in § 8 Salyis is much nearer the MSS. silvis than Salluviis, which most editors insert. § 8. patientibus Salyis] the emendation of Valesius for the senseless patentibus silvis of the MSS. per Taurinos saltus vallemque Duriae Alpis] The MSS. have saltusque Iuliae or Iuriae. Mvg. inserts vallem and emends Duriae. He says that Alpis must be taken as an accusative plural, so that Iuliae lacks a substantive; moreover the Julian Alps are far distant from the route Livy describes. § 9. cognominem] emendation of Gronovius; MSS. cognomine. § 1. Cenomanorum] Glareanus; MSS. Germanorum. 35. 36. § 10. si forte] Mvg. for forte of MSS. See explanatory note. 39. § 4. crederet] a necessary emendation for crederent of MSS., if the ordinary reading is kept. The passage seems hopelessly corrupt, as apart from the anacoluthon the clause cum...Romam should be subordinate to nemo...crederet. It is possible that crederent should be retained and that nemo should be emended to neminem. Omitting quemquam and inserting quoniam above we should get :-Romani cum, quoniam pars maior ex acie Veios petisset quam Romam, neminem superesse praeter eos, qui Romam refugerant, crederent, etc. § 7. ratis] V rati; the other MSS. rati se. Most editors adopt rati; Ltb. suggests ratis, see explanatory note. The passage would be improved by the omission of the clause ante noctem ratis invasuros, as it adds nothing and might be a gloss explaining sub occasum solis. § 10. inde ex loco munito] The MSS. have ex loco inde munito from which it is difficult to get a satisfactory meaning. Dr Reid suggests the transposition of inde. 40. § 3. quod humani superesset mali] Finckh for quod humanis superesset malis of MSS. § 5. petit] V; petiit P, M. § 6. sequentes] Mvg. for exequentes of MSS. § 9. vehens] Ltb.; MSS. habens; Mvg. avehens. Val. Max I. 1. 10 in describing the same incident has vehens. § 10. publicas] Vaassen for publicos of MSS. 41. § 3. praefante] MSS. Mvg. adopts the emendation of Duker and reads praeeunte, as praeire is technically used in this connection. See explanatory note. 42. § 3. consipere] Lipsius for concipere of MSS. § 6. lux...inquieta] The MSS. have inquietam in agreement with noctem, but lux requires some attribute. 43. § I. nequaquam] I have written nequaquam for nequiquam of the MSS. The change is slight, and the error may have arisen from nequiquam occurring two lines above. It is difficult to extract a satisfactory sense from nequiquam territos; it would naturally mean 'terrified with vain fears' (cf. 28. 13 nequiquam exterrita civitate); the editors interpret it as meaning 'terrified without result' and say that we must understand that the Romans were in a panic, but still they would not yield. But we learn from the last sections of the preceding chapter that the panic was past, they were hardened and determined; nequaquam territos is therefore exactly appropriate. 44. § 1. eguit] emendation of Walker for egit of MSS., which can scarcely be applied to fortuna. Mvg. coegit; Mommsen voluit. 46. § 2. cinctu] V; the other MSS. cinctus. Wssb. suggests that we should read Gabino cinctu cinctus. § 9. custodia] Most MSS. have custodiae, but cf. the passages quoted in the explanatory note. § II. conpererit] the reading of the late MSS. is preferable to conperit which occurs in the best MSS. 47. § 6. turbatis mentibus] Mvg. for in turbatis mentibus of MSS. 48. § 5. abducere] is the reading of almost all the MSS. Most of the editors on the authority of one late MS. emend to adducere. § 9. vae victis] The MSS. read vae victis esse. Vae victis is the usual phrase, and is quoted by Festus, p. 372, in connection with this incident. 50. § 2. quod ea hostis possedisset] Quod is emended by most editors to quoad. The same emendation has been proposed in 34. 6, but the use of quod=quoad seems to be sufficiently established. See explanatory note. 51. § 5. prospera] V; the other MSS. prospere. § 9. terra] Gronovius for terrae. The locative terrae is found in the poets (='on the ground'); cf. Verg. Aen. XI. 87 proiectus corpore terrae; but its use in prose is not established. 52. § 1. momenta] Glareanus for monumenta of the MSS. Mvg. points out that rerum eventa cannot be properly described as monumenta culti numinis. The same change is found in some MSS. at 1. 47. 6; II. 7. 10. 53. § I. at enim apparet quidem pollui omnia nec ullis piaculis expiari posse] These words are not found in any MS. except V. The next clause obviously contains an objection which the speaker immediately answers; this objection could scarcely be introduced by sed. L. V. 13 It is best therefore to follow V. The letters pollui om are illegible in V, some word such as pollui or violari is required. § 5. Romani] The MSS. have quam Romani. Mvg. omits quam; he thinks Livy has used the well known form of putting a question and concluding an argument; cf. 52. 8. 54. § 3. meaeque calamitatis] H. J. M. for quam meae calamitatis of the MSS. The comparison is false; Mvg. omits meae. eam] Mvg. for ea of MSS. § 4. regionem Italiae mediam] Mvg. for regionum Italiae medium. § 6. ista expertis] The MSS. have expertis, P expertis latos. The object to expertis must be expressed, and various emendations have been proposed. 55. § I. movisse] V; the other MSS. movisse eos. Movere used absolutely (=to make an impression) is found also in III. 47. 4; XXVI. 24. 8. missa] V; the other MSS. emissa. Mittere vocem is the usual phrase. |