Lapas attēli

insists on the complete cession of the Island of Cape Breton, and of the other islands in the gulf and river of St. Lawrence.

"Canada, according to the lines of its limits traced by the Marquis de Vaudreuil himself, when that Governor surrendered the said Province by capitulation to the British General, Sir J. Amherst, comprehends on one side the Lakes Huron, Michigan and Superior; and the said line drawn to Red Lake, takes in, by a serpentine progress, the river Ouabachi, as far as its junction with the Ohio, and from thence extends itself along the latter river as far, inclusively, as its influx into the Mississippi.

"It is in conformity to this state of the limits made by the French Governor, that the King claims the cession of Canada; a Province which the Court of France, moreover, has offered anew by their Ultimatum to cede to His Britannic Majesty, in the most extensive manner, as expressed in the Memorial of Propositions of Peace of 13th July."

"Article II. As to what respects the line to be drawn from Rio-Perdido, as contained in the note remitted by M. Bussy of the 18th of this month, with regard to the limits of Louisiana, His Majesty is obliged to reject so unexpected a proposition, as by no means admissible in two respects.

"1. Because the said line, under colour of fixing the limits of Louisiana, annexes vast countries to that Province, which, with the commanding posts and forts, the Marquis de Vaudreuil has, by the most solemn capitulation, incontestibly yielded into the possession of His Britannic Majesty, under the description of Canada, and that consequently, however contentious the pretensions of the two Crowns may have been before the war, and particularly with respect to the course of the Ohio, and the territories in that part,* since the surrender of

Before the war England claimed that France should appropriate neither the Ohio nor the country watered by it :

"On pretendoit que la cession de l'Acadie, par le

Canada, and the line of its limits has been traced, as aforesaid, by the Marquis de Vaudreuil, all those opposite titles are united, and become valid without contradiction, to confirm to Great Britain, with all the rest of Canada, the possession of those countries on that part of Ohio which have hitherto been contested.

"2. The line proposed to fix the bounds of Louisiana cannot be admitted, because it would compromise in another part, on the side of the Carolinas, very extensive countries and numerous nations, who have always been reputed to be under the protection of the King, a right which His Majesty has no intention of renouncing; and then the King, for the advantage of peace, might consent to leave the intermediate countries under the

protection of Great Britain, and particularly the Cherokees, the Creeks, the Chicasaws, the Chactaws, and another nation, situate between the British settlements and the Mississippi."

The offer of England, contained in this paper, to cede to France the isles of St. Pierre and Miquelon, removed another obstacle to an agreement between the Powers, so far as related to Canada and its dependencies. The last memorial of France, delivered by M. Bussy to Mr. Pitt on the 13th September, concedes the line of western boundary traced by Vaudreuil and insisted on by England.

"Article I. The King has declared in his first Memorial, and in his Ultimatum, that he will cede and guarantee to England the possession of Canada, in the most ample manner; His Majesty still persists in that offer, and without discussing the line of its limits marked on a map presented by Mr. Stanley; as that line, on which England rests its demands, is without doubt the most ex

Traité d'Utrecht, comprenoit toute la presqu' Isle ; on demandait qu'aucune des deux Nations ne pu s'approprier le cours de l'Ohio, et que le pays qu'il arrose, fut également fréquenté per les deux peuples. -Soulluin Lumina.—histoire de la Guerre contre les Anglais.


tensive bound which can be given to the cession, the King is willing to grant it."

The English proposal with respect to the limits of Louisiana was agreed to; but the French objecting to what the English negotiator had proposed as to the neutral nations in the intermediate territory, wished to have an agreement expressed in the following terms:

"The intermediate savage nations between the lakes and the Mississippi, and within the line traced out, shall be neuter and independent, under the protection of the king; and those without the line, on the side of the English, shall be likewise neuter and independent, under the protection of the king of England. The English traders also shall be prohibited from going among the savage nations beyond the line on either side; and the said nations shall not be restrained in their freedom of commerce with the French and English, as they have exercised it heretofore."


herst; but this, however it may be decid does not affect the question of the bound. Nearly three weeks before Vaudreul w: his letter of denial, the French Governn. had, in direct terms, admitted the traced on the map, in possession of Stanley, to be the true boundary of Car.. by accepting it. But if the decision res on the credibility of the two wines as it does not, there would be good reas for giving greater weight to the statemer General Amherst. Vaudreuil had fallen to disgrace at the French court; the I tile, soon to become his lot, already st him in the face. He was to be put on t with more than fifty others, as one cí authors of "monopolies, abuses, vexut: and prevarications committed in Canada charges but too well founded in many cas The fines imposed and restitutions dern amounted to nearly eleven millions and a' of francs. Vaudreuil escaped condemnat only to die of chagrin ; and it is a quest whether his tardy letter of denial was any use to him, in a trial in which the:

absence, and practically without a heari By whomsoever the line was drawn, sufficient that both the English and French Governments agreed upon it, as scribing the true boundary of Cana the west. This line takes us from R Lake to the Ouabache (Wabash)* an !

There is no doubt about the identity of

At this point the negotiations were, for the time, broken off, on questions wholly foreign to the boundaries of Canada. With-jority of the accused were convicted in out the map on which the Marquis de Vaudreuil is said to have drawn the line, it is not possible to follow it in its entire length. But this is not necessary. It is sufficient for the present purpose, to trace out Red Lake, on which the line touched in its serpentine course. But the question of the authenticity of the line must first be examined. dreuil, in a letter to the Duc de Choiseul, October 2, 1761, denied that he had delived a map to General Amherst at the time of the capitulation ; and added that when a British officer had brought a map to him, he had denied that the limits traced on it were correct. He admitted that Canada extended, on one side, to the "carrying place of the Miamis, which is the Height of Land whose rivers run into the Ouabache, on the one side, and on the other to the head of the river Illinois." It becomes a question of credibility between Vaudreuil and General Am

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Quabache with the Wabash. The French, an they borrowed our W., would have to follow orthography still. De l'Isle Carte du Canada, 1 marks it "Ouabache autrement appellée D'Cla Belle Rivèire; and in his carte de la Louisame et

du Mississippi he still call it the Cabare Some English geographers called it Ouback. Y 1708, incorrectly makes it run two-thirds of! distance on the south side of the Ohio. A illustrating one of Henipen's works (Amstents 1737) and showing Le cours du Fleuve Mak selon les Kelations le plus modernes, marks the low end of the Ohio, Hohio, the upper, Ouye,

whether the Wabash or the Main river it is i

sible to say. The map attached to Charles Histoire et description generale de la Nouvelle Fre 1743, by W. B. ing. du Roy et Hydrog marine, marks the north branch Oyo or Belle Ra

matter almost of indifference which side should be touched-and a point on the Wabash, near the Miamis Portage; almost certainly the south-west end of this portage. After it struck the Wabash, it continued along that river to its junction with the Ohio, and thence down the course of the Main River to the Mississippi. Northward of the Ohio, this line does not appear to have followed the Mississippi. The French memorial of the 13th September, without the aid of the marked map, throws only an obscure light on this point, when it proposes that, "The intermediate savage nations between the lakes and the Mississippi, and within the line traced out, shall be neuter and independent, under the protection of the King, and those without the line, on the side of the Eng

quois word which means, I am informed, a slowly flowing river. Vaudreuil, even in his letter of denial, admits that Canada went in this direction to the Miamis portage, between the Illinois and the Ouabache rivers, the course taken by La Salle in his voyage of discovery to the Mississippi. Red Lake, another point which the line struck, must be sought out. There are two lakes that bear that name; one north and the other west of Lake Superior. Isaac Long, in the map attached to his travels, (my copy is a French translation) places one of these lakes about due north of Lake Nipegon. It has disappeared from some later maps, and is apparently replaced by "Long Lake;" but in one published by the Society for the diffusion of useful knowledge it appears much farther west than Long placed it. It received the name of Red Lake, accordinglish, shall be likewise neuter and indepento a legend which he preserves, from some Indian hunters having shot a colossal animal which had moved with slow and heavy tread along its margin, which they believed to be Matchee Manito, or the evil spirit, and of which the blood, when the monster received its death wound, coloured the waters of the lake. A line striking so far north obviously could not be the one intended to designate the western boundary of Canada. The other Red Lake is one of the sources of Red River. It is situated not at its southern extremity but at the source of one of its eastern branches. Its longitude appears, on some maps, to be a little west of the north-west corner of the Lake of the Woods; on others it appears on the same meridional parallel.

On the line agreed to by the French and English Governments we have one certain point, and another which may be approximately fixed, the point on Red Lakea body of water so small as to make it a

Quabach is in the upper end, somewhat out of position. Bellecocq, translating from the English, in the second year of the French Republic, writes it Wabac.

dent, under the protection of the King of England." The line at the first definite point where we can trace it, is drawn from Red Lake southward till it strikes the Wabash, and proceeds down that river and its parent stream, the Ohio, till the Mississippi is reached. East of this line the intermediate savage nations must be sought. With anything outside of it we have, for the present purpose, nothing to do. The object of carrying this line down the Ohio must have been to obtain a southern boundary. If it had been intended, at that time, to make the Mississippi the western boundary, the line would have been produced westward from Red Lake, and the course of the river followed to the junction with the Ohio, whence the western boundary would have been traced. But all this is really of very little importance. The essential point is to know that the western boundary of Canada went as far as Red Lake. The map on which it was traced, unless some casualty has befallen it, ought to be found in the British archives; and it might be useful as showing the exact point at which Red

Lake was touched.

After Crozat's dream of establishing a empire in the valley of the Mississippi, ar possibly making his daughter the wife of Medici, and the Mississippi company w Law and his paper bubbles had come the scene, the limits of Louisiana were ex tended on the north. An arrêt issued the 27th September, 1717, detaching the I linois from Nouvelle France and incorper. ting it with Louisiana.*

The definitive treaty of Peace, Feb. 10, grantee, expeditions were sent out into I1763, irrevocably fixed the limits between, nois in search of mines.* the French possessions and those of His Britannic Majesty, by a line drawn along the "middle of the Mississippi river, from its source to the river Iberville, and from thence by a line in the middle of that stream, and of lakes Maurepas and Pontchartrain, to the sea." All the French possessions on the left side of the Mississippi, except the town and island of Orleans, were ceded to England. In this cession was included more than Canada. The seventh article contains a preamble which explains the reason for including a part of Louisiana: "In order to establish peace on solid and durable foundations, and to remove for ever all causes of dispute in relation to the limits between the French and British territories, on the continent of America." The designation of the limits of Canada, on the west, at the capitulation of Vaudreuil, and in the subsequent correspondence between the two courts, was not new. The map of the Academy of Sciences, (1718) makes Canada or New France extend to the head waters of the rivers that run into Lake Michigan and Green Bay (Baye des Puans of the French); and it includes in Louisiana all the territory west of this point, of which the rivers empty into the Mississippi.*

The grant of Louisiana, made to Crozat, by Louis XIV, Sept 17, 1712, was not quite so extensive. It gave him the right of exclusive trade in all the French territories, bounded by New Mexico, on the side of the Spanish, and by Carolina on the side of the English; the Mississipi from the sea to the Illinois; the Wabash and Ohio, being the northern boundary, and the Illinois being excluded on the north. Under the Crozat monopoly, which proved not less intolerable to the inhabitants than profitless to the

M. Garneau's reading of this map agrees with my own that it claims as " Louisiana, du côté de l'est toutes terres dont les eaux tombent dans le Mississippi."

Then were established, substantially, t limits of Canada, on the west, which V dreuil is alleged to have traced on the ca itulation of Montreal, and which were ce tainly agreed upon in the course of th same year between the Governments of Fran and England.

Great Britain having once become por sessed of the country as far west as the Mississippi, the competence of Parliame to extend the government of Canada to ur limit cannot be questioned. Did it do s in the Quebec Act? This is certain doubtful; more than doubtful I think When the line of boundary prescribed that statute struck the Ohio, it went west ward along that river to the Mississip from the junction of the Ohio with the M sissippi, it went "northward" till it intersected the southern boundary of the Hudson Bay Territory. In the first case, it was to follow the course of the river; in the secor it was simply to go "northward." By the Proclamation of 1791, Canada was to irclude all the territory west and south of 1 line drawn due north from Lake TemiscaTing till it reached the southern border ci Hudson's Bay Territory, commonly known as Canada.

How are we to know these western limits? The concurrence of the Governments of France and England in a western line of Canadian boundary is the

*Charlevoix, Tome 4, P, 170.
*Charlevoix, T, 4, P, 194.

best evidence we can have. It is, besides being official, the boundary which the previous owner of the country admitted, and which the new owner insisted on. That line touches at Red Lake; and if Red Lake be taken as a determinate point to which the line of the Quebec Act must be drawn, in its "northward " course, all difficulty vanishes, and there is a perfect accord between the line agreed upon between the French and English Governments and the Quebec Act and the Proclamation of 1791.

I think, then, it is a legitimate conclusion from all the facts, that Red Lake indicates the western boundary of Ontario; that all the country south of the Hudson Bay Territory, and north of the United States' boundary line, east of this point, to the meridian of Lake Temiscaming, belongs to Ontario; and that the northern boundary of Ontario must, under the tenth article of the Treaty of Utrecht, be found on the height of land which separates the Arctic and the Atlantic water-sheds.



OI say good-bye to my love, So Here at the garden gate to-night; From the little chin to the hair above, All the face of my heart's delight.

Good-bye is easily said!

One long kiss on the lips of my sweet;

Ours again will never meet;

One more kiss on the little chin,

Pressing the tiny dimple in;

Kisses two for the dainty ears;

No more whispers of hopes or fears.

Good-bye is easily said!

One last kiss on the fair white brow;

No more there for ever now;

Two on her cheeks with their maiden down ;

Never for me will come dimple or frown ;

Brown hair, waving over her head,

You will wave when I shall be dead.
Good-bye is easily said!

Two soft kisses on two soft eyes,—

Dear love that in them lies,
You and I are strange from to-day,
You have pledged yourself away;

Take farewell, and let me go-
Whither I neither care nor know.
Good-bye is easily said!

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