A General Digest of the Law of Corporations: Presenting the American Adjudications Upon Public and Private Corporations of Every Kind. With a Full Selection of English CasesBaker, Voorhis & Company, 1880 - 1004 lappuses |
Citi izdevumi - Skatīt visu
A General Digest of the Law of Corporations: Presenting the American ... Benjamin Vaughan Abbott Priekšskatījums nav pieejams - 2018 |
A General Digest of the Law of Corporations: Presenting the American ... Benjamin Vaughan Abbott Priekšskatījums nav pieejams - 2018 |
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action agent amount Appeals apply assessment association authority bank Bank of United Barb bill bind bonds Branch Bank by-laws Canal cashier Chancery charter City Conn contract court court of equity creditors damages debts deposit directors election Exch executed franchise funds grant Held holder incorporated indorsement insolvent insurance company issued land Law J. N. S. legislature liable loan mandamus Mass Mayor &c ment mortgage municipal corporation N. Y. Ct N. Y. Superior Ct N. Y. Supreme Ct notice officers Ohio owner paid pany party payable payment persons plaintiff poration preme Ct president promissory note provision purchase purpose quo warranto R. R. Co Railway received road seal shares statute stockholders subscribed thereof tion town transfer trustees Turnpike Co valid void vote Wend