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The Nation and the States versus the Nation without the States, by Nicholas Murray Butler, January, 1923.

The Courts and the People, by Albert J. Beveridge, January, 1923.

Senator LaFollette's Attack on the Supreme Court, by Nicholas
Murray Butler, February, 1923.

4. Sentinels of the Republic, by Louis A. Coolidge, February, 1923.


A Rational Immigration Policy, by Nicholas Murray Butler, February, 1923.

6. Wages and Industry, by J. A. Graves, February, 1923.




Should We Recognize Soviet Russia? by Jerome Landfield, Feb-
ruary, 1923.

What is the Matter with the Railways? by Henry S. Pritchett,
February, 1923.

A Plea and a Plan for Tax Revision, by Otto H. Kahn, March, 1923. 10. Relation of the United States to the International Court of Justice, by James Brown Scott, March, 1923.

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