Pure mathematics, 1. sējums

Pirmais vāks

Atlasītās lappuses

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272. lappuse - The angles in the same segment of a circle are equal to one another.
103. lappuse - When a straight line standing on another straight line makes the adjacent angles equal to one another, each of the angles is called a right angle; and the straight line which stands on the other is called a perpendicular to it.
233. lappuse - If there be two straight lines, one of which is divided into any number of parts, the rectangle contained by the two straight lines is equal to the rectangles contained by the undivided line, and the several parts of the divided line. Let A and BC be two straight lines, and let BC be divided into any...
112. lappuse - IF two triangles have two sides of the one equal to two sides of the...
128. lappuse - To a given straight line to apply a parallelogram, which shall be equal to a given triangle, and have one of its angles equal to a given rectilineal angle.
119. lappuse - If a side of any triangle be produced, the exterior angle is equal to the two interior and opposite angles; and the three interior angles of every triangle are together equal to two right angles.
113. lappuse - ... equal angles in each ; then shall the other sides be equal, each to each ; and also the third angle of the one to the third angle of the other.
273. lappuse - The opposite angles of any quadrilateral figure inscribed in a circle, are together equal to two right angles.
281. lappuse - The angle in a semicircle is a right angle ; the angle in a segment greater than a semicircle is less than a right angle ; and the angle in a segment less than a semicircle is greater than a right angle.
121. lappuse - THE straight lines which join the extremities of two equal and parallel straight lines, towards the same parts, are also themselves equal and parallel.

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