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6-Section (13/4-pint) Compartment..





Paint Pot Strainer, No. 16 Brass Gauze.... .60

THE LOCK BAIL The Painter has available in our compartment paint pot a device that avoids unnecessary trips, overcomes frequent moving of ladders to follow up his work and eliminates to a very large extent the hazards applying to his work.

The Paint Pots and Accessories are made up without solder and, therefore, permit of cleaning with blow torch or other suitable means.

Industrial Metal Ware Mfg. Co.


325 W. Second Street



Entered as second-class matter, LaFayette, Ind., under act of March 3, 1879.
Published monthly; $1.00 per year.

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"Tis to work and have such pay
As just keeps life from day to day
In your limbs, as in a cell,
For the tyrant's use to dwell.
'Tis to be a slave in soul
And to hold no strong control
Over your own will, but be
All that others make of ye.
So that ye for them are made,
Loom and plow and sword and spade,
With or without your own will, bent
To their defense and nourishment.
'Tis to see our children weak
With their mothers pine and peak,
When the winter's winds are bleak-
They are dying while I speak.

"Tis to hunger for such diet

As the rich man in his riot
Casts to the fat dogs that lie
Surfeiting beneath his eye.

And at length when you complain,
With a murmur weak and vain,
"Tis to see the tyrant crew
Ride over your wives and you.
Men of labor, heirs of glory,
Heroes of unwritten story,
Nurslings of one mighty mother,
Hopes of her and one another,
Rise like lions after slumber
In unvanquishable number;
Shake your chains to earth like dew
Which, in sleep has fallen on you!
Ye are many, they are few.

Important Information to All Members

of The Brotherhood

Shall The Defense Fund be Increased and Why?

Dear Sirs and Brothers:

Because of the numerous requests for financial assistance and the services of organizers and because of the many localities on strike or lockout, the General SecretaryTreasurer felt it his duty to call the matter to the attention of the members of the General Executive Board and it was unanimously agreed that some plan be suggested that would relieve the condition and would enable us to receive some additional revenue in the Defense Fund so that we might in a reasonable degree give sufficient financial assistance to Local Unions and District Councils in trouble and, in a measure, assure them success.

The plan proposed, and agreed to by the Board, is to submit to the vote of the membership in January the following proposition:

(1) That each member pay $1.00 per year for the official Journal, the same to be charged and paid by each member in the second quarter (April, May and June) of each year, the amount to be charged to each Local Union, based on the membership reported in May-this to include honorary members and apprentices.

(2) That the 121⁄2 per cent now being paid to the Journal Fund be placed in the Defense Fund. In other words, each member pay $1.00 per year for his Journal and the 121⁄2 per cent now going to the Journal Fund be paid to the Defense Fund.

Journal Fund Statement Under Present Percentage Basis Based on a Membership of 105,154-1921, the Average Membership to Date Is 95,000.

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Each Member Paying $1.00 Per Year for Journal Average membership paying dues each month in 1921 was 105,154. At $1.00 per member per year would

have been

Expenditures for Journal based on 1921 cost.

Estimated balance in fund on this basis......
Based on our membership today of approximately 95,000
at $1.00 per member per year, the Journal Fund will

Journal expenses based on 1921 cost....

Would leave a balance in Journal Fund of.







Under the percentage plan the Journal Fund received 64 cents per member per month. Under the new plan the Journal Fund would receive 83 cents per member per month, which would carry itself and by adding the 121⁄2 per cent now given the Journal Fund to the Defense Fund, it would allow greater relief to locals in need of and asking assistance.

In the last six months there were 102 requests made on the Executive Board for financial assistance (this does not include the many requests for organizers), of which there were 64 who stated the amount desired and 38 requests which failed to state the amount desired. Averaging these up with those which actually stated the amounts desired, a total of approximately $50,000.00 was asked for. The Executive Board being as liberal as they possibly could, granted requests for $13,954.00.

It must be apparent to every member of the Brotherhood that something must be done if we are to lend any encouragement and help to our Local Unions in trouble and if, after considering this matter thoroughly, your membership feels that the plan is the proper one and it meets with your approval, please send your endorsement to Headquarters. If not satisfactory, and you have some better plan to suggest, then make your recommendations accordingly.

The fact is that if we expect to progress and go forward in our work we must have the means to do it with. If you are satisfied with the present arrangements, then it is up to you, and you alone, and when the time comes and financial assistance is needed and the Executive Board cannot comply with your request, then do not grumble.

The General Secretary-Treasurer will be glad to answer all inquiries made regarding this proposed change, should any member desire to communicate with him.

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