisions hereof, become entitled to transact the business of a trust company, shall report to the Comptroller of the Currency in the manner prescribed by sections fifty-two hundred and eleven, fifty-two hundred and twelve, and fifty-two hundred and thirteen of the Revised Statutes of the United States in the case of national banks, and all acts amendatory thereof or supplementary thereto, and with similar provisions for compensating examiners, and shall be subject to like penalties for failure to do so. The Comptroller shall have and exercise the same visitorial powers over the affairs of the said corporation as is conferred upon him by section fifty-two hundred and forty of the Revised Statutes of the United States in the case of national banks. He shall also have power, when in his opinion it is necessary, to take possession of any such company for the reasons and in the manner and to the same extent as are provided in the laws of the United States with respect to national banks. Sec. 721. SPECIAL POWERS.-All companies organized under this subchapter are hereby declared to be corporations possessed of the powers and functions of corporations generally, and shall have power— First. To make contracts. Second. To sue and be sued, plead and be impleaded, in any court as fully as natural persons. Third. To make and use a common seal and alter the same at pleasure. Fourth. To loan money. Fifth. When organized under subdivision one of section seven hundred and fifteen of this subchapter, to accept and execute trusts of any and every description which may be committed or transferred to them, and to accept the office and perform the duties of receiver, assignee, executor, administrator, collector of estate or property of any decedent, guardian of the estate of minors with the consent of the guardian of the person of such minor, and committee of the estates of lunatics and idiots whenever any trusteeship or any such office or appointment is committed or transferred to them, with their consent, by any person, body politic or corporate, or by any court in the District of Columbia; and all such companies organized under the first subdivision of section seven hundred and fifteen of this subchapter are further authorized to accept deposits of money for the purposes designated herein, upon such terms as may be agreed upon from time to time with depositors, and to act as agent for the purpose of issuing or countersigning the bonds or obligations of any corporation, association, municipality, or State, or other public authority, and to receive and manage any sinking fund on any such terms as may be agreed upon, and shall have power to issue its debenture bonds upon deeds of trust or mortgages of real estate to a sum not exceeding the face value of said deeds of trust or mortgages, and which shall not exceed fifty per centum of the fair cash value of the real estate covered by said deeds or mortgages, to be ascertained by the Comptroller of the Currency; but no debenture bonds shall be issued until the securities on which the same are based have been placed in the actual possession of the trustee named in the debenture bonds, who shall hold said securities until all of said bonds are paid; and when organized under the second subdivision of section seven hundred and fifteen of this subchapter said company is anthorized to insure titles to real estate and to transact generally the business mentioned in said subdivision; and when organized under the third subdivision of section seven hundred and fifteen of this subchapter said company is hereby authorized, in addition to the loan and mortgage business therein mentioned, to secure, guarantee, and insure individuals, bodies politic, associations, and corporations against loss by or through trustees, agents, servants, or employees, and to guarantee the faithful performance of contracts and obligations of whatever kind entered into by or on the part of any person or persons, association, corporation, or corporations, and against loss of every kind: Provided, That any corporations formed under the provisions of this subchapter when acting as trustee shall be liable to account for the amounts actually earned by the moneys held by it in trust in addition to the principal so held; but such corporation may be allowed a reasonable compensation for services. performed in the care of the trust estate. Sec. 722. MAY BE APPOINTED TRUSTEE, EXECUTOR, AND SO FORTH.—In all cases in which application shall be made to any court in the District of Columbia, or wherever it becomes necessary or proper for said court to appoint a trustee, receiver, administrator, collector, guardian of the estate of a minor, or committee of the estate of a lunatic, it shall and may be lawful for said court (but without prejudice to any preference in the order of any such appointments required by existing law) to appoint any such company organized under the first subdivision of section seven hundred and fifteen of this subchapter. with its assent, such trustee, receiver, administrator, collector, committee, or guardian, with the consent of the Sec. 262. guardian of the person of such minor: Provided, however, That no court or judge who is an owner of or in any manner financially interested in the stock or business of such corporation shall commit by order or decree to any such corporation any trust or fiduciary duty. Sec. 723. OATH.-Whenever any corporation operating under this code shall be appointed such trustee, executor, administrator, collector, receiver, assignee, guardian, or committee, as aforesaid, the president, vice-president, secretary, or treasurer of said company shall take the oath or affirmation now required by law to be made by any trustee, executor, administrator, collector, receiver, assignee, guardian, or committee. Sec. 724. STOCK TO BE SECURITY.-When any court shall appoint the said company a trustee, receiver, administrator, collector, or such guardian or committee, or shall order the deposit of money or other valuable with said company, or where any individual or corporation shall appoint any of said companies a trustee, executor, assignee, or such guardian, the capital stock of said company subscribed for or taken, and all property owned by said company, together with the liability of the stockholders and officers as herein provided, shall be taken and considered as the security required by law for the faithful performance of its duties, and shall be absolutely liable in case of any default whatever. Sec. 725. EXISTING COMPANIES.-Any safe-deposit company, trust company, surety or guaranty company, or title insurance company now incorporated and operating under the laws of the United States in the District of Columbia or of any of the States, and now doing business in said District, may avail itself of the provisions of this subchapter on filing in the oflice of the recorder of deeds of the District of Columbia, or with the Comptroller of the Currency, a certificate of its intention to do so, which certificate shall specify which one of the three classes of business set out in section seven hundred and fifteen it will carry on, and shall be verified by the oath of its president to the effect that it has in every respect complied with the requirements of existing law, especially with the provisions of this subchapter, that its capital stock is paid in as provided in section seven hundred and thirty-five of this subchapter and is not impaired; and thereafter such company may exercise all powers and perform all duties authorized by any one of the subdivisions of section seven hundred and fifteen of this subchapter in addition to the powers now lawfully exercised by such company. Sec. 726. REAL ESTATE. Any company operating under this subchapter may lease, purchase, hold, and convey real estate, not exceeding in value five hundred thousand dollars, and such in addition as it may acquire in satisfaction of debts due the corporation under sales, decrees, judgments, and mortgages. But no such association shall |