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Monday, May 2, 1921.

The committee met at 10 o'clock a. m., Hon. Gilbert N. Haugen (chairman) presiding.

There were present: Mr. Haugen, Mr. Purnell, Mr. Voigt, Mr. McLaughlin, of Nebraska, Mr. Riddick, Mr. Tincher, Mr. Williams, Mr. Sinclair, Mr. Hays, Mr. Thompson, Mr. Clague, Mr. Aswell, Mr. Kincheloe, Mr. Jones, and Mr. Ten Eyck.

The CHAIRMAN. The committee has been called together this morning to give consideration to packer legislation.

What arrangement can we make as to division of time and who shall control the time? Who will take charge of the time in opposition to the legislation?

Mr. LIGHTFOOT. We are perfectly willing to leave that, Mr. Chairman, to the selection of the committee, or if you desire, some of the counsel for the packers are here and they might take charge of that, if there is no one on the committee who desires to do so.

The CHAIRMAN. Can an arrangement be made between the packers, traders, commission men, and others affected?

Mr. LIGHTFOOT. I think so. We can divide the time according to the witnesses who are here.

The CHAIRMAN. Then whom do you suggest?

Mr. VEEDER. Gen. Lightfoot and I between us will see to it that one of us appears here all along and see that the witnesses for the opposition are allotted time, if that is what is desired.

The CHAIRMAN. If that is agreeable to all opposed to the bill, I am sure it will be agreeable to the committee.

Mr. SULLIVAN. Mr. Chairman, there is an independent witness here who desires to be introduced into the discussion, from the State of Minnesota, and will take only a very few moments of your time, the point being that Minnesota already has a stock yards regulation of its own, and desires to introduce the subject of amending the bill so as to exempt Minnesota from the operations of the bill.

The CHAIRMAN. Would the arrangement suggested be satisfactory to you?

Mr. SULLIVAN. Mr. Chairman, there is only one feature involved, and that is it will only take a few moments and his engagements are such that he would like to be heard early, if that is compatible with the division of the time on the part of those in opposition. Mr. LIGHTFOOT. That is agreeable to us.

The CHAIRMAN. The thought is to give everybody an opportunity to be heard in the time alloted.


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