Lapas attēli


seemed different, while their hatred and ambition were the same. Cæsar, who was ever foremost in offering battle, led out his army to meet the enemy,2 but Pompey, either suspecting the 3 troops or dreading the event, kept his advantageous situation, at the foot of the hill near which he was posted. Cæsar, unwilling to attack him at a disadvantage, resolved to decamp the next day, hoping to weary out his antagonist, who was not a match for him in sustaining the fatigues of duty. Accordingly, the order for marching was given,7 and the tents struck, when word was brought him, that Pompey's army had now quitted their entrenchments, and advanced farther into the plain than usual; 10 so that he might engage them at less disadvantage. Upon this, he caused his troops to halt,11 and with a countenance of joy informed them that the happy time was at last come which they had so long wished for,12 and which was to crown their glory, and terminate their fatigues. He drew up his troops in order,13 and advanced towards the place of battle.14 His forces did not amount to half those of


Pompey; the army of the one

1 qui prenait toujours l'initiative du combat; or, more literally, qui était toujours le premier à livrer (or, donner) bataille. Simply,



'marched to the

3 soit qu'il ne se fiât pas à (or, qu'il doutât de) ses.

4 You may here translate literally, or use the military expression, se couvrir (d'un bois, d'une rivière, d'une colline,-to post oneself near a wood, or a river, or a hill, so as not to be easily attacked on that side).

5 avec, followed by no article. 6 qui n'était pas de même force que lui à (or, qui n'était pas capable au même degré que lui de-or, again, qui le lui cédait quand il s'agissait de) supporter les fatigues de la guerre (or, d'une campagne).

7 he gave his orders for marching (partir); and put a full stop here, to avoid the same vicious



was about forty-five ellipsis as in the text (tents struck).

8 They (On) had already struck the tents (plié les tentes-or, levé le camp).' We also say, planter le piquet (or, asseoir un camp), 'to pitch a camp-to camp;' dresser une tente, to pitch a tent; and lever le piquet (i. e., décamper), to decamp.'

9 when he heard,'-to avoid the ungrammatical repetition of on (see page 167, note 4).

1 See page 22, note 7.-' usual,' here, de coutume; or, à l'ordinaire.

11 See page 9, note 6, and page 108, note 'to halt' (neuter), faire halte. 12 See p. 38, n. 5.

13 to draw up one's troops in order,' ranger ses troupes en bataille (or, en ordre de bataille); or, simply, former sa bataille.

14 combat, to avoid repeating bataille at so short an interval. 15 celui-ci, or, ce dernier (the latter). 16 of about.'

thousand foot and seven thousand horse;1 that of the other, not exceeding twenty-two thousand foot, and about a thousand horse. This disproportion, particularly in the cavalry, had filled Cæsar with apprehensions; he therefore had, some days before, picked out the strongest and nimblest of his foot-soldiers, and accustomed them to fight between the ranks of his cavalry. By their assistance, his thousand horse was a match for4 Pompey's seven thousand, and had actually got the better in a skirmish that happened between them some days before. Pompey, on the other hand, had a strong expectation of success; he boasted that he could put Cæsar's legions to flight, without striking a single blow; presuming that, as soon as the armies formed,10 his cavalry, on which he placed his greatest expectations,11 would outflank and surround the enemy. In this disposition 12 Pompey led his troops to


As the armies approached, the two generals went from rank to 13 rank encouraging their men, warming their 14 hopes, and lessening their apprehensions.15...

There was no more space between both armies than to give room 16 for fighting: Pompey therefore ordered his men to receive the first shock without moving from their places, expecting the enemy's ranks to be put into disorder.

1 foot,' fantassins, or, hommes d'infanterie, or, again, hommes de pied.-horse,' chevaux, or, hommes de cavalerie. 2 among.'

3 By this means.' 4furent à même de tenir (or faire) tête à.-'match,' in this sense, is variously translated, according to the phrase: for another rendering, see preceding page, note 6.

5 et avaient effectivement (the French adjective actuel commonly means 'present,' and the adverb actuellement, at present,' 'now') eu le dessus (or, remporté l'avan tage). 6 had happened.' 7scarcely doubted.' 8 See page 7, note 7.

9 You may either translate literally, or use the made-up expres

sion sans coup férir.

10 would form :' this instance is connected with the rule given at page 52, note 2; see also page 178, note, and page 210, note 7.

11 he chiefly (principally) relied' (p. 19, n. 5, and p. 254 n. 1). 12 It was in this disposition of mind that.'

13 en (page 165, note 7).

14 leur monde, animant les,-so as to avoid both the awkward repetition of leurs, and also ambiguity.


rassurant les esprits.'

16 no more space (or room) than to give room,' is a shocking redundancy (see page 60, note 2): turn, "There was now (ne... plus) between both armies but just (que tout juste) space enough.'

Caesar's soldiers were now rushing on with their usual1 impetuosity, when, perceiving the enemy motionless, they all stopped short, as if by general consent, and halted in the midst of their career. A terrible pause 2 ensued, in which both armies continued to gaze upon each other with mutual terror and dreadful serenity.3 At length, Cæsar's men having taken breath, ran furiously upon the enemy, first discharging their javelins, and then drawing their swords.5 The same method was observed by Pompey's troops, who as firmly had sustained the attack. His cavalry, also, were ordered to charge at the very onset ; which, with the multitude of archers and slingers, soon obliged Cæsar's men to give ground.7 Cæsar instantly ordered the six cohorts, that were placed as a reinforcement, to advance, and to strike at the enemy's faces. This had its desired effect: Pompey's cavalry, that were just before sure of victory, received an immediate check. The 10 unusual method of fighting pursued by the cohorts, their aiming entirely at the visages 11 of the assailants, and the horrible disfiguring wounds they made,12 all contributed to intimidate so much that, instead of defending their persons, they endeavoured only to save their faces.13 A total rout ensued: they fled to the neighbouring mountains; while the archers and slingers, who were thus abandoned,14 were cut to pieces.15 Cæsar now commanded

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the cohorts to pursue their success, and charge Pompey's troops upon the flank; this charge the enemy withstood 2 for some time with great bravery, till Cæsar brought up his third line, which had not yet engaged. Pompey's infantry being thus doubly attacked, in front by fresh troops, and in rear 5 by the victorious cohorts, could no longer resist, but fled to their camp. The flight began among the strangers. Pompey's right wing still valiantly maintained its ground.7 Cæsar, however, convinced that the victory was certain, with his usual clemency cried out to pursue the strangers, but to spare the Romans; upon which they all laid down their arms, and received quarter. The greatest slaughter was among the auxiliaries, who fled on all sides. The battle had now lasted from break of day till noon:9 the weather was extremely hot; nevertheless, the conquerors remitted 10 not their ardour, being encouraged by the example of a general who thought his victory incomplete till he should become 11 master of the enemy's camp. Accordingly, marching on foot at their head, he called upon them to follow and strike the decisive blow. The cohorts, which were left to defend the camp, 1 charger (or, attaquer) de flanc en queue; or, par derrière. (or, en flunc); or, prendre en flanc. troupes étrangères (or, auxi2 Use soutenir, and change the construction thus, the enemy withstood this charge.'

3 fit avancer. The verb fit is here in the preterite of the indicative: after jusqu'à ce que ('till,' or until') the subjunctive is used if the action expressed by the second verb is the end to which the action expressed by the first tends voluntarily or necessarily (as, il restera là jusqu'à ce que je revienne); whereas the se cond verb is put in the indicative if it expresses an action fortuitous, unforeseen, and independent of the first verb (as, "Ces trois grands hommes commencèrent à demeurer dans la terre de Chanaan, mais comme des étrangers, jusqu'à ce que la faim attira Jacob Égypte."-BOSSUET). See p. 134, note 10 4 donné.





7 tint bon-or, tint ferme-or, se maintint, or, again, fit ferme (faire ferme is a military term for 'to keep, stand, or maintain one's ground')—quelque temps encore, et montra beaucoup de courage.

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8 It should have been, to pursue only the strangers, and to spare,' &c.: put it so in French. There is no clemency' in pursuing people: it is true that 'but,' which follows, acts somewhat as a corrective, but this does not prevent the idea from being badly presented altogether.

9 'It was noon, and the battle had lasted (see page 38, note 5) since the break,' &c.

10 to remit,' here, se relâcher de. 11should have rendered him


for some time made a formidable resistance, particularly a great number of Thracians and other barbarians, who were appointed for that purpose; but nothing could resist the ardour of Cæsar's victorious army; the enemy were at last driven from the 2 trenches, and they all fled to the mountains. Cæsar, seeing the field and camp strewn with his fallen countrymen, was strongly affected at the melancholy prospect, and cried out to one that stood near him,5 "They would have it so.'


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Upon entering the camp, every object presented fresh instances of the blind presumption and madness of his adversaries. On all sides were to be seen tents adorned with ivy and myrtle, couches covered with purple, and sideboards laden with plate. Everything gave proofs of the highest luxury, and seemed rather the preparatives for a banquet, or the rejoicings for a 10 victory, than the dispositions for 11 a battle. A camp so richly furnished might have been able to engage the attention of any troops but Cæsar's; but there was still something to be done,

1 This sentence is awkwardly constructed; put it so in French: -'He had to experience (essuyer) for (pendant, in this sense) some time a vigorous resistance from (see p. 45, n. 9, and p. 247, n. 3) the cohorts, which.... &c., and particularly from a great number &c., who were appointed for that purpose (simply, préposés pour cet effet).'

2 repoussé de (or, forcé hors de) ses. See page 295, note 4, and leave out all.'


3 la plaine. 4 with (de) the corpses of his countrymen; or, simply, de morts (with dead bodies-with dead).

5 and turning towards one of those who stood. cried out.'

6 Ils l'ont voulu. 7 des lits de table (literally, 'table-beds'), in this sense.

8 vaisselle, in this sense (i. e., vaisselle d'or, 'gold plate,' and vaisselle d'argent, or, vaisselle plate, 'silver plate'). There is great


confusion to be avoided respecting
these words, vaisselle and 'plate':
vaisselle also means 'plates and
dishes' (as, vaisselle de terre,
earthenware,' vaisselle de porce-
laine, chinaware'); a 'plate,' or
small dish to eat out of, is une
assiette, whilst plaque means
'plate' of metal, a 'slab.' In this
case, we had better translate, to re-
move all ambiguity (I mean, a
confusion between the two kinds of
vaisselle, viz. the gold and silver
plate, on the one hand, and the
plates and dishes on the other)—
we had better translate by vaisselle
d'or et d'argent: we may fairly
use d'or (gold), which is evidently
meant, as well as d'argent, in the
text, where we find, a little farther
on, the words 'highest luxury,'-
with which words d'argent (silver)
alone would hardly correspond.

9 seemed to announce rather.
-'for,' de.
10after the.'
11 than those (i. e. the pre-
paratives'-masc., in French) of.'

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