United Nations Reform: Hearing Before the Subcommittee on International Operations of the Committee on Foreign Relations, United States Senate, One Hundred Fourth Congress, Second Session, September 11, 1996, 4. sējums

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27. lappuse - Bank family (the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development, "IBRD", the International Development Association, "IDA", and the International Finance Corporation. "IFC"), and the...
37. lappuse - The time has come for the United States to deliver an ultimatum: Either the United Nations reforms, quickly and dramatically, or the United States will end its participation. For too long, the Clinton administration has paid lip service to the idea of UN reform, without imposing any real costs for UN failure to do so. I am convinced that without the threat of American withdrawal, nothing will change. Withholding US contributions has not worked. In 1986, Congress passed the Kassebaum-Solomon bill,...
35. lappuse - The time of absolute and exclusive sovereignty, however, has passed; its theory was never matched by reality. It is the task of leaders of States today to understand this and to find a balance between the needs of good internal governance and the requirements of an ever more interdependent world.
27. lappuse - New International Economic Order," and the "New World Information and Communications Order," the Third Worlders were known for political purposes as the self-described "Non-Aligned Movement" ("NAM"), and for economic purposes as the "Group of 77" ("G-77," although as the number of members grew, the name remained "G-77") They saw the General Assembly and the specialized agencies as inviting targets From the Law of the Sea Treaty to a series of efforts at regulating multinational corporate behavior,...
34. lappuse - Its bureaucracy proliferating, its costs are spiraling, and its mission is constantly expanding beyond its mandate - and beyond its capabilities. Worse, with the steady growth in the size and scope of its activities, the United Nations is being transformed from an institution of sovereign nations into a quasi-sovereign entity in itself.
2. lappuse - US SENATE, SUBCOMMITTEE ON OCEANS AND FISHERIES, COMMITTEE ON COMMERCE, SCIENCE, AND TRANSPORTATION, Washington, DC. The subcommittee met, pursuant to notice, at 2:35 pm in room SR-253, Russell Senate Office Building, Hon.
35. lappuse - The United Nations has moved from facilitating diplomacy among nationstates to supplanting them altogether. The international elites running the United Nations look at the idea of the nation-state with disdain; they consider it a discredited notion of the past that has been superseded by the idea of the United Nations. In their view, the interests of nation-states are parochial and should give way to global interests. Nation-states, they believe, should recognize the primacy of these global interests...
36. lappuse - Successful reform would achieve the twin goals of arresting UN encroachment on the sovereignty of nation-states while harnessing a dramatically downsized United Nations to help sovereign nations cope with some cross-border problems.
3. lappuse - American interests, with the conclusion that ']t[he time has come for the United States to deliver an ultimatum; Either the United Nations reforms, quickly and dramatically, or the United States will end its participation.
29. lappuse - Zero Real Growth" in agency budgets ("Zero Real Growth" is the policy which insists that an agency's budget growth stay in line only with increased costs caused by external factors, such as inflation, not under the agency's control ) In fact, one representative of a G-7 nation said at a Geneva Group meeting I attended that the Group's annual reaffirmation of the principle of Zero Real Growth was so painful that it was like his annual trip to the dentist In addition, some Geneva Group members were...

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