Lapas attēli

Federal Trade Commission Act (con- | Hudson River Railroad mortgage, 2


Section 5: procedure in respect of
"unfair methods of competi-
tion," 320-322

Federal Trade Commission and Clayton
Act; paper by Gilbert H. Mon-
tague, 275-326
Finch, Judge; extract of opinion in
Seymour v. Spring Forest Ceme-
tery Association, 224
Foreclosure of Railroad Mortgages;
paper by James Byrne, 77-152


Hughes, Governor; extract from address
and message pertaining to Public
Service Commission, 327, 328,

Hughes, Mr. Justice; extract from ad-
dress before State Bar Associa-
tion, 356

Income bonds, 69

Interstate Commerce Commission; ref-
erence to, in lecture on Public
Service Commissions, 349, 351,
352, 354, 355, 357, 363, 364

of Corporate mortgages generally, 153 Interstate Trade Commission. See Fed-
of Railroad mortgages, 77, 156

eral Trade Commission

French administrative departments, ref- Introductory Note, vii

erence to, 370, 371

Fuller, Chief Justice; extract of opinions
on Sherman Antitrust Law, 241,

Goodnow, Frank J.; on the need of ex-

perts in the government service,

Judicial Code of U. S.; effect on fore-
closure of railroad mortgages, 77,

Judiciary threatened in England and
America by growth of bureau-
сгасу, 363-370

Government, growth of bureaucracy in Kahn, Otto H.; extract from article in
England and America, 368–370

World's Work, 357

need of trained experts in, 347, 356-Kenna,' Senator; remarks in debate on
370, 372
Sherman Antitrust Law, 253

Gray, Judge; extract of opinion on
Public Service Commissions Law,

Guaranteed bonds, 70
Guthrie, William D.; paper on Public
Service Commissions, 347-374

Harlan, Justice; extract of opinions on

Sherman Antitrust Law, 241, 242
Harmon, Attorney-General; report to
Congress on Sherman Antitrust
Law, 243

Lacombe, Judge

extract of opinion on Clayton Act,

extract of opinion on Sherman Anti-
trust Law, 267

Lanning, Judge

extract of opinion on Sherman Anti-
trust Law, 249

Lowell, A. Lawrence; on need of ex-
perts in the government service,

Hoar, Senator; remarks on Sherman Lumbering Companies mortgages, 30

Antitrust Law, 250

Holding Companies, 230

Hollis, Senator; definition of "unfair

methods of competition," 317
Holmes, Justice; extract of opinions on
Sherman Antitrust Law, 250,
251, 260

Hook, Judge; extract of opinions on
Sherman Antitrust Law, 253, 256

Hough, Judge
extract of opinion in Guaranty Trust
Co. v. Inter. Type. Mach. Co.,

Lurton, Judge

extract of opinion in Central Trust Co.
v. Cincinnati H. & D. Ry. Co.,

extract of opinion in Horn v. Pere
Marquette R. Co., 91

Massachusetts trusts, 232
Metropolitan Traction Company, re-
organization, 231

Mining Companies mortgages, 30
Mohawk & Hudson Railroad mortgage,

extract of opinions on Clayton Act, Montague, Gilbert H.; paper by, 275-

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Rapid Transit Act; jurisdiction of | Storey, Moorfield; extract from address

[blocks in formation]

Saulsbury, Senator; definition of "unfair
methods of competition," 317
Senate Judiciary Committee; extract
of report on Clayton Act, 300
Sherman Antitrust Law
Contents as originally enacted, ab-
stract of, 240

Criminal Provisions discussed, 272
History of act, 235-239

Objects as explained in debate, 237-

Paper on; by George W. Wickersham,

Stetson, Francis Lynde; paper by, 1-76
Stevens, Congressman; extract of mi-
nority report on Clayton Act,

Stock Exchange Rules

Bond issues, 71

Protective agreements, 171

Stockholders' Protective Committees, 162

to American Bar Association, 189
Strong, Mr. Justice; extract from opin-
ion in Jackson v. Ludeling, 47

Taft, Ex-President; extract from address
referring to Clayton Act, 299

Taft, Judge

extract of opinion in Continental
Trust Co. case, 83

extract of opinion in Farmers Loan &
Trust Co. v. Toledo A. A. & N. M.
Ry. Co., 128

extract of opinion on Sherman Anti-
trust Law, 244

Taney, Chief Justice; extract from
opinion in Gue v. Canal Co., 47
Tariff Act, Wilson; section 73 discussed,
295, 296

Trade Commission and Clayton Act;
paper by Gilbert H. Montague,

Trading Companies mortgages, 30
Trustees; provisions concerning, in
mortgages, 40, 52, 55

Unfair methods of Competition. For
discussion of phrase in reference
to Federal Trade Commission Act,
see Federal Trade Commission

United States Judicial Code. See Judi-

cial Code of United States
United States Leather Company, re-
organization, 217
United States Steel Corporation, re-
organization, 230

Voting Trusts, 208

Wabash Railroad, reorganization, 177, 184
Walsh, Senator; definition of "unfair
methods of competition," 317
Westinghouse Manufacturing and Elec-

tric Company, reorganization, 220
White, Chief Justice; extract of opinion
on Sherman Antitrust Law, 254
Wickersham, George W; paper by, 235-

Williams, Senator; definition of " un-
fair methods of competition," 317
Wilson, President; extract of address
to Congress on Trade Commission,

Wilson Tariff Act; section 73 discussed,
295, 296

Wyman, Bruce; on public service com-
missions, 366


Listed under both title of plaintiff and defendant. Cases in Federal Courts
are given under each of these titles without attempting to indicate the moving
party in appellate cases, especially when the United States is a party.

A. B. Dick Co., Henry v., 294, 306
Adams, Broadway Nat'l Bank v., 233
Adams v. Mercantile Trust Co., 104
Adams, Millard v., 285

Adams v. Robinson, 108, 109, 143
Addyston Pipe & Steel Co. v. United
States, 245-247, 258, 272, 297
Adelbert College, Wabash R. R. v.,
82, 104, 145

Arents v. Commonwealth (Va.), 70
Armour v. United States, 314
Arms, Kimberly v., 137
Arnold, Hussey v., 233
Arnot v. Erie R. R., 70
Asphalt Co., Gallagher v., 159, 160
Asphalt Co. of America, Land Title &
Trust Co. v., 159

Atlantic Coast Line, Prentis v., 339

Alabama & Georgia Mfg. Co. v. Robin- Atlantic Trust Co. v. Chapman, 86, 99,
son, 108, 109, 143

Allen v. Dallas & Wichita R. R., 33
Allison, Southern Ry. v., 81


Atlantic Trust Co. v. Dana, 33, 113, 116

Alsbrook, Wilmington & Welden R. R. Bailey v. New York Central & H. R. R.,
v., 286
Aluminum Co. v. United States, 318, Bank (Nat'l, Newport), Evertson v., 164
Barnard, Clark v., 81

American Coal Products Co. v. United Barnard v. Vermont etc. R. R., 228
States, 318, 323
Barr . N. Y., Lake Erie & Western
R. R., 225

American Iron Co. v. Seaboard Air
Line Ry., 124

Barrow, Shields v., 139

American Loan Co., Kneeland v., 113, Barry v. Merchants' Exchange Co., 3
121, 190

American Malt Corporation v. Board
of Public Utility Commissioners, 219
American Naval Stores Co. v. United
States, 318, 323

Batchelder v. C. G. W. Co., 18
Batterman Co., Odell v., 110
Bedell, Green v., 284
Belden v. Burke, 225
Bergdorf, Matter of, 51, 53

American Sugar Refining Co., Penn Bergen, Crawford v., 284
Sugar Refining Co. v., 245

Bergen v. U. S. Steel Corporation, 230

American Sugar Refining Co. v. United Bernheimer v. Converse, 89
States, 240

American Tobacco Co., United States
v., 243, 249, 252, 262, 264, 266, 270,
318, 323, 324
American Tobacco Co., Ware-Kramer
Tobacco Co. v., 318, 323

American Trust Co. v. Metropolitan
Steamship Co., 99

American Waterworks Co., Farmers
Loan & Trust Co. v., 115
American Writing Paper Co., Goodman
v., 214

Bigelow, Old Dominion Copper Co.
v., 225-227

Billingham v. Gleason Mfg. Co., 228
Binghampton Light, Heat & Power
Co. v. Stevens, Peo. ex rel., 343
Black Hawk Gold Mining Co., Carpen-

ter v.,

Blair v. City of Chicago, 88
Blatchford, Phillips v., 233

Blount Mfg. Co. v. Yale & Towne Mfg.
Co., 305

Blum . Whitney, 224, 228, 229

Appleton Water Works Co. v. Central Board of Public Utility Commissioners,

Trust Co., 104

American Malt Corporation v., 219

Boesch v. Graff, 137

Booth v. Clark, 89

Boston, City of, Richardson v., 286

Bostwick v. Young, 225

Bosworth v. Hook, 138

Bowen, Burnham v., 120

Central Trust Co., Wabash, St. Louis
& Pacific Ry. v., 85, 86

Central Trust Co. v. Worcester Cycle
Mfg. Co., 105, 106

Central West Pub. Co. v. United
States, 318, 323

Boyd, Northern Pacific R. R. v., 191, C. G. W. Co., Batchelder v., 18

195-198, 201

Bradley v. Bradley, 284

Bray, U. S. Fidelity Co. v., 129
Bridge Operating Co. v. Public Service
Comm., Peo. ex rel., 344

Brierfield Co., Hollins v., 84

C. H. V. & T. Ry., Central Trust Co.

v., 33

Chapman, Atlantic Trust Co. v., 86,
99, 101

Chattanooga R. & C. R. R. Co., Cen-
tral Trust Co. v., 116

Broadway Nat'l Bank v. Adams, 233 Chicago, City of, Blair v., 88
Brown, Davis v., 286


Brown & Gregory Ltd., In re,
Buckeye Powder Co. v. E. I. du Pont
de Nemours Powder Co., 302, 318,

Burke, Belden v., 225

Burnham v. Bowen, 120

Chicago & Milwaukee Electric Ry.,
Investment Registry v., 131, 197
Chicago & N. W. Ry. v. Whitton,
Adm., 81

Chicago, P. & St. Louis R. R., Mer-

cantile Trust Co. v., 104, 106
Chicago, R. I. & P. R. R. v. Howard, 70

Burroughs Adding Machine Co. v. | Chicago, R. I. & P. R. R., Watson v.,

United States, 319, 323

Cambria Steel Co., Central Improve-
ment Co. v., 197

Canada Southern Ry. v. Gebhard, 6
Canandaigua Academy v. McKechnie,

Carleton, Cragin v., 285

16, 18, 20, 44-46, 72

Chicago & R. I. R. R., Central Trust
Co. v., 131, 162

Chicago Ry. Equipment Co. v. Mer-
chants National Bank, 17

Chicago Ry., Merchants Loan &
Trust Co. v., 190.
Chicago, Snell v., 3

Carnegie Steel Co., Southern Ry. v., Chicago Terminal Co., United States
118, 121, 123, 124

Trust Co. v., 110

Carpenter v. Black Hawk Gold Mining Chicago & Vincennes Railroad v. Fos-
Co., 3

Carrothers, Mason v., 225, 228
Center, Elliott Machine Co. v., 308
Central Improvement Co. v. Cambria
Steel Co., 197

dick, 104, 105, 111, 143

Cincinnati, H. & D. Ry., Central

Trust Co. v., 132

Cincinnati, N. O. & S. Ry., Thomas v.,


Central Lumber Co. v. South Dakota, Citizens' Bank, New Orleans v., 286
296, 318, 323
Citizens' St. R. R., City Ry. Co. v., 29
Central R. R., Virginia & Alabama City Ry. Co. v. Citizens' St. R. R., 29
Coal Co. v., 123
Claflin v. Ostrom, 70

Central Trust Co., Appleton Water Clark v. Barnard, 81

Works Co. v., 104

Central Trust Co. v. Chattanooga

R. & C. R. Co., 116

Clark, Booth v., 89

Clarke, France v., 164

Clark, Hulburt v., 38

Central Trust Co. v. C. H. V. & T. Ry., Clark v. Irvin, 284

Cleland, In re, 88

Central Trust Co. v. Chicago & R. I. Clemes, Hamilton Trust Co. v., 29
R. R., 131, 162

Central Trust Co. v. Cincinnati,

H. & D. Ry., 132

Cleveland etc. R. R., St. Louis etc.
R. R. v., 122
Clum, Eisenlord v., 285

Central Trust Co. v. Grant Locomotive Clyde v. Richmond & D. R. Co., 128

Works, 129

Central Trust Co., Julian v., 145
Central Trust Co. v. Madden, 129
Central Trust Co. v. McGeorge, 84

Coe, Pennock v., 32, 47

Cohoes Ry. v. Public Service Comm.,
Peo. ex rel., 343

Coleman, Shields v., 145

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