Senate Amendments, Military Establishment Appropriation Bill for 1941: Hearings Before the Subcommittee of the Committee on Appropriations, House of Representatives, Seventy-sixth Congress, Third Session, on the Senate Amendments to the Military Establishment Appropriation Bill for 1941

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U.S. Government Printing Office, 1940 - 72 lappuses

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785. lappuse - Committee, and in necessary travel, and while so engaged they may be paid actual travel expenses and not to exceed $10 per diem in lieu of subsistence and other expenses.
160. lappuse - An Act to make provision for the care and treatment of members of the National Guard, Organized Reserves, Reserve Officers...
61. lappuse - ... for at least one year in every period of five consecutive years, except that officers of less than one year's commissioned service in the Regular Army may be detailed as students at service schools...
871. lappuse - We have over 8,000 member stores located in every State in the Union and in the District of Columbia.
67. lappuse - That in time of war in which the United States shall bo engaged, or when, in the opinion of the President, war is imminent, such officer of the Army as the President may designate shall, upon the order of the President, assume and have exclusive authority ami jurisdiction over the operation of the Panama Canal and all of its adjuncts, appendants, and appurtenances, including the entire control and government of the Canal Zone...
84. lappuse - System, 1917-1919; the Planning Branch of the Office of the Assistant Secretary of War, 19221934; and the Navy Department Bureaus of Engineering, 1910-1940, and Construction and Repair, 1896-1940.
918. lappuse - I made the statement in connection with a general survey of conditions, that if Europe blazed in the late spring or summer we must put our house in order before the sparks reached the Western Hemisphere.
812. lappuse - Silverman, chief counsel of the Division of Territories and Island Possessions, Department of the Interior, was detailed by the Secretary of the Interior at the committee's request to serve as counsel of the committee.
76. lappuse - Insane after transfer thereto from such barracks or place, to their homes (or elsewhere as they may elect), provided the cost- in each case shall not be greater than to the place of last enlistment...
331. lappuse - We only have from then until about the latter part of August or the first part of September during which any construction work can be done.

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