New York (Ctate) (curts OFFICIAL EDITION. THE MISCELLANEOUS REPORTS. CASES DECIDED IN THE COURTS OF RECORD OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK OTHER THAN THE Court of Appeals and the Appellate Division of the Supreme Court. Entered according to act of Congress, in the year one thousand nine hundred and six BY JOHN F. O'BRIEN, SECRETARY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK, In trust for the benefit of the People of the said State in the office of the Librarian of Congress, at Washington, D. C. Rec. Feb. 16, 1904 OTHER THAN THOSE DESIGNATED TO CONSTITUTE THE APPELLATE DIVISION. JUSTICES OF THE CITY COURT OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. Hon. EDWARD F. O'DWYER, CH. J., Hon. JOSEPH I. GREEN, 6. LEWIS J. CONLAN, THEODORE F. HASCALL, JUDGES OF THE COURT OF GENERAL SESSIONS OF THE PEACE OF THE CITY OF NEW YORK. *Also designated by the Appellate Division, First Department, to hold the Appellate Term of the Supreme Court for the hearing of appeals from the City Courts of New York for the boroughs of Manhattan and The Bronx, and The Municipal Courts of the city of New York for the boroughs of Manhattan and The Bronx. †Appointed January 16, 1906, vice George C. Barrett, resigned. Hon. CLIFFORD D. GREGORY. ELBA REYNOLDS*. WINFIELD SCOTT THRASHER GEORGE MCCANN ALBERT F. GLADDING*. ROBERT E. HEALEY. MARK DUNTZ‡. EDWARD A. WASHBURN Albany county, Cayuga county. Kings county. •Lewis county. Special County Judges Hon. DANFORTH R. LEWIS FRANK S. WHEELER JULIEN C. SCOTT... ALPHONSO E. COOLEY JOHN B. M. STEPHENS. WILLIS W. BYAM.... Also Surrogate. Cayuga county. Chautauqua county. Chenango county. Jefferson county. Monroe county. Oneida county. † Appointed January 15, 1906, vice Jerome B. Fisher, resigned. Appointed January 2, 1906, vice Sanford W. Smith, resigned. * Appointed December 28. 1905, vice Irving R. Devendorf, resigned. || Appointed January 2, 1906, vice Arthur E. Sutherland, resigned. FREELON J. DAVIS.. Surrogates Oswego county. Tioga county. Hon. NEWTON B. VAN DERZEE* .. Albany county. Cattaraugus county. Oneida county. Special Surrogates Cayuga county. Hon. HENRY F. MILLARD. *Appointed December 30, 1905, vice George H. Fitts, resigned. Also Special Surrogate. |