CLASSIFICATION OF BUILDINGS. One-family dwellings, designed as such, however used. Tenements without elevators. Class 1. Class 2. Two-family dwellings. Class 3. Class 4. Class 5. Class 6. Class 7. Hotels and elevator apartment houses. Warehouses, loft buildings and department stores. Office buildings. Factories. Extract From Instructions Regarding Classification of Buildings. Whenever there is a doubt in the mind of the Deputy as to classification of a certain building his judgment must rule. Moving picture galleries will not be classed as theatres. Studio buildings may be classed as apartment houses, for the reason that they generally include a living apartment as well as the studio proper. There will necessarily be some hesitancy in deciding whether a building is a loft building, an office building or a factory, where a part of such building is used for one purpose and the balance for another. Loft buildings frequently have the first floor and sometimes two floors devoted to offices and the upper floors for light manufacturing, and loft buildings may sometimes be devoted almost entirely to light manufacturing and still be termed loft buildings. Brooklyn 67,857 53,337 48,744 286 1,730 800 1,406 2,049 Queens 43,164 17,320 Richmond 16,801 2,398 6,476 209 68 Total 165,380 84,339 106,996 2,971 9,863 1,192 6,532 23,411 9 10 Total 164 3,579 84,984 23 3,755 39,787 108 7,317 192,323 29 4,071 80,638 4 990 22,992 328 19,712 420,724 VACANT LAND. Note 1-In the suburbs, vacant parcels are frequently acreage plots, hence the actual area vacant is greater than the following figures indicate. Note 2-Every parcel which contains any improvement, however slight, is counted as improved. Note 3-Exempt and partially exempt parcels are included in the total number, but not in the number of vacant parcels. Only taxable land is listed in the number of vacant parcels. The United States Government-Exempted by Subdivision 1, Section 4, United States Appraisers' 2,400,000 2,400,000 2,400,000 2,400,000 5,750,000 5,750,000 5,750,000 5,750,000 Government land under water. 1,400,000 1,450,000 1,450,000 1,450,000 72,000 75,000 75,000 Cemeteries 1,153,000 1,155,000 1,155,000 1,555,000 Hospital 150,000 150,000 150,000 703,200 Quarantine 1,206,000 1,206,000 1,206,000 Total $67,254,300 $68,879,300 $69,625,500 $74,782,100 The State of New York-Exempted by Subdivision 2, Section 4, Tax The City of New York-Exempted by Subdivision 3, Section 4, Tax Law, Except Rapid Transit (Subway), Which is Other Owners, Corporations, Associations, Etc. -Exempted by Subdivisions 5, 7, 9, 10 and 11, Section 4, Tax Law, and in a Few Cases by the Charter of the Corporation or by Special Laws. cated on church lots, sub division 7, section 4 $195,713,280 $196,793,120 $198,003,770 $203,420,800 Asylums and homes, subdivi sion 7, section 4.. 33,414,105 33,669,450 33,951,125 32,028,250 Assessed Value of Exempt Real Estate, by Boroughs. |